MT-201 Computer Fundamentals with JAVA

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Apr 2003 Presentation


Tutorial  Notes

Session Date Topics PPT Notes


27 Apr

 Preparation & Course Familiarization 00
T-2 4 May  Unit-1 Computer Concepts and 1st Java Program

 by Gary CHAN

T-3 18 May  Unit-2 Problem Solving through Objects 02
T-4 15 Jun  Unit-3 Classes and Objects 03
T-5 13 Jul  Unit-4 Control Structures 04
T-6 31 Aug  Unit-5 Arrays 05
T-7 28 Sep  Unit-6 Advanced Control Structures 06
T-8 26 Oct  Unit-7 More on Classes

by Vicmon FAN

T-9 23 Nov  Unit-8 Basic Input / Output 08
T-10 14 Dec  Unit-9 Graphical User Interface 09
T-11 4 Jan 04  Unit-10 Data Structure 10
T-12 25 Jan 04


Brief user guide of  JCreator

Installing King's jpb package

Updated on Tuesday, 17 February, 2004
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