Hello, and welcome to the Five Otaku's original "movie" thing, Wingtron. All it really is is pictures we took of Kara's Gundam Wing dolls in various positions and added words to it, so it's kinda like a...picture book, I guess. But we're going to call it a movie because that sounds better (and more interesting). Please do not steal this. We worked long and hard on it. Any unauthorized reproduction of this film in any way, shape, or form is frowned upon, and we will take immediate action in opening up a can of whoop-ass on you. In otherwords, just ask us if you want to use it.
So, let's get on with the show!~Cardiff

Anime Central presents


A Five Otaku production


Hiro Yui


Duo Maxwell


Trowa Barton


Quatre Raberba Winner


Chang Wufei




"Clean Air, Clean Sea" Dolly


Mulan Barbie


Relena Darlin Peacecraft


Milliardo Peacecraft


and Kara and Chiquita's cat, Jasmine


digital camera provided by Chiquita


edited/compiled by Cardiff


directors of photography/filmed by Chiquita, Cardiff, and some help from Karen


special effects by Chiquita and Karen


written by the Five Otaku


mostly written by and written down by Kara, Leeann, and Cardiff


filmed at Kara and Chiquita's house




Narrator: It was a beautiful, sunny day outside...not that the Gundam boys would notice. They were all inside Quatre's mansion, playing a fierce game of indoor soccer. (Chiquita: Yay! Soccer! She is immediately knocked down by the rest of the otaku. Narrator: Um...yeah. Now on with the movie!) It was Hiro and Quatre versus Trowa and Wufei. Duo was the omniscient referee.

Narrator: Suddenly, Quatre knocks Trowa over and takes possession of the ball.
Quatre: Booyah!
Duo: No penalty. Play on.

Wufei: Bring it on, weakling.

Quatre: Grrrr, here it comes!

Narrator: Quatre dribbles to the goal and kicks...

Narrator:...and the ball flies past Wufei!
Wufei: Nooooo!

Duo: Score for Quatre and Hiro!
Wufei: Injustice...

Hiro: Hold up, guys; there's a call from Central.

Narrator: The boys looked up at the Communication Central screen (which, erm, just so happend to appear out of nowhere). Displayed on it was an image of Relena Peacecraft.
Relena: Wingtron Pilots, there's a crisis at the railroad tracks! My brother, Milliardo, has been tied down to the tracks by some unidentified evil force. You must save him and vanquish the foe, Wingtron Team!

Gundam Guys: Go, Wingtron!
Narrator: Using their ultra-super-powers, the five mild-mannered (*cough, cough*) teenage mobile suit pilots transform into the...WINGTRON TEAM! [begin old 70's style anime music]

To see the next exciting chapter of Wingtron, click here!

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