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Well another month has gone by and I'm still stuck with network problems. At this point I have given up trying to find another place to setup, seeing as how there is only 5 weeks of school left. There will be a summer server again this year. I'll keep the site up to date and post the IP when it's up and running.

On the frontier of updates:
The Servers have been busier than usual with the introduction of a new map, de_walmart. It is fully downloadable via A.I.M. or can be directly downloaded from our servers. CS-Guard is being kept as current as possible, and I'm adding a cheater page to the web-site. I still can't get over how many cheaters there are out there. Also, Faststats is coming out with a new and improved version. It will have a new stats layout with more tweakable options so keep an eye on the stats section of the web-site. Speaking of stats, summer is almost here and I'm going to revamp the web-site and reset them all.

Clan news:
There has been a small matter of which I'm am sad to report. The OTBS Clan roster is about to get even shorter. Coolmodi has retired from the world of CS. He will be missed but don't get him wrong... he still plays FPS games just not CS. See ya around man.

Unfortunately we have decided to cut our good friend Gutshot (aka Trauma). It seems he has been caught using cheats on other servers. This has happened more than once and has been witnessed by other clan members. We let it go the first time because an imposter was using his name and his computer (we later found out that it was Gutshot's friend, Pete). But the fact remains that cheats where found on his computer on more than one occasion. Sorry Gutshot.

Flaps, Whach, and I have recently been addicted to some other FPS games like RTCW and Ghost Recon. We highly recommend them and have setup servers from time to time (I'm a huge fan of Ghost Recon).

See you all this summer.



Sorry about the lack of updates, it's pretty hectic here.

I was trying to hold out until CS1.4 but that is definitely not going to happen. I have updated ADMIN-MOD and added some new plugins. CS-Guard has been added to 2/3 servers and will be added to server 3 in a few weeks.

Speaking of Server 3, a few of you have asked me why it's almost never up... well here's the deal: My brother Recca runs server 3 on his desktop when he's not using it... thus it's running at random times with random maps. He lives in Hartford and because of his school's policy on Ethernet use, his computer is often the target of port restrictions. He's been shut down on several occasions. Rotating his port number gets around the bandwidth restrictions but it also make's it almost impossible to get repeat players. It also makes it even more difficult to find/track. For this reason the IP address on the server page may not be exactly correct. However, if you do find Server 3 it should be considerably faster than servers 1 and 2 at the moment. GOOD LUCK.... you'll need it.

Here's an update on the network issues I've been dealing with:
First I find out that my building shares it's bandwidth with an entire city street. Next I found out that almost all of the nodes in my building are hub stations and there are almost no switches used (CAN YOU SAY "DATA COLLISION"). And finally the icing on the cake is the fact that upload speeds are being reduced because of all the idiots who setup KaZa nodes and ftp servers. I checked my network speed around 4PM EST and to my dismay it reads: 1357kbps DL / 243kbps UL !!! WTF... that's not T1!!!

These factors have forced me to look for a new location to setup shop. I may just take the servers down until the summer time. I'll keep you all posted as to my progress.




One improvement here at OTBS is the addition of the JEDI NOCHEAT plugin. This is a great anticheat plugin and I recommend it to anyone with a server as a safeguard. Within the first 3 hrs of operation we caught 4 cheaters on our servers. If you want to take a look at all the cheaters we've banned so far check out the Cheaters Caught page. I've been updating the web-site as well as the servers, and with any luck I'll have the new Flash version of this site up and running some time in the near future. Whach and I are still working on the intro as well.

Our Boston servers (1 & 2) continue to have packet loss problems due to the shoddy network here. The ping is great from 2-5 AM EST but as more and more people at this school logon the ping jumps to up to 5 times normal. During testing I found that there is anywhere from 4-20 retransmitted packets per data stream during the day. This makes playing on our servers a pain in the ass. I'm still looking for a solution to the problem but rest assured something will be done. Until the problem can be resolved server 3 is your best bet to play on. It is located in Hartford and has pretty decent ping.

On a sadder note, my good friend Whach has moved permanently to the west coast for family related reasons. We shall miss his company but don't count him out. Whach has no intentions of leaving OTBS. He is actually starting-up the west coast chapter of OTBS. We wish him the best. Keep an eye out for him.



Counter-Strike is getting pretty old here. It would seem no one likes to play anymore. The server is empty almost everyday. I for one, am bored with the game so I have decided to try and improve the experience. First off, I'm sick of de_dust. From now on I will be rotating the server map on a daily basis. Four new maps have been added to the server and I will be adding more. I'm open to new map suggestions too. ALL RARE MAPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD VIA OUR AOL INSTANT MESSENGER ACCOUNT (sn: OTBSClan). Simply use the "GET FILE" option to see the list of OTBS files. If you don't have AOL IM then just connect to the server. All maps are FULLY downloadable, it just takes a little longer.

Only good quality maps will be used and they are all worth a chance. I would advise that you to STAY on the map and wait for others to join. It's the only way to attract other players. If ADMINs are present voting will be enabled. In the mean time print out our map list so you know what maps are availible while playing.

Hopefully this will liven things up here... if not ...well I tried. Frag you online.



As you have probably noticed there have been a few changes around here. Here's what has been happening so far:

After continual harassment and hack attempts on both the servers and our own client machines, I have banned the COCONUTZ clan and their accomplices for life. Also there have been reports of people using the [OTBS] tag and impersonating clan members. If I find such occurrences (which I have) I will ban you for life. There has also been a few cheaters caught and banned on our servers. We have switched to force chase cam only in order to stop players from ghosting. My apologies go out to the people who play fair.

Server 2 has been taken offline until January. It has not been handling the new version of HL and CS very well. The computer's lack of power and our network problems have forced me to shut it down and build a new machine from scratch. My thanks to all those that reported the severe lag issues while playing on it.

I have switched to the latest version of Fast Stats and changed the qualifications in the program. I have decided to reward the regulars that play on our servers. There is a 500 frag minimum in order to show up on the top 50 list. The program also gives map stats now. Head over to the server stats page to check it out.

A few new maps have been added to the servers. Go to the maps page to see a complete and updated list. Also, because of the new HL version our servers are very unstable. They seem to be crashing at least once a day. Punk Buster has been making the problem worse and has often failed to stay active while the server is restarted. This problem, coupled with the fact that it is completely ineffective now that there are no more PB updates, has resulted in its removal from our servers.

As you all know, there hasn't been any web-site updates in a long time. Whach, Flaps, and I are college students and we really just don't have the time anymore (school comes before CS). The web-site will continue to evolve but at a much slower pace. The flash project probably won't get finished until April or May. There WILL be updates but very few (once a month). Also, due to lack of interest a few members have quit and/or disappeared. We will not be holding tryouts for a VERY LONG TIME. As of now the roster is locked (sorry to all those wannabes). Thank you to all those who are sticking with us through these slow times.


*** Last Updated: 3/16/02 ***

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