
Hidelly-ho, minna-san! Kara here. I think this section is pretty self explanatory, so, enough of me talking. Onto the fics!
Random Peasants: Yay.
Nani?! Get out of here, squatters! ::runs them out with fireballs::

Fanart by Cardiff

Otaku Battle -The Otakus are ready to fight!
The Patented Otaku Hairdo -The name says it all.
The 5 Otaku -The 5 Otaku relaxing.
Cardiff -The reason you don't want to make Cardiff mad.
um..yep- Hello people! ^_^ Here's a mini-sketch I did the other day for the hey of it. Kinda getting back into the groove of drawing maybe..who knows!
bored- sketchers on the back of some notes in psychology class
Fanart by Karen

Us at the beach -Enjoy the summer in any way that floats your rubber ducky.
Fouth of July -America ROCKS!
St. Patrick's Day -How the Otakus celebrate this green holiday.

There's no place like home, there's no place like home...

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