Binding Spells



*binding someone is forcing your will into their life. if you believe that is wrong, do not perform the following spells*


Spell to Bind Someone Dangerous

Timing: Best performed on Saturday (Saturn's Day, to bind a criminal, one who intends to do harm, to bring someone to justice)


a poppet made to represent the person in question
a black candle
myrrh incense
red ribbon
Cast a circle. Light a black candle and burn myrrh incense. Sprinkle the poppet with salt water, saying:

Blessed be, thou creature made of art.
By art made, by art changed.
Thou art not cloth (or wax, whatever)
But flesh and blood.
I name thee ___________ (person being bound)
Thou art s/he, between the worlds, in all the worlds,
So mote it be.
Hold the poppet and imagine it enmeshed in a silver net, binding the person in question. Tie the poppet up firmly with red ribbon, binding all parts of it that could possibly do harm. Charge it, saying,

By air and earth,
By water and fire,
So be you bound,
As I desire.
By three and nine,
Your power I bind.
By moon and sun,
My will be done.
Sky and sea
Keep harm from me.
Cord go round,
Power be bound,
Light revealed,
Now be sealed.
Earth the power and open the circle. Bury the poppet at the time of the waning moon, far from your home, under a heavy rock.


The Bottle Spell
Used to neutralize the power of those who intend to do you physical harm, or hurt your reputation, or in any way pose a threat to your security. You Will need:

4 tbsps Frankincense or Myrrh
4 tbsps Black powdered Iron
4 tbsps Sea Salt
4 tbsps Orris-root Powder (or oak moss)
1 white candle
1 bottle with a cork or lid
Mortar and pestle
Parchment Paper
Black Ink or black ballpointpen
Black thread
Mix the sea salt, orris-root powder, and the iron in a bowl. Then cut a piece of parchment to fit inside your bottle and write on it with black ink:

I neutralize the power of (name of adversary) to do me any harm.
I ask that this be correct and for the good of all.
So mote it be!
Roll up the parchment, tie it with a black thread to bind it, and place it in the bottle. Fill the bottle with the dry ingredients. Then take the white candle and while turning the bottle counterclockwise, drip the wax over the cork to seal it. Last, secretly bury the bottle in a place where it will not be disturbed and no animals or people will dig it up. This spell is like a genie in a bottle. It should never be unleashed or the power of the spell is lost.








Binding Spell

The purpose of this spell is to rid yourself of the negative energies
of someone who is mentally or emotionally abusing you. If done
properly, it will not harm the object of the spell nor will it affect his
or her daily life in any way. It will simply make the person
powerless to mentally or emotionally harm you.

Small cloth doll, leave the head unstitched until you are ready to
begin the ritual
Needle and thread
Some personal item from the person you want to bind (fingernail
clippings, hair, handwriting sample)
Black ribbon
Black candle
Cauldron or other fireproof container
Sterilized needle
Piece of paper and pen
One candle at each quarter (optional)

Call the quarters - I like to use candles at each quarter to form a
circle of fire for extra protection.
Light the black candle
Concentrating deeply on the person you are binding, place the
personal object inside the head of the doll and sew it shut.
Tie the black ribbon around the poppet's head, signifying the binding
of that person.
''With harm to none, my will be done
I hereby bind you (name of person)
Your words cannot harm me
Your thoughts cannot harm me
You cannot harm me''
Continue chanting this or something like it until you feel power surging
through you. Visualize the person helpless to slander or verbally and
mentally abuse you while you are chanting.
Now, to bind the spell -
If you have a sigil or a Craft name, sign it on the small piece of paper. If
not, sign your own full name. If others are working the ritual with you,
they too should sign the paper.
With the sterilized needle, prick one of your fingers and put a small drop
of blood over your signature. Again, if others are working with you, they
should place a drop of blood over their signatures. (using a different
needle, of course)
Fold the paper, light it on fire and drop it into the cauldron (which should
be on a heat-proof surface!).
Meditate on the flames until the paper completely burns away. If you are
working with a group, join hands at this point and feel the power surging
around the circle as the spell is bound.
Ground and center
Release the circle. Thank the Goddess and God for their protection and
Bury the doll as far away from you as possible within the next few days.


Hecate Binding Spell

In Hecate's name we bind ____ to the flame
May she bring nightmares, depression, and pain
We cast ____ to the wind, that all know ____ shame
May Hecate envelope ____ in the threefold law
May all forget ____'s shame, their harm, their call
May their ability to raise magick fall on deaf walls
We join our energies fellow friends in the Craft
May Hecate stop ___'s harm in the future, present and past
Only when their deeds are reversed will this binding be uncast
So Mote It Be!


Binding 1

Get a large white candle, the kind that drips wax, and set it up on a tray.
Affix to it a photograph or other image of the person you wish to bind. Make
a ring of sea salt around it. Make a second ring with protective herbs. Fill
the rest of the tray with images that represent what you are binding the
person from: pictures of your family, keys to your house, legal documents,
If the problem is too complex for images, write what the person is bound
from on slips of paper and place them around the candle. Use red ink if you are angry, purple ink if you are sad. Wrap the candle and the image with black thread . Invoke Isis or another deity of protection. Say out loud what you are binding the person from. Light the candle and leave it burn until the wax begins to drip over the thread and image. Burn it every day for a week, until the image is thick with wax. Use this as a meditation device to direct your will to binding the person.

Ice Binding 1

Light a white candle and your favorite incense. Meditate a short while
on the problem. Invoke the Spirits of Protection for you and yours. Then
take a piece of brown paper, like from a grocery bag, on it use a lead
pencil to print and write the name of the offending person or people. If
unknown people are involved, also print and write, "and all persons unknown
that are causing harm to me!"
Cross off each line forcefully and say, forcefully,
" I freeze name(s) to be bound by this spell, unable to cause any more
harm to (name(s)! As I will, so mote it be! "
Then put a spoonful of used coffee grounds on the brown paper, fold it
small, and place it in the freezer. Leave it until the problem is
completely resolved. You may wish to wrap a rubber band, string, twist tie, etc. to keep the coffee grounds from falling out of the paper. You can also use a ziploc bag. Be sure and burn the candle completely up. Don't use that candle for a different purpose.

Ice Binding 2

Another way of ridding yourself of an unwanted negative influence is to write the name of the person or event at cause on a piec of paper. Concentrate on putting the negative energy into the paper. Place the piece of paper into a jar of water and put it into the freezer. Allow the paper to remain frozen in the water until all of the negative energy flow has completely stopped, then you can remove it, thaw it, and bury it in the ground.

Binding 2

For this spell, you are going to need 1 black candle, 1 white candle, a piece of white paper (parchment is best, but any white piece of paper is fine), a pen, a tablespopon of Pine and Pepper, whatever tools you use while casting a circle, and a cauldren (or a cast iron pan thatcan hold a burning piece of paper). First, cast your circle in whatever way that you regularly do, but invoke the Dark Aspects of the Goddess and the God. As you invoke the Dark Aspects of each of Them, light the Black candle on the left for the Goddess and the one on the right for the God. After you have invoked your chosen Dieties, meditate for sometime on how you have been persecuted, wether rumors have been started about you, you have been physically/mentally attcked for nothing, etc. When ready, take the pen and write "Ye who Harms me" on the paper. Call out in a loud, secure voice

Oh Great Goddess of the Night and Her consort, the Lord of the Wild Hunt, hear my call! I am being harmed for no fault of my own, please come to my aid and send those who harm me what they deserve! By the Power of Three Times Three, As Your Will, So Mote It Be!

Take the Herbs and sprinkle them on the paper and say

By the Power of these Herbs, may the person/s who harm me be found and given fair punishment!

Fold the paper up with the Herbs inside. Light it on Fire and set in the cauldren. As it burns, say the following

Ye who have caused me so much pain, ye are forever bound by Herb and Flame!

Keep chanting as long as the paper burns. After it has finished burning, thank the Goddess and the God you have invoked and finish the rest of the Ritual.

Poppet Binding Spell

The purpose of this spell is to rid yourself of the negative energies of someone who is mentally or emotionally abusing you. If done properly, it will not harm the object of the spell nor will it affect his or her daily life in any way. It will simply make the person powerless to mentally or emotionally harm you.
Preform when Moon is dark

Small cloth doll,(poppet) leave the head unstitched until you are ready to begin the ritual Needle and thread
Some personal item from the person you want to bind (fingernail clippings, hair, handwriting sample)
Black ribbon
Black candle
Cauldron or other fireproof container
Sterilized needle
Piece of parchment paper and pen or quill
One candle at each quarter (optional)

Call the quarters - I like to use candles at each quarter to form a circle of fire for extra protection. Light the black candle Concentrating deeply on the person you are binding, place the personal object inside the head of the doll and sew it shut.Tie the black ribbon around the poppet's head, signifying the binding of that person.
'With harm to none, my will be done
I hereby bind you (name of person)
Your words cannot harm me
Your thoughts cannot harm me
You cannot harm me'
Continue chanting this or something like it until you feel power surging through you. Visualize the person helpless to slander or verbally and mentally abuse you while you are chanting.
~ Now, to bind the spell ~
If you have a sigil or a craft name, sign it on the small piece of paper. If not, sign your own full name. If others are working the ritual with you, they too should sign the paper. With the sterilized needle, prick one of your fingers and put a small drop of blood over your signature. Again, if others are working with you, they should place a drop of blood over their signatures. (using a different needle, of course) Fold the paper, light it on fire and drop it into the cauldron (which should be on a heat-proof surface!). Meditate on the flames until the paper completely burns away. If you are working with a group, join hands at this point and feel the power surging around the circle as the spell is bound. Ground and center Release the circle. Thank the Goddess and God for their protection and power Bury the doll as far away from you as possible within the next few days.


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