Well, hi there; welcome to Otakus in the Attic; this is your host, webmaster, and overall sexy guy, Assasin Zero. Tired of looking around the web for a site that will give you the best anime news directly from ANN; review the latest anime and asian flicks; feature honest fan based editorials on the latest anime issues, and even feed your more sophisticated side with some poetry made by anime fans just like you? If so, then look no further. Otakus in the Attic is here for you. Made by the fans for the fans; our goal is to satisfy your anime needs with the latest anime news, reviews, editorials, interviews, and even some poetry. We may not be the best, but we are trying to get there. Please, feel free to bookmark us (Ctrl-D in most browsers) or join the mailing list to receive the latest anime news and site updates. Guess that's all; thank you and hope you enjoy your visit.

What do I...

Meet me to watch a sunrise
Hold me close
And let me ask you
What do I make you feel?
How do I make you feel?

I feel this...thing
Always wanting to be with you
Missing you when I can't kiss you
Why do you make me feel like this?
How do I make you feel?

My heart is missing you...
I never thought I'd want to kiss you so badly
Feel your caress
Hear your voice speaking to me softly

How do I make myself feel these things?

2/ 04/ 2002- Well, a new review has been added to the Anime Reviews section; more coming very soon. Also, the Zeros are finally here. From now on, the Wish You Were Here section is not a mere links section, but an anime award. Yep, every two weeks or so, a new kick ass site will be chosen and given a Zero. First site to receive this prestigious award is Azuri's DBZ Fanfiction Page. A great site, it's in the Wish You Were Here section, so I recommend you visit it. Guess that's all for today. Still haven't received news for the interview, but don't worry, I'll try to contact them later this week if I still get no answer. A final note; if you have a poem, e-mail it to me. People have e-mailed me asking when am I going to post a new poem, but so far, I haven't received a new one, so it has to stay
Ok, this guys has been kind enough to include my site in their links; so this is my way of saying thanks. Looking for anime sites or a place to link your own. Click on any of the banners below
Disclaimer: Ok, I know you know, but I still must tell you. Any and all anime, manga, and live-action series mentioned in this site belongs to their respective companies. In other words, they are not mine and I'm not claiming they are. The reviews, editorials, interviews, and other content featured in this site belongs to their respective authors and should not be used without their permission. Guess that is all as far as disclaimers go. Enjoy your visit.
Feel like e-mailing me. Comments, suggestions, contributions. E-mail me here.
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