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Name :   April
Location :   MN
Date :   March 2nd 2005
Relationship to Evan :   Your Mommys online friend
Comments :   Evan I visited your site to day, you are a beautiful angel. I have an angel in heaven too her name is Kiana, I would like you to give her a BIG hug for me :) Gina you are a great MOM!! Lots of HUGS and Prayers go out to you and your family. Take Care
Name :   Stephanie Gray
Location :   CA
Date :   
Relationship to Evan :   
Comments :   Evan I must say that you are so perfect, My how handsome you are! I wish I could get a cuddle from you sweetie! Please give Noah hugs and kisses for me ok, let him know i love him more than life its self and I miss him dearly, Always longing for one more
Name :   tina
Location :   morristown
Date :   02-21-2005
Relationship to Evan :   friend of mommy
Comments :   Gina, I had Evan on my mind today and decided to visit his web site. You did a wonderful job with it. I just want to tell you that you are a wonderful Mother and a great friend.
Name :   MIchele Merk
Location :   Mission Viejo, CA
Date :   2/18/05
Relationship to Evan :   Mommys On-Line pal :)
Comments :   What a beautiful place you have created to remember and share Evan Andrew! I feel blessed to have had the chance to visit and share in your memories. May God bless you and your family always!
Name :   MIchele Merk
Location :   Mission Viejo, CA
Date :   2/18/05
Relationship to Evan :   Mommys On-Line pal :)
Comments :   What a beautiful place you have created to remember and share Evan Andrew! I feel blessed to have had the chance to visit and share in your memories. May God bless you and your family always!
Name :   Loretta Sinard
Location :   Morristown, TN
Date :   01-24-05
Relationship to Evan :   Mommys friend from church
Comments :   Theres no doubt Evan is so loved. He is so beautiful. I will keep your continued healing in my prayers for all of you.
Name :   Mary
Location :   Marion, oh
Date :   01/23/05
Relationship to Evan :   
Comments :   I am so very sorry of your loss of Evan. He is so precious. I do thank you for sharing him with me.
Name :   Julie
Location :   SC
Date :   1/18/05
Relationship to Evan :   mommys friend
Comments :   Evan, you should be so proud of your mommy. she did an amazing job on your website. Please continue to watch over her. You are very loved and missed.
Name :   Nancy
Location :   California
Date :   1/17/2005
Relationship to Evan :   Friend of Ginas
Comments :   What a beautiful page!
Name :   Jonathan, Teresa, Nayland and Nash Prince
Location :   Morristown, TN
Date :   1-15-05
Relationship to Evan :   our angel, Neely, is in Heaven with Evan
Comments :   
Name :   Debi
Location :   England
Date :   14/1/05
Relationship to Evan :   friend of his Mommy
Comments :   Evan your Mom and Dad have done an amazing job on your site !!! You are such a beautiful boy, keep a look out for my little man up there too !! xx
Name :   Lacey
Location :   Tennessee
Date :   12/27/04
Relationship to Evan :   angel friends mom
Comments :   Gina, you have done a wonderful job on Evens website. It is Beautiful. dear even I am so sorry you did not get to spend your Life with your mommmy, daddy, and sister. Have fun Playing with all the little angels.
Name :   Cecile
Location :   Canada
Date :   December 22, 2004
Relationship to Evan :   Friend
Comments :   What a beautiful site for such a beautiful boy!!! I pray for your healing. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
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