GYM can Convert your Still Photos/Photo Album
 to VCD (Video CD) Slide Show to view on TV
with your Favourite Music, Hymns or Songs
Proceeds go to PMC Church Extension Fund
What you can do:
1: Arrange your photos in subject/themes
   eg: My Wedding/ A Trip to Tokyo/ Celebrating Christmas/ Johnny's Birthday/ etc

2: Select your Music CD for the music/hymn/song to be included in the VCD

3: Submit above to  GYM's Jenny Phuah or her GYM official at the church booth

You can also view a demo VCD at Church. Select from the list:
1: GYM Carolling 2: Tokyo Trip  3: A Wedding (3 versions available)
4: Grandma's Birthday Celebration 5: Fishing Trip 6: Israel (2 versions)
Other Titles on Request

For more details, contact Jenny Phuah -hp:96283932
or log in to GYM website at 
The Cost (All Proceeds go to PMC Church Extension Fund)
Donate Cash or Cheque payable to Pentecost Methodist Church Building Fund:

$50.00 for 20 - 30 photos in a VCD slide show with music
$20.00 for a second copy of the above.

$75.00 for 31-50 photos in a VCD slide show with music
$25.00 for a second copy of the above.

Other Quantity Rates are available on request.

=========================Commitment Form================================
                 I am interested. Please contact me:

Name:____________________________Contact No:_______________

I'd like to:  view a Demo / arrange to submit my Photos & Music on ___ 
/ have someone explain to me more details


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