Submission Guidelines

Ok, submitting a poem is simple. First, you write or choose the poem you would like to submit. Then, you e-mail it to me. Of course, you must remember to include your name or nick, your e-mail addy (optional), and the title of the poem plus the poem, of course. All of this on the body of the e-mail; sorry, no attachmenets will be accepted. You can add a small introduction that will be used if it is archived. Now, a quick reminder. Not all poems you send will be chosen. Every two weeks, we will choose a poem to include in the main page of Otakus in the Attic. If your poem is not chosen, don't worry, it will stay on queau, so you don't have to resubmit it again. You can submit your poems any day of the month, but remember, new poems will only appear on days 15 and 30 of each month. Also, please don't submit a whole bunch of poems. Just one for each judging period. When a new poem is posted on the main page; then you can submit a new one. Guess that's all as far as poetry submissions go. Don't be shy. Send your work and let other otakus admire your talent.


Ok, so you want to submit a review. Whether it is anime or live-action, the rules are the same. Type it. E-mail it to me. Make sure that in the body of the e-mail; you include your name or nick, your e-mail addy (optional) and the review. Sorry, no attachments will be accepted. You either paste the review on the body of the e-mail or submit an url where I can find your review. Sorry for this inconvenience, it's to prevent viruses. Now, in order to submit a review, please follow this formula; if you don't, your review will not be accepted. Sorry.

Name of film
(You can also put the name in Japanese if you know it)

Name of company (ADV, Manga, Anime Works, etc, does not apply to fansubs unless you know who fansubbed it)

Lenght in minutes

Number of episodes, OVAs or movies you watched.

Score on scale from 1 to 5. 1 is lowest. 5 is highest.

Warnings that apply such as nudity, language, sex, violence, etc. If it's a live action movie, you can include the rating (PG, PG-13, R, etc)

What was the movie all about? (synopsis or a brief summary of the plot of the movie)

What did you thought about it? (the review perse, your opinion on the movie. Plot, characters, animation, anything else you might want to add. This part tells the reader if you enjoyed the movie or not and why)

Guess that's all, for examples, check out the
Anime Reviews or Live-action Reviews sections.

Editorials, interviews, news, anything else?

Want to submit an editorial, a rant, maybe an interview or some news. For all of those 'miscellaneous' submits, just make sure you put your name or nick, e-mail addy (optional) and a title for what you are submitting. Also, make sure you submit everything on the body of the e-mail. No attachments will be accepted. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Guess that's all. Send all of your submissions
here. Thanks!

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