Anime Pics

Hello! Welcome to the Anime pictures section thingy. (Unfortunately, I can't say that in Japanese like Cardiff.) Anyway, here you will eventually find pictures of DBZ, Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, and other anime people if it will let me upload them!!! Oh well, right I only have a few measly pictures. -Chiquita
Hello, Chiquita! It is I, Karen! If you still want to upload pics, I'll help in any way I can. In the mean time, I'm going to cause trouble by posting some pics o' my own! Heaven only knows where I got this one...

Okie dokie, guys, since no one's obviously been taking care of this part of the website, I, Kara, will take the job upon myself---
Random Peasants: Yay.
What--?! You guys are still here?! For the love of neato cheesy junkies! Get out! GET OUT!....Ahem. Anyhoo, I'm going to put the pics that we already have uploaded and maybe upload a few more because I have a TON of Gundam Wing pics, but for right now, this gallery is just going to stay pathetic. Ja! ~Kara ;P

Gundam Wing

Dragonball Z

Ronin Warriors

Tenchi Muyo!

Sailor Moon


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