November 26, 2000

Hello All,

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I understand that the average caloric intake this past Thursday was 5,000 calories! I believe I doubled that more than once over the long weekend.

It has been a very busy and very quick long weekend. This past Wednesday I got to see Medicine from the wrong side. I went under the knife to have a Pilonidal Cyst removed. It was done under spinal and went very well. Then in a hydrocodone induced stupor I rode with Nola driving over to the Chattanooga area the next day. We had a great Thanksgiving at Nola's parent's home. I got to see a lot of friends and even played some volleyball on Saturday night and golf on Sunday morning from which my sore muscles still have not fully recovered.

Well, I hope you find a less painful way to work off your extra calories than I did this past weekend.

Take Care, Brent Reading

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