An Insider's Guide to Anime!

All this thought up, coded in, and typed out by Karen.
Hey guys! This section of the site is dedicated to providing info and reviews on anime. Animes are rated on serveral aspects. The overall rating is done in random peasants as they're practically our mascot and I figured I should hire them so they could pay the rent. (Don't tell Kara!) 5 Peasants means the anime is excellent. 1 Peasant means it's pretty stinky. I've also adopted the warning system used in the fanfic section, with some changes. Whamo= violence. Lemon= nudity. Yaoi= gay subplots. So let's get on with it!

Sailor Moon

3 Peasants3 Peasants3 Peasants
Warnings: Lemon and yaoi.
The plot: They look like your normal teenagers, but these girls are actually princesses from the 9 planets. Their rules were distrupted by the evil Queen Bryl. The inner scouts (Sailors Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter) rediscover their magical powers and combat the queen and her hence-people with the help of Tuxedo Mask. Later the other scouts appear: Sailors Uranus and Neptune, who origonally fight against the inner scouts; Sailor Neptune, who origonally is sort of possessed; and Sailor Pluto, who guards the Gates of Time. We also meet the future child, Rini (Sailor Mini-moon) of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask...
The bad news: There is no astronomical value in this show. (Earth's moon is the leader, Jupiter is an inner planet, and Saturn is shy and little.) Be warned, the girls can get pretty shrill. The minor enemies (the ones killed in one or two episodes) are usually really weird looking females with even less clothes than the scouts. There are also some gay subplots (Uranus and Neptune) and in much later episodes there are crossdressers. But if you watch in America, the gayness is toned down and the crossdressers are rarely if ever allowed onscreen. Loops in the space-time continuum with Rini and Sailor Moon are enough to give you a headache. (If Rini kills Moon, then Rini could have never been born, so would Moon still be dead?)
The good news: The idea that friendship conquores all is reassuring, and the weapons are at the very least unique. Some of the jokes are pretty good, and its as good as a box of chocolate if you've had a bad day. Or cheesecake. The characters are mostly endearing, especially the talking cat sidekicks, Luna and Artemis.
The hair: The Sailor Moon meatball do is practically trademarked. Rini sports something similar. You'll see pink on Rini, green on Pluto, blue on Mercury and Neptune, and purple on Saturn. In the manga, Jupiter is also pink, and Uranus' blonde becomes white.


Rating:4 Peasants4 Peasants4 Peasants4 Peasants
Warnings: Lemon!
The plot: I actually grouped 3 animes together: Tenchi Muyo!, Tenchi Universe, and Tenchi in Toyko. General plot: A boy named Tenchi has a bunch of girls arrive at his house. Aeka is a princess, Washu is a mad scientist, Sasami is a mini-princess, Ryoko is either a demon or a space pirate (depending on the show), Mihoshi is a dumb police officer, and Kyoni (not in Muyo) is her partner. Of course, they all fall in love with Tenchi, especially Ryoko and Aeka. That provides quite a bit of a plot as it is, and then there's the whole thing that Tenchi is the crown prince of this planet Juri, and Ryoko's on the run... etc... In Tokyo there's this thing about a new mysterious girl...
The bad news: The animation of Tokyo is sloppy, reminesent of Pokemon, and the characters are very different personality-wise. Also, you'll in the unedited version of any of the 3 that Ryoko doesn't mind the nude much, and Washu is a lot weirder! And Muyo only has 13 episodes.
The good news: Muyo is the best, animation and story-wise. Universe is my favorite; it's longer and Washu gets more developed. The series packs a punch with hilarious Ryoko-Aeka fights, which usually end with something being distroyed by accident. This series has love triangles, jokes, and some cool fights.
The hair: Pretty good. Ryoko's is blue and spiked. Washu's is pink and spiked. Aeka's is purple and in about 4 distint cuts. Sasami's is blue. They actually did a Sailor Moon spoof with Sasami getting a magic wand and sometimes wearing "meatballs".

Gundam Wing

Warnings: Some whamo and yaoi.
Rating:5 Peasants5 Peasants5 Peasants5 Peasants5 Peasants
The plot: Not going to do this one justice... Ask Kara for more details. It's the future and there are space colonies. The Earth Alliance, controlled by "Oz", uses Mobile Suits to control the colonies. Five teenage boys- Hiro, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei- with Mobile Suits of their own (Gundams) go to Earth and fight to overthrow Oz. They are helped by Releena Peacecraft, and make their way to Zechs, the leader of Oz. But he has some sketchy roots that Releena will be interested in...
The bad news: It's on the serious side and hard to keep the plot straight. (Wait, the colonies are good or bad, What just happened on earth, and Hiro doesn't like you get it through your head! What's this? A teddy bear?!??!) And some of the in-space battle scenes are lacking. AAAAAnd if you listen to my friend Lozerboy (who does NOT know I'm quoting him) Quatre and Trowa are gay in the Japanese version. (But what does he know anyway.)
The good news: Characters that get you into the anime. Interesting plot twists, love that's mostly in your head (or is it?). Boys to die for and kick butt girls. And Duo's crazy attitude keeps Hiro and Trowa from making the show totally pessimisstic. Finally, let's face it, there are so many battle scenes that not ALL of them can be riveting!
The hair: Hello? Who hasn't tried the Hiro or Trowa look if you're a boy or the Noin or Sally look if you're a girl? Ok, really, the guys have the hair in this one. Hiro's is messy/spiky, Trowa's is...Trowa's, Duo has a braid. For your colors, we have purple on Noin and Hilde, platinum blonde on Quatre and Zechs. GW also takes anime hair to a different (disturbing) level: check out the eyebrows on Dorothy and Triez. Like you could miss them. Ugh.
One note: The Gundam Pilots appear in the same way that their Gundams' are numbered, and their names echo their numbers: Hiro-1. Duo-2. Trowa-3. Quatre-4. Wufei-5. Yes, that info is used, see it in Kara's story corner.

Totally Spies

Warnings: Stupidity.
Rating:2 Peasants2 Peasants
The plot: Legally Blonde + James Bond + some Sailor Moon - the hot guys= this newbie! Three girls (Sam, Clover, and Alex)use the latest spygear to crack down on criminal acts while wondering how they did in Algebra that day.
The bad news: It's a little unorigonal! Besides the equation above, there's also the Power Puff influence (a somewhat leader brunette ok she's a redhead but still, an toughish black haired chick, and a dumb blonde). There's no male eyecandy (Leeann and Karen burst into tears). And any male who's going to watch it will watch it on mute. Also, sorry boys, the clothes aren't as revieling as in Sailor Moon.
The good news: This show is about as cute as you can get without being small and fluffy! The girls are more mature (or at least modern) than Sailor Moon: They drive (cars and planes.) The bad guys are much less freaky-looking than in Sailor Moon. The spygear is fun (Ah, Just-sticky-enough gloves... which of course aren't quite sticky enough.) and there are some jokes about being fashion forward (not the designer shoes!!).
The hair: Um, blonde, red, black, and not a spike in sight. This is anime, right? Peasants: It's Amerime! *Gasp!* no...
One note: This is an unusual show. Its plot resets itself with every episode. So if someone is going to die/come back to life, they'll have to do it in one episode. But since there's no magic, I don't think that's going to happen.

Princess Mononoke

Rating:5 Peasants5 Peasants5 Peasants5 Peasants5 Peasants
The Plot:
This is a movie, for everyone who doesn't know. A boy (Ashitaka) is attacked by a demon boar and his arm gets possessed. In an attempt to save his now-cursed life, he travels to Iron Town, where the boar was possessed by being shot with an iron bullet. There he meets a lady (um can't remember her name...) who is ready to conquor the gods for the prospertity of her town and a wild girl (San) who will do anything to stop her!
The Bad News: The dramatic music is, um, cheesy. And, being a sappy American, I really wish there was a kiss at the end! Also, be forwarned: wanton violence. It is not really possible to knock someone's head off with an arrow!!
The Good News: The dubbing is actually very good, and I really like the animation! The plot isn't too hard to follow, either.
The Hair: All natural.

So, you got something to say? Write your own review, critique my reviews (review my reviews...) or just drop me a line. Don't be shy. I'm just a jpg that types, you know. Email Karen!

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