Oso's Personal Page

On this page are links to my Recent Family Photo Album, my Younger Days Photo Album,
where I've lived, music I like and my favorite stuff on television & in the movies.



Places I've Lived
In Chronological Order - With Memories!
Rutland, Vermont This is where I was born the son of a Seventh-Day Adventist minister. I lived there while an infant and toddler. My only memories are of a neighbor lady with a doll house and little soaps! My parents now live here in retirement.
Bangor, Maine This is where I live while a pre-schooler. We lived near what was then an airforce base so I remember it being noisy!
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada This is where I lived while a pre-schooler and first grader. It was here I learned to sing God Save The Queen and pronounce the letter Z as zead.
Moncton, New Bruswick, Canada We moved here in the middle of the winter and our moving van ended up overturned in a ditch. Once we got settled I remeber getting my haircut at a barbers and the boys across the way pretending to be the Beatles and singing, She Loves You Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
Washington, Pennsylvania I lived here while in Elementary School. I remember the fields and farms near our house, watching Yogi Bear and Batman on a neighbor's TV, visiting the science museum in Pittsburg, and being teased because I played softball "like a girl."
Warminster, Pennsylvania I lived here during 5th grade. I remember playing super-hero in the woods, watching Star Trek and Ultra Man on a neighbor's TV, and hearing about Nixon, Vietnam, and Eugene McCarthy.
Norridgewock, Maine I lived here from 6th grade through 10th grade and on weekends, summers and holidays while in 11th and 12th grade. I have lots of memories here! I remember being at camp and watching men walk on the moon on a small TV. I remember, at camp, being called Jerry the fairy for the first time - this was the summer of '69 while other fairies were rioting at The Stonewall in New York! I remember nearly dying from a ruptured appendix and knocking out a chicken with a pop up foul or should I say fowl ball. As I got older I remember getting into nature, reading Henry David Thoreau, listening to John Denver (sorry to see him go) and ABBA, blazing trails through the woods, white-water canoeing, skinny dipping and having crushes on my friends. I also remember playing trumpet, piano and guitar and performing in church.
Freeport, Maine Here is where I lived during the week my Junior and Senior years of High School. I attended and graduated from Pine Tree Academy here. My memories are lots of teasing and confusion relating to my sexual orientation, covering my lack of attraction to girls by becoming religious, playing the guitar for religious meetings, playing in the band and singing in the choir and the touring choir. I remember driving on my own for the first time, working in a greenhouse, and browsing at L.L. Bean's store.
Atlantic Union College, S. Lancaster Massachusetts My time at AUC was quite a roller-coaster ride! During my freshman year I met some gay students, struck up a deep friendship with one who then committed suicide. I then tried to ignore my sexuality and became active in student government, working in and then running a recreation program for disadvantaged youth, working as a security guard both at the college and at a hospital near Boston, working at camp, and working as a resident assistant in the men's dorm. I spent time away from college twice. Those memories are in the next two sections.
Balikpapan, Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia (Link is Balikpapan Orangutan Society) I lived here from June of 1977 through June of 1978. I was here as a Student Missionary teaching English as a Second Language. I have lots of fond memories of meeting wonderful students, snorkeling in the choral reefs, riding my motorcycle into the jungle, eating new foods, and flying into native village in the interior with the mission pilot. While in Balikpapan I came to enjoy and care about the rain forest and it's inhabitants. There has been a great deal of deforestation in the past 20 years and with it goes the habitat of many creatures. There are groups doing something about it including the Balikpapan Orangutan Society which rescues Orangutans, rehabilitates them, trains the to survive on the own then releases them in tracts of jungle that the government has agreed to preserve. Check out their web site by clicking this sections link.
Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand I lived here in 1980 and worked at the Laotian Refugee Camp teaching Survival English. We taught in makeshift classrooms set up in bamboo huts. I remember well the joy of my students and their hope for the future in the face of adversity. I remember our windowless house and the 2 pet monkeys in the yard. I remember the Candle Festival in Ubon with 20 foot high wax sculptures and the Elephant Roundup in Surin. I remember the saffron robes of the Buddhist monks and the miles and miles of rice paddys.
South Lancaster, Massachusetts

Clinton, Massachusetts
After coming back from Thailand I finished at AUC - graduating in 1981. I continued to live in South Lancaster and then moved to neighboring Clinton. I worked first at a residential treatment center in Lancaster and then in Worcester at a program working with blind, deaf and mentally challenged adults. It was towards the end of this period That I became a Unitarian Universalist.
Worcester, Massachusetts

AIDS Project Worcester

The Massachusetts Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth

I moved here shortly after coming out as gay and after The 1987 March on Washington and the first display of the Names Project AIDS Memorial Quilt. I quickly became an activist, began working at AIDS Project Worcester (APW) and soon found myself overwhelmed with a tidal wave of emotion. Soon I was loosing friends to AIDS right and left and going to funeral after funeral. I became active on several fronts working for lesbian, gay, bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) groups and causes as well as AIDS groups and causes. During this time I met Greg, my future partner. At first Greg was a friend and a volunteer at APW but on Halloween of 1989 the friendship evolved into what would become a 6 1/2 year relationship. Together and separately we continued our activism. I began working at Health Awareness Services and worked my way up to Director of HIV/AIDS Services and The Rainbow Project. At one point I was on so many boards and commissions I didn't know if I was coming or going. The results were gratifying though -- Massachusetts passed a lesbian gay civil rights bill, the city of Worcester add "sexual orientation" to it's human rights ordinance, I worked with a LGBT Youth group, I was appointed to The Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth where I served as co-chair of the Health and Human Service Committee, I won a Civil Libertarian of The Year award from The Worcester Chapter of The American Civil Liberties Union, I founded The Rubber Posse and Rubber Posse X HIV prevention outreach programs and on and on and on. I needed a break so just as my relationship with my partner was ending we moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico
Santa Fe, New Mexico

New Mexico, Land of Sun and Chile

People of Color AIDS Foundation of New Mexico

Jerry's Email at NM Dept. of Health

New Mexico Gay Men's Chorus

This is my home now; Santa Fe. New Mexico. I moved here in August of 1996 and worked at New Mexico AIDS Services from October of 1996 through June of 1997, when the local office closed. For eight long months I was unemployed except for a couple consultant jobs. In March of 1998 I began working for The People of Color AIDS Foundation (check the link). In May of 1999 I accepted a position as the HIV/STD Public Health Educator for the New Mexico Department of Health - Infectious Disease Bureau - click the link to e-mail me at work. I have really gotten into photography here and have explored a lot of this beautiful area. I have a group of close friends and also stay in touch with my ex-partner and friend who lives here as well. I also am a seasonal (winter) member of The New Mexico Gay Mens Chorus.

My Favorite Music
A small sample of the music I enjoy
New Mexico Gay Men's Chorus The NMGMC is a clear, innovative voice enriching and empowering New Mexico's Gay and Lesbian community through choral excellence. We sing of our joys and pains. We sing about being gay and lesbian. We sing to give our community a voice!
American Guild of Organists I have many friends who are organists. I have enjoyed the fabulous sounds they have produced through their organ's pipes - or should I say through their pipe organs! (wink)
Tchaikovsky Site includes a biography, calender of his life, complete listing of his works, family. and more.
Queen One of the more revolutionary bands around. If you don't think so, tell me who else could have come up with "Bohemian Rhapsody."
ABBA - The Site Don't laugh. Yes, their image was almost too clean and the clothes were pretty bad (of course YOU never had anything like that in your closet in that time period!) But still, the music was great and catchy so you can't deny that.
Disco A guilty pleasure that I never outgrew. To me disco is The Rhythm Divine.
Jimmy Sommerville Jimmy's infectious falsetto and out and proud lyrics have made him a gay icon.
Erasure I've enjoyed this band for years and when I saw them in concert with Andy Bell belting out Gimme, Gimme, Gimme a Man After Midnight I became a devoted fan.
Elton John His career began while I was in High School and I've been a fan ever since.

TV and Movies
These are links to some of what I enjoy in television and movies
Monty Python The original and still the best - spam anyone?
Are You Being Served? I know this show is not very politically correct but hey it makes me laugh. Mr. Humphries, are you free?
Fawlty Towers One of most outrageous slapsticks of all time.
Frasier Two stereotypically gay characters who are, surprise, straight. A smart comedy with great dialogue.
Babylon 5 An innovative sci-fi series with a 5 year story line.
Star Trek Voyager I am a trekker and this cruise through the delta quadrant is great fun.
Star Trek Deep Space 9 Adventure on board a space station at the edge of a wormhole.
Stark Trek - Starfleet Headquarters I'm a fan of this whole franchise. There are oodles of sites on the web. This is one that is fun.
The X-Files I want to believe!
PopcornQ The best in queer cinema.
Internet Movie Database A huge, searchable database of movie information.

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