Plastic Little (The Adventures of Captain Tita)

ADV Films
Lenght: 55 minutes
English Dubbed
Contains: 1 movie
Score: 4.5 out of 5
Reviewed by: Assasin Zero

Warnings: This movie really surprised me. It may look cute at first, but don�t let that fool
you. This has strong violence, nudity, blood, slight lesbian themes, and adult situations.
Like the box says; for mature audiences only.

What�s it all about?: Across the vast sea of clouds, the Cha Cha Maru sails on it�s endless
petshop hunting quest. With Captain Tita in charge, it looks like clear skies ahead for
everyone aboard. That is of course until Tita goes shopping and on her way back to the
ship; comes across a young girl named Elysse. The daughter of a renowned scientist, she�s
on the run from a rogue military group in search of an elusive password hidden within her.
A password that can mean the difference between life and death for a whole planet. Join
Tita and the crew of the Cha Cha Maru as they battle against unbeatable odds with the life
of a girl and the future of a whole planet at stake. Who said cloud fishing was no fun?

What did I thought about it?: Whoa! Now this movie kicks mayor butt. Only 55 minutes
long, it manages to tell a great story without feeling rushed or incomplete. And of course, the fact that it features some kick ass battles, incredible animation, amazing mechanical design, and some of the best drawn nipples this side of hentai is only frosting on a cake that already tastes damn good. All in all, a great flick that manages to be fun without being brainless and a movie that is sadly underrated. Now, why don�t we go into the details.

First of all, lets talk about the characters. Varied and original, it�s because of them that this
movie achieves anime greatness and doesn�t become another plotless piece of eye candy.
Leading the crew of the Cha Cha Maru, we have Tita; anime�s favorite tomboy. A cute 17
year old girl; what she lacks in breast size, she makes up with lots of heart, brains, and
courage. Probably one of my favorite anime characters, she kicks mayor butt in battle and
at her young age, is a fearless leader respected by her crew. Joining her is Elysse, a blonde
beauty, daughter of a renonwed scientist. Fleeing from a rogue military group, she meets
Tita by accident; and after succesfully escaping from their pursuers, a beautiful friendship
develops between them (with hints of a little more that sadly never get resolved). In her
body, she holds a password that in the wrong hands, can destroy their entire planet. A plot
devise and a mayor character, it�s because of Elysse that we have a kick ass movie and not
55 minutes of cloud whale fishing.

Like our two main characters, the crew of the Cha Cha Maru is equally impressive, if not a
little cliched. We have Mikail, the old friend of Tita�s deceased father and the voice of
reason aboard; Mei, the ship�s nurse and advisor; Balboa, your typical tough guy with a
good heart; and Nichol and Roger, the ship�s slackers that work only when needed and
goof off most of the time. Of course, Nichol is in love with Tita and throughout the anime,
it is hinted that she may have feelings for him as well.

For a bad guy, we have this Nazi looking villain that is probably Faust�s (from
Marionnette J
) long lost brother. For most of the anime, you barely see his face as most of
his body is covered by a huge cape, gigantic shoulder pads, and weird head armor. An evil
villain with lots of style; he�s the perfect nemesis for the amazing Captain Tita.

Now, why don�t we talk about the animation. What can I say? Kick ass all the way. From
the amazingly realistic mechanical designs to the charming and original character models;
the animation in
Plastic Little screams high budget. Don�t let their weird and sometimes
goofy looks fool ya; once you see this characters on screen, it all fits perfectly and looks
extremely well. The battle sequences are well choreographed and everything seems like it
was planned to perfection. The settings and backgrounds are particularly gorgeous, reminding you of a futuristic European town. The "undercloud" effects are also pretty impressive and even though they are made to look underwater, you are constantly reminded that they are sailing among clouds; an effect that looks pretty cool in my humble opinion. Truly eye-candy at it�s very best.

Now, you put a lot of warnings up there. Is it really that bad? Mmm, sadly, it is. At least if
you are 15 or under, that is. The violence at times (very few times) can be extreme and in the bath scene that has made this movie famous (to the point where it is sometimes referred to as
Plastic Nipple), nothing is left to the imagination. The character designer seems to like
his girls nude and during this scene, he went all out. After Elysse is on the ship, prepare to
see her and Tita in all their naked glory. Extremely detailed boobs (the nipples in
have more detail than most hentai flicks would ever dare to show) and cute ass shots
make this movie a must for the pervert at heart. It�s not done sexually (they are simply
naked taking a bath), but that�s not to say it ain�t fun to watch. However, this scene only
lasts a few minutes and even with it�s gratuitous nudity, it ain�t exactly plotless and it's fun to watch; so don�t let it keep you from enjoying this amazing movie.

All in all, if you are in the mood for action and adventure,
Plastic Little is a must. It may
not be the best, but it is certainly among them. Whether you watch it for the eye-candy,
the naked girls, or the plot; I promise you are in for hell of a ride. While the nudity and the
violence may turn off some people, believe me, this is neither
Wicked City, nor Ninja
. In the mood for 55 minutes of fun? Captain Tita delivers all that and more. Highly
The chicks of Plastic Little. Cute, aren't they? From left to right, we got Elysse, Tita, and everybody's favorite nurse, Mei. Wouldn't mind if she took my temperature ^_^
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