How to Create a Magickal Circle

*borrowed from the The BeWitched Craft! *with permission!

Circle Magick

**Before a ritual, I suggest sprinkling a little salt or saltwater around the area you'll be working. This is for protection purposes. When you open a circle, and draw down power….you are very vulnerable to outside forces.**
Gather and prepare tools
North ~ Earth
*represented by a rock or soil
East ~ Air
*represented by a feather or incense
West ~ Water
*represented by a cup, bowl or chalice filled with water
South ~ Fire
*represented by a lit candle

Invoke the Watchtowers
This is done by saying the invocation from 'Calling the Quarters' page. Hold up the object for each element as you invoke the power of the Element(or elemental...but that is a huge long story)

Feel the winds of the North encircle you softly, then the East, South and West. Each time a new direction sends the wind, it gets stronger. Soon you are in a safe and protective circle. Envision the circle as more of a sphere; a bubble. This will keep you safe and protected throughout your spell.

With a stick (wand, athame etc.) trace a circle around you. Say:
The circle is cast.
I am between the worlds,
Beyond the bounds of time,
Where night and day,
Birth and death,
Joy and sorrow,
Meet as one.

Light another candle *in the middle of the circle or right in front of you*. Say: The fire is lit, The ritual is begun.

I have created and entered this circle with perfect love and perfect trust.

Perform the task at hand. So mote it be!

In closing, turn to each direction (West first) and hold your hands up above your head.
Say: I humbly thank the Watchtowers of the West for their wisdom and power. Blessed Be! And so on ……

This concludes my rite of the circle. Blessed Be!


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