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Anime Central: The sweetest thing on the menu!

Last Updated: 05-26-04
(Yes, you have to read this. Because I said so.)

Konnichi wa, minna-san! Watashi wa Cardiff desu. Welcome to Anime Central, your source for original, often humorous, fan-created anime stuff! We also host some of the things that normal anime sites do, such as images, sound clips, and tips for some anime video games, but the main focus of this site is originality and creativity! So, sit back, enjoy the show, and if you like, send us some of your quirky anime stuff as well! Darn, I wish I could continue this intro, but Karen has to butt in now.~Peace out, Cardiff (a.k.a. the Crazy Bitch)(translation to my previous shameless use of Japanese: Hello, everyone! My name is Cardiff.)

The Almighty Goddesses Behind This Madness are Cardiff, Chiquita, Kara, Karen, and Leeann. We're also the WebMisstresses and Five Otaku, last time I checked. Oh, I'm Karen. Something most of you will love, some of you will fear, and some of you will do both: GUNDAM MOON S IS HERE! That's all. Ja ne. ^_^* ~Karen (a.k.a. the Obsessive Friend)

Okay, back to me! (Yes, now is the time to applaud.) Ahem, sorry about Karen's unnecessary use of large font back there. Anyway, I just wanted to inform you about the way this site works. Anime Central is run by five people, listed in Karen's paragraph above. We each share control of different pages and will probably make a few random comments on each of them, because that's just the kind of people we are. If you would like to know more about us, then check out the About Us section.-~-Later, Cardiff

Recent Updates

4:07PM EST| Karen |
Hey, posted something new in the Fanfic, it's like Lozerboy rants but done by me. I think it rocks, anyway. Hugs and kisses, Karen.

2:38PM EST|Karen |
Hi guys. Unbeknowest to us, there's an Anime Central Con. Unless the other otakus are doig a lot that i don't know about, our Anime Central is NOT connected with the con. Also, for our lovely reader who pointed out that Wington page 3 doesn't work, um yeah sorry bout that. That link was made accidentally and there is no page 3 of Wingtron. Sorry, it just kinda stops in the middle. Hopefully we'll finish the movie for ya. On the updating side, Princess Mononoke has been added to the Anime Reviewer and the fanfic warnings have been applied. Go check it out!

5:07PM EST|Karen |
Um... happy New Year... I put up a belated second edition of Lozerboy rants and changed the quote (WOW!).

11:35PM EST | Cardiff |
Lalala..ohh, hello there! Yes indeed I did feel like updating actually maybe! No, it's the time to repent and be saved, but I did put two pictures in the Fan Art section. Consider it a little Thanksgiving present from moi to..toi. I don't know French.'s been so long! I wish I had something profound to say, but...well, this is me we're talking about. I guess I will be back some day, but until then keep me close to your heart. I love you always. Yes, you.

5:42PM EST|Karen |
Ah, fresh air... You'll notice that the index has a slightly different look. Sort of a fall cleaning.Karen

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Otaku Quote of the More like Month than Week:
"Fifty gallons of beer?!?!?!"
~doing an inventory of what's in the fridge, from Neon Genesis Evangelation (pardon spelling)

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None of the material on this site was meant to be offensive to anyone, sorry if it is. Also, The Otaku Five does not own any of the anime here, they own us. Although the original material on this site is all ours, and if ya try to steal it we will put you in our unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism and you will be eaten by ill-tempered sea bass!

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