Week of November 18, 2001

Hello all,

Everpraise went well this week.   Our focus text was II Corinthians 5:20 and I shared my experience playing Jesus in the SonRise pageant at Southern (see photo below).   We now have business cards to distribute and are considering advertising at the local colleges and universities.   Please keep us in your prayers as we grow.

Nola and I will be heading back to the Chattanooga area for Thanksgiving on Wednesday.   Then it's off to S.C. for my Grandfather's wedding this coming Sunday.   I think it is great that he is getting re-married although I have not met his bride so I don't know if I can give them my blessing yet!

I hope everyone stays safe while traveling over the holiday.   Just remember if you are tired, bored, annoyed, or whatever while you are traveling it could be worse.   You could be a medical student trying desperately to get through the next set of notes before succumbing to car sickness.

Happy Thanksgiving and have a great week,

Brenton Reading

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