Week of April 11, 2003

Hello all,

April Fool's day was huge for us.   We found out that we are going to have a boy!   You can see the image below that clued us in.   I am sure you can see the resemblance to Grandpa Reading!   I think the location of the tee explains a lot about Nola's frequent trips to the restroom.

Just kidding of course. Well, about the golf club and ball, but not about the boy. The real ultrasound images are below.

In other less exciting news, Nola and I went down to Birmingham this past weekend and we have a contract on a house that belongs to one of Nola's former classmates. Mom Reading took some pictures of it and after they are developed I will put them on the web as well.

Have a great week and God bless,

Brenton Reading

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