Week of May 20, 2001

Hello all,

One more week of lectures and a week of tests are all that stands between me and the summer.   Nola is almost finished as well.   She only has one more week of school to go.

The kindergarten teacher here at MJA is leaving (some of you might know her, Tracy Glass).   She is going to Florida and so Nola jumped at the opportunity and will be playin..er teaching kindergarten next year. Actually I admire her fortitude.   I am sure I could not deal with a large group of unruly, unreasonable young'ens.

We closed on our house today.   But, we will be taking our time moving in and we plan to be finished around June 9th.   Our new address is:

7070 Tulip Trail Drive
Memphis, TN 38133

Come visit us now, we have a real guest bedroom!   Have a great week.

Brenton Reading

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