Week of February 10, 2002

Hello all,

Well as you can tell since I'm writing (that's Nola) Brent must be getting serious (finally) with the books.

It's been a busy week (not unusual) at home and at work this week.   The tile that we both had high hopes of laying is now laid.   "The tile man" as he calls himself, from our church did a beautiful job.   Wednesday brought about 3 inches of snow and a much needed snow day from school (yes, unknown to students teachers are more excited about getting a day off.)   Dixie had a fabulous time tossing snow up in the air with her nose and sniffing the white stuff (snow.) Our house was a wreck since the kitchen table was in the living room along with pantry items while he tiled.   It looked like we were opening a small health food store in our living room with all the stacks of vegi meat.   Brent and I were also occupied with practicing for the Everpraise program that was on Sabbath.   Even after two practices we still felt like the program should have gone smoother on Sabbath. But we're trying to not get discouraged.   Friday, our class went on a field trip to Wild Oats, a natural food store, minus one child (he was unable to go because of his behavior.   After finding out that we meant what we said he threw a fit and a desk and was sent home.)   The kids had fun sampling food from all over the store (even the meat counter...most eat meat although I had to stop one child...NO NO that's not a Big Frank! dive roll through the air to snatch the noxious meat from his innocent hands.)   Anyway, we had a nice time.

Brent and I have a Valentine's date, except it's not on Valentine's day.   The First Church is having a Valentine's banquet and so we will be going Saturday night.   Our lovely Raleigh band will be playing during a love song sing-a-long.   He'll tell you all about it next week.

Until then!


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