Okay, here's the lowdown on our dimension and who's in it. There's, of course, us, the 5 Otakus, but there is also people from the Ronin Warriors dimension, the Sailor Moon dimension, and from the DragonBall Z dimension. These people are: Ryo, Rowen, Sage, Sai, Kento, Uli, Mia, Trunks, Goten, Goku, Chi-chi, Bulma, Vegeta, Usagi, Makoto, Minako, Rei, Ami, Darrien, Chad, Molly, Melvin, Haruka, Michiru, Hotaru, Setsuna, Rini, and Rei's grandpa. Yes, Maron, Gohan, Bra, Krillin, Pan, 18, are in there it's just that you don't hear much from them. Anyway, we all live in Satan City, Japan, except for Mia, who's mansion is on the outskirts of Satan City. To the east of Satan City is Toyama, the city in Ronin Warriors where Shinsai University is located and even more towards the east is Tokyo where all the Sailor Moon people live, but we don't hear much from them. Past Tokyo is Sendai, another city mentioned in Ronin Warriors and Jewel Lake, the lake in Ronin Warriors where Anubis, Mia, and Uli found the Jewel of the Life. These cities are all near the coast and if you look across the water, you see a small island. That is Flower Bud Village, where Karen is from.

We all go to Orange Star High School. Mia is a senior, while Ryo, Rowen, Kento, Sai, Sage, and myself are juniors. Leeann and Trunks are sophmores and Chiquita, Cardiff, Karen, and Goten are freshmen. Ja ne (for now) ~ Kara

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