September 17, 2000

Hello All,

I finally did it. I was wondering what it would take and this is it. Medical school has forced me to study on a Saturday Night. I took another practice test, this one for Cell and Molecular Biology, and I decided to choose discretion as the better part of valor. The week after next is our first block of exams, so all prayers will be very much appreciated.

We had a cold front pass through and the temperature yesterday was in the seventies. It was so beautiful that Nola and I had to get outside, so after church we went to Shelby Farms (a large park near our apartment) with our bikes and explored some more of the area. There is a nice trail with some single track through woods and over whoop-dee-doos (sp?).

This past Wednesday I ran for a spot on the Professionalism Committee here at UT. I just found out today that I was elected to one of the three positions. Several people have told me that they enjoyed my speech since I told some stories about working in surgery as opposed to just listing my qualifications. I think the best thing I ever learned at Southern was that stories make a paper or presentation more memorable.

I hope everything is going well with ya'll.

Take care, Brent Reading

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