Week of September 22, 2002

Hello all,

My month of Gyn is about to come to a close.   Next month I will be delivering babies.   A few of my classmates who are doing OB ahead of me have already done several deliveries on their own.   So, I am looking forward to the experience.

I was asked to have the sermon at our church this past weekend.   It seemed to go well, but the real hit according to some was the children's story that Nola and I did together.   We told a story about a proud little frog who met his demise for taking more credit than he deserved.   It complemented my talk on overcoming sin by going through experience into brokenness.   Next weekend is our praise and worship service, everpraise, and I have the talk again.   Sometimes, I wonder if medical school is just a hobby that I do on the side!

My parents were able to come and visit this weekend.   We had a great time visiting with them and we are anxiously awaiting our next house guests, whoever that may be.

Have a great week and God bless,

Brenton Reading

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