October 15, 2000

Hello All,

You might have noticed that the UT symbol is not at the top of this E-mail. I decided that I should be good and comply with the University copyright laws since I am going to be one of the webmasters for our class website. It seems that all of that "playing around" has paid off (and then again maybe it has just gotten me into a whole lot of trouble). I have been assured it is understood that my studying comes first. I just hope I can keep that same perspective. There is another classmate of mine who is going to set the page up with me and we might form a committee to work under us, but my fellow webmaster thinks a committee would be more trouble than it would be worth. If you are interested in seeing the beginnings of our site you can see it by clicking on the link to the 2004 preliminary website below. Right now the links all point to the official UT website, but as soon as we have the rest of the pages set up we will upload it to the UT server and have it up and going. If a warning comes up asking if you want to continue using scripts, say "yes" the error comes up because the commercial from Geocities sometimes fails to run correctly.

UT class of 2004 preliminary website

Yesterday, Nola and I had special music for Church again along with three of our friends. We sang a mixed quartet piece for communion and Nola accompanied us. Then, after Church Nola and I took a long drive over to Selmer, Tennessee. We went to see Mrs. Lott who set up an endowment fund in memory of her son who was killed 31 years ago when he was in his last year of medicine at UT. I was fortunate enough to be picked as one of the recipients of the fund and so we were happy to go meet her. She is a very sweet lady and since her husband recently passed away she lives by herself. We will have to go back and visit with her again.

I am having a bit of trouble getting back into the studying mode (it is nice having a break after exams, but it is tough to get going again). But, today I am going to be more disciplined and force myself to sit down with my Cell and Molecular Biology book.

Let us know how things are going on your end.

Take care, Brent Reading

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