Now, really, who did let the hunks out?
Lemme tell ya, it was Leeann and me, sisters in crime! Hiddy- ho, Karen here, causing mayhem! This seemed a good thing to do, seeing how we flirt with everything that moves...
Someday, hopefully, this page will be filled with pictures and descripions of a lotta hunks! Link, I know, for starters, even if Leeann says "Yeah, right!", and Duo, oh yeah, baby! And we can't forget Number 17....nor Rowen..... ::eyes glaze over as she mutters names to herself::
Uh, right. Well, anyway, that's what's gonna infect this page. Later.

This is the SEXIEST Man Alive!!! Rowen What the hell happened to his picture??? :,(

Leeann! Yeah right! There are lots of guys hotter then him, not to mention he's not alive! P.S. MWHAHAHAH! I replaced her pic!!!~Karen

Okay, I had to do my own little invasion here since Cardiff and Chiqui really have no taste and don't care about hunks anyway. First off, Number 17?! What is wrong with you, Karen? Just how many times were you dropped on your head as a kid? (And that doesn't include the times that I did it ;)BTW, last time I checked, Link wasn't alive either. So nanernanerbooboo! Everyone knows that moi's boyfriend, Sanada Ryo is the best hunk in the world! 'Nuff said. Kara ;P

Oh, so Ryo is alive now? >P And, yes number 17! He's so cool! Ok, do we all agree that Trunks is hot? Is that a safe thing to say? Oh and I was not dropped as a kid! AND I actually have a rl boyfriend!! ::smug grin that should be fined:: ~Karen

Hi ho, all you lovely viewers, you! Seeing as how everyone else finds it improbable that I will post something on this page, it becomes my duty to defy their assumptions once again. For I, the Improbable Queen, am here to save the day, and to put some pictures of some actually good-looking guys (just for a change of things).
Although this isn't all that great of a picture, he is "hot" in it, so to speak. (Heh heh, me and my corny puns.)
Sephiroth from FF7
Peace out. ~Cardiff ^-^

Oh, yeah, he's hot, Cardiff ::rolls eyes::. The only cute thing about him are those eyes... and hardly that. They're kinda spooky, ya know? 'Cause that's probably why they look like that.Are we ever actually going to post pics? ~Karen ^.~
I messed up your pic, Leeann, I owe you. This is soley for you, I hope you like it. Gene Starwind from Outlaw Star

Waaaaaa! How come everybody said something and I didn't! Why didn't anybody tell me! I am a part of this website thingy and I don't want to be left out.......Okay now that I said that I don't really have anything to say so I'll just leave. Yep....yep yep yep yep yep! okie dokie buh-bye!!!~Chiqui :P

Take me home, now!

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