
Welcome to Otaku L o v e                   

Heylo minna-chan! Welcome to Otaku Love! I hope you enjoy your visit here and remember to sign the guestbook! Scroll all the way down to the bottom to get an idea what this site is all about! ^_^

*Note* This is definitely NOT a conventional anime site. Everything from Xena, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, to Batman fanart and X-files Fanfiction is desired!!

I will try to make this the site where otakus can newbies alike can gather! O welles, I am definetely planning a FANATIC site, which includes fanfiction and fanart, a REVIEWS section, MULTIMEDIA will no doubt take longer but will be the pride and joy of this site- expect lotsa anime ROMS and games! The gallery will be up shortly as well, and if you wish to contribute a LINK, just e-mail me by clicking on staff at [email protected]!! =)

Any requests, comments, suggestions, (gee, its a little early for flames, huh?=) just click on the Feedback button and I'll get the message! ^_^

  ::Phoenix King::

 P.S Wanna be on my staff?

 Rate this site at Sailor Moon Top20!  

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August 31st, 2000: I have added three AMAZING fanart, all-new fanfiction, and new reviews on Anime music albums. I have also added tons of new pictures to the Sailor Moon manga and anime section. I got a new counter and guestbook, too. Added new mp3's as well.

September 12, 2000: Hey! Back now! Sorry, haven't updated in a loooong while! Well, anywayz, I've fixed up the site some--feel free to sign my guestbook now! And remember to vote! Fanart sections up as well as the reviews!!


Neon Genesis Evangelion Sailor Moon Card Captor Sakura Akira...Just to name a few of the many classic and new anime shows here.

::Music::Expect J-Pop, anime and game music, as well as some AZN-pop

::Games:: Requests, anyone? I've got Final Fantasy, Ranma 1/2, Tenchi Muyo, Sailor Moon:Another Story, Chrono Trigger, Mega Man...etc.,

Special Thanks

::Fellow otakus and wonderful friends::

Nina Sophia Matt Randi Virginia Mike Evans Jenny Z.Z Sheri
Mark Sandra Tulika Bryce Hilary Zoe Jerry Brian Eric Josie Chris Ann Stephanie Cassandra Amy Tiffany Lindsey Melissa Maggi Marianne



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