Week of November 11, 2001

Hello all,

Nola and I took a break from church this weekend to go serve lunch at the Memphis Union Mission.   But, we didn't miss out on a sermon!   The Memphis Union Mission was in the news a few years ago because they make any transients who wish to have a meal attend a worship service before every meal.   Therefore, the government said they would not be able to recieve state or federal funding.   The Mission went to the Memphis community for support and long story short we had a great sermon on Jonah before the meal was served.

Today we are having a baby shower for Jennifer Downs (formerly Jones for you CA alumni) here at our house.   So, Nola is busy cleaning, and I am, well as you can tell not cleaning at the moment.   However I did take care of the fish tank this morning.   We had four babies who survived predation, starvation, and acidic water for several months, and then today when I finally cleaned up the tank for them I am afraid I lost one; threw the baby out with the bathwater so to speak.

Our dog Dixie has figured out that the fence around our yard is made of old termite eaten wood.   That, coupled with the kids in our neighborhood and her extroverted nature mean that we had to buy a chain to keep her in the backyard until we can fix the fence.

School is busy as ever.   I have a discouragingly thick stack of notes that I have not even looked at yet.   Nola is still enjoying her kids.   They had their Thanksgiving program last Thursday and her kindergartners sang a couple of songs and did a short "T" is for... skit.   They really are pretty cute, but I couldn't handle them for much more than an hour at a time.

I hope you have a great Veteran's day and enjoy the rest of the week,

Brenton Reading

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