Week of April 22, 2001

Hello all,

Some of you noticed that a Reading Report did not go out this past Sunday.   I was busy preparing for our end-of-the-year assessment for the Longitudinal Community Program (LCP).   This week I had two reports due on the Breathe Free program we did.   I had to take a test for week six of LCP.   In addition I needed to brush up on my interviewing skills and physical exam skills.   The assessment for those two things was yesterday and it went fairly well after I got through the first exam.   I didn't think that I would be too nervous, but as I walked into the first exam room to do a chest exam I suddenly became a little light headed, my palms began to sweat and my voice was a little shaky as I said "Hello, my name is Student Doctor Reading."   I nearly forgot to wash my hands before the exam, and I missed checking the patients tracheal alignment and fingertips for clubbing (which one could argue I did notice in passing and as they were not noticeably abnormal did not feel the need to examine them more closely).   At any rate, after the first exam I calmed down a bit and everything went well after that.   At least as far as I can remember.   Next week we get to watch a video of our performance, so I might have some more critical comments for myself then.

It feels good to be finishing things up already.   We don't have another LCP week until next school year.   Neuroanatomy, the bane of my existence, is finished for good although we will get some more exposure to neural disease and pathology next year.

Nola and I along with a few other couples in the area are working on ideas for starting a young adult oriented worship service here in Memphis along the lines of The Third at Collegdale Church.   So, we have been going to meetings to discuss what we will do.   This Friday we are getting together with some musicians in order to start up a band.   Now, I am very glad I decided to learn to play the bass, I have been practicing quite a bit for the past few days.   Nola on the other hand is longing for the peace and quiet of test week!

I hope all is well with you.   Have a great week.

Brenton Reading

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