Week of August 26, 2001

Hello all,

I think I remember sending out number forty, but I don't have it in my file so I am going to start the new school year off with a nice round number.

School has officially started for both Nola and me. Nola has been going for a few weeks already, but last week was my first. It hasn't been too terrible just yet. Several of the classes are still mostly review which is nice because Immunology sure isn't. I have already put a lot of study into that class and I see a lot more to come.

I got to help out with the new student orientation the week before last. I think it is really neat that the faculty here are very concerned that they graduate students who are technically and intellectually skilled as well as professional and compasionate. We had the new students watch "The Doctor" with William Hurt and then discussed the issues presented in the movie, making correlations to what they will face in the first two years of medical school. So far I have heard a lot of very positive feedback.

We need your prayers for our other endeavors as well. In just a few days Dr. York and I will be running another Breathe Free program. We hope to have a few more attendees this time. Also, we just started a young adult praise and worship service. The first get together was this past Friday night at our house and we had over thirty people in our living room since it rained. Now we are looking for a larger place to have it.

I hope the summer months treated you well. Here is my favorite picture from my summer.

Have a great week.

Brenton Reading

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