September 10, 2000

Hello All,

Nola and I have added a new family member. I know some of you may think that will explain our short engagement, but before you get carried away please notice the photo down below. This is Chomper (named by Nola's kids for his peculiar cardboard chewing habit). He is a Gerbil donated by the pastor of the Memphis First Church to Nola's classroom and we get to keep him on the weekends.

Medical School is of course getting more challenging and I just took two practice practical exams. Histology was very easy and did not do much for my laid back attitude toward studying. Gross Anatomy on the other hand was rather difficult and I am feeling much more stimulated to study for that class in particular.

However, you will be glad to know (or concerned depending on how familiar you are with Memphis) that Nola and I are getting out and seeing the town a bit. We went to a Theatre in South Memphis the other night with some friends because we heard it was nice. When we got out I felt as if I had stepped out of the theatre right into another movie about gangs in L.A. Nola says we will not be going back there again.

Well, I hope all is going well with you. Keep us informed!

Take care, Brent Reading

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