Prosperity Spells

Prosperity Spell

Some money or pictures of cash, checks and jewels to be placed on the altar
Drums for raising energy

Put the money on the altar, not as an object to worship but as a symbol to your deep mind of what you want to obtain. You may wish to place a goddess statue or another religious symbol behind the symbolic wealth, as a reminder that money is not after the ultimate value. Then, stand up, and drum and chant to raise power. Your chant can be something like:

Wealth, wealth, come to me
I deserve prosperity

As the power moves towards its peak, imagine a huge transparent funnel over you, and huge amounts of cash, checks and other forms of wealth cascading down though it to pile up around you (or, at least, enough for your needs and some to donate to worthy causes) Give thanks for the wealth which you know will be headed your way. Open the circle.

Afterwards, go seek a job if you don't have one or ask for a raise, and always give money to charities. Soon prosperity will come to you.

Money Spell

Green candle with rune symbol of money and prosperity etched in the side
Cinammon oil
Objects that represent money (jewelry, coins, dollar bills, etc.)

1. Annoint the candle with the oil and place in candle holder.

2. Place the items that represent money in a circle around the candle

3. Light the candle and visualze a green mist or light coming from the flame. In the mist or light visualize silver coins floating around.

4. Now use your hands and grab as many coins as possible.

5. Finally, chant the following:
Rich I'll be, money and prosperity come hither to me.

Let the candle burn out.
Trust in the spell and it will come to be.

Spell for increasing Wealth

For this spell, you need an agate with a fossil in it, which is a stone for increasing wealth (you can find them in New Age or Museum stores), and some seeds of a basil plant (basil is a plant of wealth). When the moon is New and the wind is blowing from the east, go into your garden or prepare a pot for planting. Facing the east, plant the basil seeds and bury the agate deep in the soil with the seeds. Do not put the agate on top of the seeds or so close to them that they may not grow. Remember to water, fertilize, and care for your plants. As your plants grow, so will your wealth. You may harvest your basil before it flowers and use it for cooking, and perform the spell again with the same pot and agate. Don't wait until the plant dies, or you may lose your wealth.

Stone of Luck

You can use the Stone of Luck spell for anything, love, money, health, wealth, spirit awareness, etc. The key to this empowerment is consentration and belief. When you have completed this spell, carry the stone around with you. Eventually you will start to get what you want. This spell has been proven to work.

What you need:

1 Small stone of your choice (any kind)
1 candle (correct color for what you want)
Appropriate herbs
Appropriate incense
A cloth
Oil (either olive, jasmine, or mint)
Some bowls (glass or crystal)

The Spell:

There are no words for this spell, it's all consentration and visualization. First you need to meditate on what you want, be it money, love, better health....whatever you want. After you feel you have meditated long enough, you may start the spell.

Light the candle and incense. (Be sure you have all of the things you need with you.) Hold the rock in your power hand. Consentrate on what you want. Run the rock throught the flame 3 times. Then put it into the water. Cup your hands over the bowl. Then take the rock out of the water and sprinkle the herbs on it. After you have done that, put the rock into a dry bowl. Visualize yourself getting what you want. Then anoint the rock with the oil and put the rock back into the dry bowl. Sprinkle some salt onto the rock. Consentrate more. Then wrap the rock in the cloth and leave it for at least 24 hours. Let the candle and incense burn all the way out. Dispose the water. So mote it be!

Cast A Witch's Lucky Candle Spell

Use a new orange candle and anoint it with three drops of cinnamon, clove, or lotus oil. At midnight, light the candle and recite these words three times:

Brimstone, moon, and Witch's fire,
Candlelight's bright spell,
Good luck shall I now acquire,
Work thy magick well.
Midnight twelve, the Witching Hour,
Bring the luck I seek.
By wax and wick now work thy power
As these words I speak.
Harming none, this spell is done.
By law of three, so mote it be!

~Gerina Dunwitch~

To Change your Luck

When the Moon is Waning, go outside and open your arms to Her. Silently communicate your problems--how badly people treat you, how you can't seem to get ahead, and all the other rotten stuff that has been going on with you. When you can think of nothing else to tell the Moon, say this charm:

Moon of finest silver, wane,
Take with you bad luck and bane.
As you fade into the night,
Bring new hope back into sight.

Go inside and straight to bed. When you awake the next morning, know that your troubles will cease and new hope will abound as the Old Moon disappears in the sky.

Lemon Prosperity Pomanders
By Claudette Griffith

Here are the supplies that you need:

1 lemon or lime
Approximately 18 inches of green ribbon
1 nail

Here's what you do,
take the ribbon and try it around the lemon, much like you would wrap a present so the ribbon divides it into quarters. Then tie it off leaving enough ribbon to make a loop to hang it with. Take your cloves and use them to make magickal symbols that represent money.(if you're a new to the craft you can always just make the "$" sign, as that will work just fine) you may want to pierce the skin with a pin first if you are having a hard time getting the cloves to go through.

Once you are finished with your design, Take the nail and place it over a doorway that you enter and leave to go to work. if you work from the home, the doorway that leads to the mailbox would probably work best.

Just before you hang the pomander, hold it in your hand, raise a little energy and chant...

Lemons and cloves
My prosperity grows
Ribbon of green
Moneys unseen
Through this portal shall enter
Prosperity Green,
Health, vitality and the money I need.

*Like all spells of this sort, performing it during a waxing moon will increase it's effectiveness as well as looking at the ruling planets when the spell is done. Venus would work quite nicely as would the Sun or Mars. And checking these out have more bonuses, as the cloves and peel can be recycled in other spellwork to give it a little extra punch.

by Elaine Crawford

Make your own "Prosperity Charm". First, you will need to make a small bag. You need some green fabric, 6" x 3" in size, fold fabric in half, that will give you a 3" x 3" size bag. Next, sew or hot glue two sides together, you must leave one end open to put your ingredients into the bag. You will also need a green ribbon to tie the top opening.

The ingredients you will need is as follows:
a pinch of Moss [any type of moss]
a pinch of Sea Kelp
a pinch of Basil
a pinch of All Spice
3 silver coins [ Dimes or Nickels ]
a small Green Stone or Gem

Place one ingredient into the bag at a time, while doing this you must say the Prosperity Chant. The Prosperity Chant goes as follows:

Spirits of Prosperity send abundance down to me. Spirits of Prosperity send me financial prosperity, bring me success in all endeavors, with harm to none. So shall it be!

After putting all eight ingredients into the bag and saying the Prosperity Chant each time, a total of eight times, tie the top of the bag with the green ribbon. You can carry this with you or hang it on the door knob of your entrance door to your home.

These bags also make great gifts for Friends and Family members. These bags, when given to someone with Love, will bring Good Luck and Prosperity.

Warding Off Poverty

To do this ritual, purchase a green taper candle, mint or honeysuckle oil, and some play money. Choose the largest denomination of play money you can get.

Two days before the full Moon, take the green candle to your altar or spiritual workplace. Carve several dollar signs into the candle, thinking of a more prosperous life as you do. Anoint the candle with the essential oil by rubbing it from the wick down to the end. Place it in a fireproof holder and set it in the middle of your altar. Light the candle. Spread out your "money" in front of the burning candle. Sort it out by denomination, or in piles for each bill or purchase you would like to take care of. Spend at least five to ten minutes thinking about how you would responsibly use this money. Then extinguish the candle.

The next night, light the candle again and shuffle through the "money" again. After ten to fifteen minutes, extinguish the candle. The third night, the night of the Full Moon, go through the ritual another time, but this time let the candle burn completely out after you have finished sorting the "money."

Prosperity Pouch
You need:
1 Small green or gold cloth bag
Prosperity herbs such as Cinnamon, Patchouli, Mint, or Basil
Anointing oil such as Money oil, Cinnamon oil, or Heliotrope oil
1 Small cinnamon stick
Prosperity stones such as Malachite, or Pyrite
Candles, 1 Gold and 1 Green
Prosperity incense such as Cinnamon, Clove, Lemon
Balm, Cedar, or Nutmeg

Carve a prosperity rune or symbol on the candles and dress them with any of the above oils. Visualize your goal as you dress them. Add a chant if you like.

"Wealth and money, come to me
I deserve prosperity."

Light the candles on your altar or place of magick. Place the empowered herbs in the bag and ask for the blessings of the earth. Wave the bag through the incense smoke and ask for the blessings of air. Pass the bag through the flame of each candle and ask for the blessings of fire. Anoint the bag with any of the money drawing oils and ask for the blessings of water. Hold the stones and tell them what they are to do (draw money to you.) Explain their magickal purpose (to maintain the balance in your checkbook.) Add them to your pouch. Take the cinnamon stick and drip some green wax on one end and gold wax on the other. When the wax has hardened, place the cinnamon stick in the pouch. The green and gold are traditional money drawing colors but can also be viewed as colors for the Goddess (Green) and the God (Gold). Ask for their blessing on your spell. Say:

"For the good of all
and with harm to none
this is my will
And it is done!

Extinguish the candles with a snuffer. Carry the pouch with you, or leave it on your altar.

Money Powder
Mix equal amounts of the following herbs together:

Chamomile, marigold, hyssop, jasmine, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, and cinquefoil.

Combine all herbs with your hands empowering them with your energy and your need. Sprinkle the powder in your purse, wallet, mailbox, or anywhere you might expect to receive money. Rub it on your money before you spend it to call it back to you. Use this powder in any money spell, rubbing it on candles, burning it in your censer, or putting it in sachets.

Magick Money Jar
By Silver RavenWolf

When March winds blow, and skies are bleak
And your checking account looks like welfare week
Go to your kitchen with a dash
Find a jar to bring some cash.
Get a tea bag, mint for sure
Brew a cup a cup, you need no more.
In your little witches pot,
Add vervain, not a lot.
In goes Dragon's Blood, and cinquefoil
Bring it all to a rolling boil.
Mix ingredients, stir it thrice
Cut the heat, throw in some ice.
On paper virgin, write your need
Be specific, ignore the greed.
Put thr paper in the jar
To bring riches from afar.
Call the Fates, yes, all three
Ask them for prosperity
Here's the chant, its easy now
Take your time and give it pow.

Three great ladies crossed the land
Each held prosperity in their hand
The first said, "She needs some."
The second said, "She has some."
The third said, "There is more to come."
"We turn three times the way of the Sun."

Raise your energy. clap three times
Then seal the brew with a magickal sign.
When it cools, pour in the jar
Close it tight and mark with a star.
A minor magick, I call this
To bring you monetary bliss
for extra punch, choose a planetary hour
Full moon's good for extra power.
When money comes, thank the gods
Pour the contents on the sod
Return on like the gifts you got
And remember all the blessings brought.

This is to be chanted several times to gain confidence.


Start Softly and Rise to a Crescendo...

Star Money Spell

You can use the star spell for almost any type of magick, though I've found, for me, it works best for money magick. Here, you will be making a talisman (an object worn or carried to attract a specific influence, such as love, luck, money, or health).
Moon Phase:New to full
Day :Sunday or Thursday
Planet: Sun or Jupiter
Supplies: A piece of green construction paper; I piece of white paper or tracing paper the same size as the green construction paper; glue; green glitter; X teaspoon dried mint; a few pine needles; 3 cedar chips; a green marker; a pencil; scissors; I green ribbon, 17 inches long
Cast your magick circle, call the quarters, and do the altar devotion. Cleanse, consecrate, and empower all tools. Draw a big, five-pointed star on the white paper-it's okay if you mess up, because the white paper will be your stencil. When you feet satisfied with the big white star, cut the star out of the white paper. Use the white star to trace a star on the green paper. Cut out the green star. With the green marker, write in the center of the green star exactly what you want: A job; $40 to go to the amusement park; $ 1 00 for groceries; et cetera. Hold your hands over the mint, pine needles', and cedar chips, and say:
Gifts of the Earth, bring (state your desire) to me.
Place a thin layer of glue on the center of the star. Before the glue dries, paste on the dried mint, the pine needles, and the cedar chips. Hold the green glitter in your had and say:
Creature of Air, bring the winds of prosperity into my life.
Sprinkle the star with green glitter. Carefully, fold the top point of the star down so that it covers the center. Say:
I seal the magick.
Glue down the right arm of the star in the same manner. Now, the right leg of the star. Next, the left leg of the star. Last, the left arm of the star. Hold your hands over the folded and glued star and say:
I empower thee, green star, to bring prosperity to me, specifically (name your request). Prosperity, come to me.
Tie the green ribbon around the star. Close your eyes and say the last line repeatedly. Visualize yourself receiving what you asked for. Vvrhen you lose the visualization, open your eyes and place the star back on the altar. Say:
With harm to none.
May this spell not reverse, or place upon me any curse.
May all astrological correspondences be correct for this working.
So mote it be!
Thank Spirit. Close the quarters. Release the circle. Allow the star to dry. Once the star has dried, take the star with you everywhere you go until your desire has manifested. When you receive what you wished for, de-magick the star and burn the talisman. If you can't burn the talisman, bury it on your property.(Spell by Silver Raven Wolf from her book Teen Witch)

A good luck towards MONEY spell
:Utilities Needed :A green candle (for good fortune, money, wealth, and success) A magenta candle (to make the spell work fast) A large spoon

Write your name on the green candle with a pen, write it lightly because you only need an inscription, not an acual ink mark. Turn the lights out, light the two candles with a LIGHTER, not matches because theres a certain chemical in matches (I forget which chemical it is) that disturbs the vibrations. Let the candles burn untill its past your name, then take the magenta candle while still lit, and poor some wax into the spoon, to fill it HALF WAY, then take the green candle and fill the rest of the spoon with the green candle wax. DONT mix the wax together. Take the wax out of the spoon, and carry the wax around whenever you need good luck with money, ex: Bingo, Job Raises/Promotions, or even the horse races.

To Gain Money
BEST TIME: Full Moon
Fill the cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that the light from the Moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's Silver.
While doing this, say:

Lovely Lady of the Moon
Bring to me your wealth right soon.

Fill my hands with silver and gold.

All you can give, my purse can hold.

Repeat three times. When finished, pour the water upon the Earth. It is done.

A Silver Spell
(This ritual takes a week to perform)

Situate a small bowl of any material in a place of prominence in your home, somewhere you pass by every day. Each day for seven days put one dime in the bowl. Next, obtain a green candle, any shape or kind.

Before you begin, fix in your mind the idea that you are a prosperous person. See money as being no problem. Imagine money coming to you, as you need it.

Place the bowl of dimes, the candle and a candleholder on a flat surface. Hold the candles in your hands and feel the power of money. Feel the avenues that open to you when you have it.

Sense the energy within money which we as human beings have given to it. Place the candle in the holder. Pour the seven dimes into your left hand. You will create a circle surrounding the candles with the dimes. Place the first dime directly before the candle. As you place it say there or similar words:

"Money flow, money shine

Money grow, Money's mine."

Repeat this 6 more times until you've created a circle around the candle with seven gleaming dimes.

As you say the words and place the dimes, know that you're not just reciting and fooling around with pieces of metal. You're working with power - that which we've given money as well as that which is within you. Words too have energy, as does the breathe on which they ride.

When you've completed this, light the candle. Strike a match and touch its tip to the wick. As it puts up the fire, sputters, to a shining flames, see money burning these. See the power of money flowing out from the seven dimes up to the candle's flames and then out to the atmosphere.

Blow out the match and settle down before the glowing candle and money. Sense the feeling of money in your life. Visualize a life with money to spare - a life in which bills are quickly paid and money will never again be a problem.

See yourself wisely spending money, investing it for your future needs. See money as an

Unavoidable and beautiful aspect of your life.

Kill off any thoughts of debt, of taxes, of doubt that you can achieve this change. Simply see what will be.

After ten minutes or so, leave the area. Let eh candle burn itself out in the holder. Afterward, collect the dimes, place them back in the bowl, & "feed" it a few coins every day from then on.

Money will come to you.

Money Spell

(Said while making 9 knots in green, 13-inch silk cord or ribbon)

By knot of one, my spell's begun
By knot of two, plenty fruitful work to do
By knot of three, money comes to me
By knot of four, opportunity knocks at my door
By knot of five, my business thrives
By knot of six, this spell is fixed
By knot of seven, success is given
By knot of eight, increase is great
By knot of nine, these things are mine

Moon Spell for Prosperity

This spellworking is best done during the waxing or full moon. Have ready a small green or brown talisman bag, three silver coins, your cauldron, a pentacle, a small dish, cinnamon, cedar chips, and your wand. Set your cauldron on the pentacle.
Place a small dish inside the cauldron with a small amount of cinnamon and cedar chips on it. Beside the cauldron, lay your wand. Tap each coin with the wand as you chant:

"Glistening silver, coin of the moon
Shiny and round, grant me a boon.
Draw to my hands many more of your kind
Multiply, grow, like the image in my mind."

Place the coins in the cauldron with the herbs. Stir the air clockwise seven times over the cauldron. Chant:

"Earth elementals, cunning and bright,
With me share your treasures tonight.
Share with me riches, silver and gold
Successes, prosperity, all I can hold."
Put the coins and the herbs in the talisman bag and lay it overnight in the moonlight. Either carry the bag with you, or keep it near your bed where you will see it every night.

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