Oso's Guestbook
Here are some of my guests and what they've had to say!

Sarah - 11/20/00 14:04:06
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: The frozen tundra - East Mountains, New Mexico

The Bear Roar is great! Big bear hugs to you, Jerry!

Don Shortslef - 10/21/00 01:36:59
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: NYC

Jerry, your site is great!!! The photos are beautiful and remind me of my visits to the great State of NM. I've always loved the Southwest. Your pictures are really inspiring. Thanks so much for sharing your talents! Good to see that you are doing so w ll. It's great to get back in touch with friends. Keep in touch.

Don Shortslef - 10/21/00 01:34:00
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: NYC

Jerry, I your site is great!!! The photos are beautiful and remind me of my visits to the great State of NM. I've always loved the Southwest. Your pictures are really inspiring. Thanks so much for sharing your talents! Good to see that you are doing so well. It's great to get back in touch with friends. Keep in touch.

Igor Beres - 07/27/00 12:33:52
My URL:http://www.fotografija.com
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Croatia

I was L@@King arouuund this C@@L site !!! PER ASPERA AD ASTRA !!! Please visit me at : http://www.fotografija.com

Retrobear - 07/22/00 14:14:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/retrobear/retrobearspage.html
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Bostonarea

beautiful site!

Alberto Ramazzotti - 06/20/00 23:32:17
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Vrazil

Jerry, Firstable i want to tell you that your home page is very beautiful. Now i want to tell you that you are like a angel, i can fell it in your fotos (especialy your friend's fotos). I'll be very happy to talk to you. Infortunatly i don't have a home page but..... Hugs and a kiss for you

Pierre.Grim - 05/14/00 13:33:05
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~pierro
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Lelystad . Holland.

Hi, I realy enyoid your site thank you for showing realy top photography. foto'Pierro" http//www.crosswinds.net/~pierro

Mainer - 04/25/00 04:07:36
Where are you from?: Freeport, Maine

Nice site. I saw your senior picture on the wall of my school. I'm on that wall too. Well, see ya

Dorothy - 03/24/00 19:13:51
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Worcester Ma

Hey! This is great! You're lookin' good. Hope all is well. Michael M found your web-site and showed me how to talk to you. My MAC is not functioning, so my only acces is on a PC (yuk..) It's good to see the photography work you're doing. Keep it up. Luv ya - D.

Maddy - 03/21/00 23:13:24
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Shrewsbury, MA

friend of Jeff's Met you a long time ago. Very impressive site! Wonderful photos -really terrific

Mark B - 12/18/99 08:18:26
Where are you from?: NY,NY

You get a great big BEAR HUG for all your efforts! Your sensitivity and kindness, as well as talents are transparent. Any of your friends should feel BEARY lucky to be honored in your feature on your friends.

Biljana - 10/28/99 21:44:11
My URL:http://mamef.mef.hr/~biljana
My Email:[email protected]

Hello, Great site! I really enjoyed it. Greetings from Croatia!

Vicki - 10/04/99 15:48:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cliffs/1054/
Where are you from?: Ca

You truley have a talent for taking pictures. Thank You for the breath taking trip.

- 09/27/99 04:26:22
Where are you from?: New York City

Great photo's I felt like I was in New Mexico for a moment. You are a star!!!!

larry - 07/21/99 14:47:14
My Email:[email protected]

just visiting looking for fun,,

Darren Pierrot - 07/15/99 00:14:14
Where are you from?: Albuquerque

Nice to see another bear so close by. Your photography is beautiful!

Frances - 07/06/99 01:04:48
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: California

I'm a school teacher by trade and an artist at heart. I hit your sight looking for photograhps of flowers

DezertBear - 06/18/99 19:01:28
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Phoenix, AZ

Howdy semi-neighbor! What a lovely webpage... keep up the good work! It's good to see that you haven't been "framed" yet. Of course, the obligatory WOOF! --Dez

You - 06/14/99 14:59:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.co.jp/Milano/7721/
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Japan

I enjoyed your site.Your photography is very beautiful!! I want to go to same place as your photography.

Carolynne Knox - 04/06/99 22:05:25
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Austin Texas

I keep your site running in the background on my computer as I work and escape to New Mexico when serving global capitalism gets overwhelming. Thanks, OSO!

Steve - 03/23/99 04:14:55
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Denver, CO.

OSO, I really enjoyed your sight. Wow what great photography. I love NM I is one of my favorite places on earth. You have made me love it even more through your photography.

pat s. - 03/12/99 00:08:58
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: northern michigan

Nice site! Actually, I was looking for postcards of real bears and happened across your page. Anything bear-related intrigues me. This is a well-designed site and the photos are stunning. Keep up the good work!

- 01/05/99 06:53:08
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Orlando

I'm latin, I called my boyfriend oso too, we live in orlando, I wish I have a pic of him, he's a polar bear from Rhode Island.

Fernando - 01/05/99 06:45:45
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Argentina

Hi how are u? i see your page and is very goooood. i�m from argentina. and i would like know more about u. ok thanks

Carol - 12/22/98 16:06:39
My Email:notsure
Where are you from?: Tulsa

I don't yet know my Email address-I'm new to this. If the eye is the window to the soul, the images you've shared with us tell us wonderful things about you. My sister's husband died of AIDS. Two teddy bears were with him to the end. They could speak bout issues with strong emotional content better than the rest of us. I'm giving your web site address to my sister, and I know that she will see the beauty in what you've done (who you are), too. Thank you for doing this.

Greg - 12/20/98 21:17:33
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Vermont

What a great job you have done.Thanks

lisa - 10/27/98 16:57:32
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: San Diego

Hi Oso! Your work is inspiring, tranquil and truly a great way to take a bite out of nature. I continue to do the same. Thanx for the reintroduction of new beautiful sights!

J Drewien - 10/12/98 02:45:48
My URL:http://www.patchprints.com
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: California

Great stuff! Keep doing what your doing.... ~PEACE~

Grey Wolf of the Dawning - 09/20/98 21:14:11
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Uxbridge, MA

Awesome job, OSO! You must have been burning the midnight oil to get this project to completion.

Black Bear - 09/17/98 11:49:12
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Uxbridge, MA


spence - 07/09/98 18:01:19
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: las vegas

cool page. I enjoyed your pictures. the Georgie O'Keefe ones are my favorite.

Kara Townsend - 06/28/98 03:40:24
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

Richard Delgado - 06/09/98 06:31:23
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Albuquerque

Great panaramas of NEW MEXICO. Interesting site, lots of Goodies. Thanks from Rich.

Anna & Penny (Oso's Wives From 40 Years in The Future in an Alternate Universe!) - 05/02/2038 12:34:04
Where are you from?: MA

Nice web site, our husband.

Fred Anderson - 05/02/98 03:27:12
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Sturbridge, Mass.

Great Exhibit! I am very impressed with your Web page and all the fantastic pictures in your (Oso's) Gallery. Good job! (from e-mail message)

Jeff Piker - 04/26/98 16:23:05
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Kingston, Ontario, Canada

I just had a Sunday morning browse around your web-site. Impressive, indeed! This trip I only viewed the flower pix and your New Mexico gallery -- lovely shots in both places. I'll view the other galleries in some upcoming stroll around the site. (from e-mail message)

Ed Chevalier - 04/23/98 13:16:45
My URL:http://www.apci.net/~chevalie/home.htm
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: USA

I like your composition, however, the flower photos are rather grainy...

The grainy photos exist as the pages of flowers were my first try at creating web pages
and I used a translator program which took my or ginal photos
and combined them into a new lower resolution image.

Ed Kaspar - 04/18/98 01:18:26
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ukaspar/EorSorJ
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Santa Barbara, CA/Yonezawa-shi, Japan

I found your site through Tripod. I've traveled a little in New Mexico and I love looking at pics that were taken with a different eye. My favorite of yours so far is the O'Keeffe-3 (http://www.trail.com/~oso/okeeffe3.html). I love the contrast between er work of the bell, which looks very clean and new, and your photo, which has a texture that is very vibrant. It has a great emotive effect. I'll book mark your page and look at more of your photos! If you are interested in seeing some photos of Japan, have a look at my page. Thanks, Ed Kaspar

Tony Bucci - 04/18/98 00:00:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/village/4321
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Phoenix, AZ

Hi OSO! I'm an old friend of Tony Horvat. I found your page by doing a search on his name! :-) Great homepage.. liked your life stories.. I think we have a lot in common. Take care, and say hi to Tony for me. Hugs, Tony B.

erik - 04/17/98 17:03:24
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Denmark

Greetings from Denmark great look from your area thank-you.....

CHIPJONES - 03/26/98 15:15:04
Where are you from?: LEXINGTON, NC


Jack - 03/26/98 08:01:46
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: San Diego, CA

Hi Oso, Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed your web site very much. Your a very talented person. I will definitely be visiting quite often. The photo's are incredible. Best wishes.

Rob Cork - 03/23/98 17:31:12
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/unsinkable
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: VA

Hi Jerry! Bill's brother Rob here. Nice site!

Ralph Howard - 03/18/98 16:57:14
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: South San Francisco

Nice web page. I'm a friend of Tony from when he lived in Ill. I snagged a copy of his pic. Hope you don't mind. 73's Ralph

My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/6648/index.html
Where are you from?: JACKSON, NEW JERSEY


GG - 02/23/98 15:36:14
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Los Alamos

Hi Jerry! What a great site you are working on. Your photography made me make plans to get my cameras out and go for a tour to the mountains. Sorry I missed you guys Sunday. See you soon, keep up the good work.

Blaine - 02/22/98 15:22:19
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Boston

I really care about you Jerry and wish the best for you. Much love, B

J. Eliseo Vigil (eli) - 02/17/98 21:52:34
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: BIG areas of Northern New Mexico

OSO >>> This is a GREAT TREAT!!! Your site is creative and wonderful to look at... I know you will only make things Brighter and Better for all to enjoy... I am so SO Proud and Happy to have a GREAT Friend that you are... Best Wishes for a Wonderful tomor ow in the Beautiful suroundings that we have chosen to call home... TAKE CARE >>> eli

Bill - 02/16/98 17:54:10 -0700 (MST)
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Sedona, AZ

It's typically not my style to respond to web pages but I found yours interesting so I thought I'd drop a line and say so...I like virtually all forms of creative expression (I enjoyed your photos, btw). I love theatre and music...I love Elton - he was the first concert I ever went to as a teenager and he set the standard for showmanship as far as I'm concerned. I love Erasure as well. A few years ago, I was in Phoenix staying with m brother and made a casual, last-minute decision to go to their show. I was blown away by Andy's showmanship and Vince's musicianship. I also love ABBA and find myself defending them on a regular basis (great songwriting, inspired musicianship and the b st vocals this side of heaven should not require any defense)...(edited from e-mail message)

Tony - 02/12/98 22:19:39 -0700 (MST)
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?:Albuquerque

Love the graphics on your webpages. (e-mail message)

Don Teeuwsen - 02/12/98 01:20:38
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Toronto, Canada

Hi there Jerry! I realy liked your personal section and what you believe in. There is so much here to wonder about and think on. Persons like you make me really proud of being human. You seem honest, hard working, generous and thoughtful. I have only just started looking at home pages because my best bud and main man is going to make me one. I am fascinated by what people say about themselves and how they arrange and present information that says a lot but not necessarily things that are true about t emselves. Having said that, I want to say again that your page was not only interesting but thoughtful as well. It invited me to think on some of the things you believe in. Thank you. Big Hugs Don Teeuwsen

Max - 02/10/98 11:48:59 -0800
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: The Cyber-Highway

Hi, liked your page (e-mail message)

Orlando - 02/06/98 05:02:45
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Albuquerque

Hi Jerry, Love your website. See you soon perhaps - Cities of Gold!!!! Love Orlando

Bill Eyler - 02/06/98 04:35:54
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Albuquerque

Tony Horvat pointed me in your direction! Lovely pics and lovely life! (hugs)

Carl S. Tobie - 01/27/98 17:21:03 MST
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Santa Fe, NM

When Sky and I pulled up your website on the Internet at POCAF today we were very impressed. Your pages are very well designed and the photographs are beautiful. Enjoyed the boogying bears. Liked your links (as we seem to share almost the same political utlooks). You've had quite a varied life, moving around the U.S. and abroad. All the best. Carl Tobie (e-mail message)

Will - 01/24/98 11:14:48 EST
Where are you from?: Central Mass.

Site looks great. It's informative, it works (which many don't! in one aspect or another), and it is vibrant. Take care and good luck. Will (e-mail message)

Andrew Cork - 01/24/98 02:13:23
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Santa Barbara, CA

Dear Uncle Jerry: I like your web page. I like all the bears. Your nephew, Andrew.

Bob Wellman - 01/21/98 19:38:52
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Fitchburg & Uxbridge, MA

Hi Oso, "Beary" cute page. When I have more time, I'll explore all the photos. Til then, Mary & I say "hi." Hope your job search is going well. Please let us know. Best, Oso Redondo

J.R. Layman - 01/14/98 07:06:09
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Lubbock, Tx

Hey Bear----just saying Hi, your bro-in-law said to check out your page. knew your family slightly in Maine many moons ago. Even now remember your sis and you----you guys must have been about 1 & 3 when your dad gave me a ride someplace. Say Hi to your Dad for me. Freeport, Munction, S. Lancaster, Clinton, Sante Fe, SE Asia, "Been there---Done that" on the other issues in your life, "haven't been there---don't do that" but hey, us het's arn't all bad.

BA Laris - 01/10/98 12:15:34 -0800
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Worcester, MA

Your web page looks good. All is well in Wusta - typically grey and rainy winter weather, but we are surviving! (e-mail message).

Bill Cork - 01/10/98 19:23:10
My URL:http://members.aol.com/WQuercus/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Santa Barbara, CA

Hola, Oso! from your sister, brother-in-law, and Andrew and Aimee. We're waiting for you to come visit Santa Barbara. (I guess now we can change the name of the big brown teddy bear from "Jerry Bear" to "Tio Oso").

BuD - 01/10/98 15:36:55
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Worcester, MA

Jerry, your page looks great, I'm glad to see you put all your stored energy to good use..... Hi everybody..... Love BuD

Greg Anderson - 01/10/98 01:04:13
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Santa Fe

Great photography! Nice sunset, too. Cute bears.

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