Hi. I'm Alixi Chanel. :] I'm bloody fantastic. If I were Canadian I'd say,"Welcome to my hoose." But I'm not. So, I'll just say HEY MATE! Well, what about me? I'm deeply in love with debate, I am obsessively right brained, having no whim nor reason to do mathematical things. I want to be a United Nations Ambassador, devoting my life to the people of Africa. & whenever I see bad things going on in this world I feel obligated to stop them, I am a staunch supporter of women's rights, and world peace. I am a die-hard liberal, I believe Communism is perfect...in theory, I love my music. Screamo & electropop are my favourite, haha. I'm unconventional. & odd. & if you saw me on the street, you might think "weird-o." But that's ok. 'Cause I'm not afraid to be who I am. :] I'm eccentric. I love to write poetry, and preform it, I'm really into interpretive dance, and I ♥ my blue scarfie. I've been called a "flower child" [or as Dan would say, a "liberal hippie douchebag" haha] but that's alright, cause I am. [: So, Hallo world. Here comes Alixi. Watch out.

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