October 1, 2000

Hello All,

Tests are over and it sure feels good! I couldn't keep from grinning from ear to ear as I emerged from the testing center, even though all my friends doing some last minute cramming for the next testing session probably thought I was rubbing in the fact that I was done. Thank you again for all of your prayers. I can tell you that they were very helpful.

Nola and I were in Chattanooga for the weekend. We stopped by all night softball over at SAU and ran into a bunch of old friends including Tony Myers. It was good to see everyone. We also showed off our wedding album to family, friends, and anyone else we could corner. Without exception everyone thought that Mark and Laurie did a masterful job, particularly with what they had to work with. I wasn't so much surprised by the fact that people made that statement as I was by the regularity of it.

Nola has been very helpful as medical school started and this past week she even bought me a nice big desk to study at. Although, I don't think her motives were truly altruistic since I was studying on her dining room table. Not only did she put most of the desk together herself, but she also provided me study breaks with amazing regularity. You can see a photograph of the nearly completed desk below. We should finish it tonight.

Next week is LCP for me. I hope all is well on your end.

Take care, Brent Reading

P.S. I have heard that there are some individuals who feel left out because they don't get the "Reading Report." This may have been misinformation to boost my ego after the bashing with the wedding photographs, but if you know of anyone who would like to get this update have them send an email request to the following address. (Of course, if you know of somone who is tired of getting the "Reading Report" they can unsubscribe at the same address.)

[email protected]

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