The right to choose what
Don't call this a pregancy, this is my child!
I did not lose a pregancy
I lost a child.
A child I knew and loved
I loved Evan from conception.
I still do.
Dont tell me Its a good thing I lost him before I  got to attached,
I know you mean well, but it dont work that way.
I knew his likes and his dislikes.
I knew he liked warm baths and sweets and
he didn't care to much for a seat belt.
We love our children and wanted them so badly no one understands why some have to live a life of hell with parents who abuse them and never look in their  precious eyes and tell them how special and loved they are.
Its a sad sad world.. God must have known we would love them anyway
here on earth or in his arms.
If we could have a lifetime wish
And one dream that could come true
We would pray with all our hearts
Just to see and speak to you
A thousand words won't bring you back
We know because we've tried
And neither will a million tears
We know because we've cried

You left behind our broken hearts
And precious memories too
But we never wanted memories
We only wanted you
No Tears In Heaven Mommy
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