A Tribute To Our American Heros.

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The Only Change....The Year of the Event
America Loves Its Country
Just The Same Today as Sixty Years Ago

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What is a hero?
I've been asking myself that a lot lately...and I just keep coming up with an endless number of answers.

The heros were the passengers on the planes, the Port Authority Workers who risked their lives for others, the workers who worried for each other in those twin towers, our Pentagon Personnel...both Civilian and Military, the Police Officers, the Firefighters, the American people who shared the blood that runs through their veins. A Hero...they were the Chefs of NYC that couldn't work in their resturants so they fed our rescue workers filet minon' for breakfast, the Iron workers, the Steel workers,the Rescue Dogs, our President, our Mayors, our Governors, our Congress, OUR GOVERNMENT and the list goes on and on.
We are the heros...America is heroic in its love for this country.
So, what is a Hero? Who are the Heros?
The American People are the Heros.....
God Bless America

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Mariah Carey

There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are
There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

It's a long road
When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

Lord knows
Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
Tear them away
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time
You'll find the way
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

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Twelve Brave Men!

Story told by Roy Chelsen, Mike Kehoe

No one symbolizes America's unbeatable spirit better than the heroes of Engine Company 28 and Ladder Company 11, based at the same Manhattan firehouse.
Both companies - 12 brave men in all - raced to save lives at the World Trade Center. But only the six from Engine 28 returned alive.
Just as our nation is vowing that none of the dead will ever be forgotten, the men of this one shattered firehouse pledge to honor their comrades by continuing to fight the good fight.
"September 11 began like any other day at Chelsen's Lower East Side firehouse on East Second Street between Avenues A and B. We were all setting in the kitchen, drinking coffee, and getting ready for another day on the job. Just before 9 a.m., we got the call of a two-alarm fire at the World Trade Center."
What the firefighters didn't know was that hijackers had take control of American Airlines Flight 11 and crashed it, with 81 passengers and 11 crew members, into the North Tower of the tallest building in Manhattan.
As the men raced the two miles to the scene, hijacked United Airlines Flight 175, with 56 passengers and 9 crew, smashed into the South Tower.
Already, 7 engines from lower Manhattan fire stations were at the World Trade Center, responding to the most horrific scene America has ever witnessed.
When we got downtown, we didn't even look up, we just raced inside. I was climbing the stairs of the North Tower when I felt and heard an incredible explosion.
What I didn't realize then was that the South Tower was collapsing. I was on the 30th floor when it felt as if the Earth was shaking to its very core.
People started screaming:"Get Out! Get Out! The other tower has collapsed!" When we felt the explosion, calm turned to utter terror." Over the radio, our chief said: "Everybody evacuate now! We all turned around immediately, says Mike Kehoe, who was the first firefighter photographed at ground zero.
Mike, Roy and the rest of Engine 28 - Brian Becker, Bob Salvador, Frank Compagna and Jim Ippollito - decided to get out of the building. Tragically their colleagues from Ladder 11 - Mike Cammarata, Mike Quilty, Rick Kelly, Matt Rogan, Edward Day and John Hefferman - decided to take their chances in the lobby. They thought they were safe where they were," says Mike through his tears. "But they didn't make it."
Within 30 seconds of dragging everyone I could out with me I was just a block away from the World Trade Center, and the North Tower started imploding and falling down." At this point I thought I was gonna die says Roy. The force of the building coming down slammed me to the ground.I couldn't even tell you how far I was thrown, because the next thing I remember is total blackness.
I could never describe the feeling. I thought for sure that I was dying. I couldn't see anything, and the air was thick and chalky - almost impossible to breathe. I started waving my arms around as I tried to stand. Out of nowhere, I felt an arm pull me and then I realized it was another firefighter. I don't know who he was, but he shared his oxygen mask with me. I was choking and couldn't breathe. The intensity of the explosion had rocked through my whole body.
Roy was eventually pulled through the black air to a clear area. Dazed and confused, he thought of his fellow firefighters, the guys ha had been sitting with earlier in the calm of their firehouse on East Second Street. He soon learned the terrible truth. His own company, Engine 28, was bruised but alive. Sadly, the men of Ladder 11 were among the hundreds of firefighters who never came home.
At first, he was paralyzed by shock and disbelief, but then Roy's training and lifesaving instincts took over. I just wanted to turn around, get back to the towers and tear the rubble apart until I found them - dead or alive. he says, "I wanted to use every last ounce of strength I had to dig them out."
But the legacy of Ladder 11 lives on, even though these six heroes are gone.
*Firefighter Mike Cammarata, 21, was only on the job for just under 9 weeks. He had left an extremely successful construction business and taken a $100,000 cut in pay to devote his life to saving others.
*Lt. Mike Quilty was a family man with 4 children. He had just celebrated hi 20th anniversary with the fire department. He worked the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, and he told his fellow firefighters that it was the scariest thing he had ever seen.
*Rick Kelly had been hard at work on his home in Pennsylvannia during his off hours, getting it ready for his retirement after 25 years with the NYFD.
*Matt Rogan used to talk with pride to his buddies about his wife Melissa and their 3 children, including 2 young twins. Matt's dad was a firefighter for 30 years, and his brother Jerry is also a firefighter.
*Edward Day had 14 years of firefighting under his belt. His comrades remembered that Edward and his wife looked like the most loving couple in the world. Eddie's wife got word of his fate while attending to her sick father in Germany. She was desperate to get back and keep a vigil in the city her husband loved, so she returned to New York. her father died September 15.
*John Hefferman, married with 1 daughter, played bass guitar in his spare time in a band called The Bullies. John's brother is also a firefighter.
We're all working in 24 hour shifts - one on, one off. We just continue to sift through the rubble, hoping to hear on of our guys, or any survivors, calling out for help. We can't give up.

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Retired fireman back on job!

Retired firefighter Bob Beckwith became a national symbol of bravery when he appeared along side President Bush at Ground Zero in New York.
But the modest 69 year old man, who has spent most of his life helping others, says:"I'm not hero."
"The real heroes are my fellow firefighters who risk their lives day and night. I volunteered to go to the city Fire Department in 1994 after 29 years of service. He admits his family in Long Island was scared when he decided to go to the crash site.
Everyone was saying:"You're to old, stay home. But I couldn't do that. Once a fireman, always a fireman." But the patriotic retiree quickly caught the attention of President Bush.
"I was standing on top of that destroyed pumper truck because I wanted a chance to see the president, All of a sudden, a Secret Service agent yelled up to me:"hey, is that sturdy enough to stand on?" I told him it was and then I jumped up and down to prove it.
"Then he said:"Someone is going to join you up there." Suddenly, I see its the president. I bent down and helped pull him up on to the truck. The I started to climb down and he said:"whoa, where do you think you're going?" I said,"They told me to get off when you got up here, and the president says,:"Nothing doing. You stay right up here with me."

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Priest Dies Giving Last Rights!

Father Mychal Judge was a Franciscan priest - but he was every inch a fireman.The 68 year old chaplain with the New York City Fire Department was doing his duty, administering last rites to a fire fighter who had been killed by a falling woman's body, when he was struck on the head by a piece of falling debris and killed.His bravery was real because it came from loving other people, says a long time friend.It wasn't the priest first encounter with disaster. When Trans World Airlines Flight 800 exploded off Long Island in 1996, he was on the scene comforting the living and giving last rites to the dying. He was not afraid to take chances on behalf of other people, this time he paid the ultimate prices.

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He Needed A Miracle - Fire Fighters Delivered

Port Authority Sergent William Jimeno was dying, and he knew it! Trapped under tons of heavy concrete and steel, Jimeno could feel the oxygen being crushed out of him. With the superhuman strength of a man facing doom, he thrust his hand up through the rubble, wriggling past the glass and jagged rock, until he felt air against his palm!
Frantically he began waving his hand around, hoping against hope that someone would spot him in the pitch darkness of the World Trade Center basement. Fire fighter John Cleary of Ladder 24 in Manhattan spotted the movement in the dancing light of his flashlight beams.
He ran to clasp the hand and let the man beneath know that he had been found. Cleary held tight while other fire fighters dug away the rubble pinning in Jimeno.
And when he was freed and was being loaded into an ambulance, Jimeno gasped to his rescuers, You all be careful!

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The following is a discription of a female surviver they searched for in the rubble of the World Trade Center!

"Found with her were two firefighters... and the way that they were found it seemed like on the way down they were trying to protect her, trying to cover her. Their bodies were on top of her. They were hugging her. Both firefighters were D.O.A. The assumption is, that when the building started going they tried to protect her. It cost them their own lives and she survived."

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In Memory Of All Our Lost Heroes

You Too Can Be A Hero...Drop A Card In The Mail Today

Mayor Giuliani, City Hall, NY, NY, 10003

Governor George E. Pataki, State Capitol, Albany, NY 12224

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, 476 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington DC 20510


NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT (many lost and missing)
Precincts 1, 5,6,7,9,10,13, and 17, cover the South side of 59th St. and are the home of the Empire State Building, Wall Street, the United Nations, and the World Trade Center. Cards may be sent to the following addresses:
1. New York Police Department, Precinct 1, 16 Ericsson Place, NY, NY, 10013
2. New York Police Department, Precinct 5, 14 Elizabeth Street, NY, NY, 10013
3. New York Police Department, Precinct 6, 233 W. 10th Street, NY, NY, 10014
4. New York Police Department, Precinct 7, 19 1/2 Pitt Street, NY, NY, 10002
5. New York Police Department, Precinct 9, 321 E. 5th, NY, NY, 10003
6. New York Police Department, Precinct 10, 230 W. 20th Street, NY, NY, 10011
7. New York Police Department, Precinct 13, 230 E. 21th Street, NY, NY, 10010
8. New York Police Department, Precinct 17, 167 E. 51st Street, NY, NY, 10017

Joseph Caliguri is one of the NY Detective's who are tagging the body pieces from last weeks terrorist attach on NY, this a very stressful job and will go on for several weeks to come. Cards can be sent to: Joseph Caliguri, 37-05 Union St, Flushing, NY 11354

1. FDNY Rescue 1, 530 W. 43rd St., Manhattan, NY
2. FDNY Engine 1/Ladder 24, 142 W. 31 St., Manhattan, NY
3. FDNY Engine 3/Ladder 12, 146 W. 19th St., Manhattan, NY
4. FDNY Engine 4/Ladder 15, 42 South St., Manhattan, NY
5. FDNY Engine 5, 340 E.14th St., Manhattan, NY
6. FDNY Engine 6, 49 Beekman, Manhattan, NY
7. FDNY Engine 7/Ladder 1, 100 Duane St, Manhattan, NY
8. FDNY Engine 8, 165 E. 51st St., Manhattan, NY
9. FDNY Engine 9/Ladder 6, 75 Canal St., Manhattan, NY
10. FDNY Engine 10/Ladder 10, 124 Liberty St., Manhattan, NY
11. FDNY Ladder 12/Ladder 12, 146 W. 19th St., Manhattan, NY
12. FDNY Engine 14, 14 E. 18th St., Manhattan, NY
13 FDNY Engine 15, 269 Henry St., Manhattan, NY
14. FDNY Engine 16/Ladder 7, 234 E. 29th St., Manhattan, NY
15. FDNY Engine 21, 238 E. 40th St., Manhattan, NY
16. FDNY Engine 22/Ladder 13, 159 E. 85th St., Manhattan, NY
17 FDNY Engine 24/Ladder 5, 227 Ave of Americas, Manhattan, NY
18. FDNY Engine 26, 220 W. 37th St., Manhattan, NY
19. FDNY Engine 28/Ladder 11, 222 E. 2nd St., Manhattan, NY
20. FDNY Engine 33/Ladder 9, 42 Great Jones St., Manhattan, NY
21. FDNY Engine 34, 440 W 38th, Manhattan, NY
22. FDNY Engine 35/Ladder 14, 2282 3rd Ave., Manhattan, NY
23. FDNY Engine 36, 120 E. 125th St., Manhattan, NY
24. FDNY Engine 37/Ladder 40, 415 W. 125 th St., Manhattan, NY
25. FDNY Engine 39/Ladder 16, 157 E. 67th St., Manhattan, NY
26. FDNY Engine 40/Ladder 35, 133 Amsterdam Ave., Manhattan, NY
27. FDNY Engine 44, 221 E. 75th St., Manhattan, NY
28. FDNY Engine 47, 502 W. 113th St., Manhattan, NY
29. FDNY Engine 53/Ladder 43, 1836 3rd Ave., Manhattan, NY
30. FDNY Engine 54/Ladder 4, 782 8th Ave., Manhattan, NY
31. FDNY Engine 55, 363 Broome St., Manhattan, NY
32. FDNY Engine 58/Ladder 26, 1367 5th Ave., Manhattan, NY
33. FDNY Engine 59/ladder 30 111 W. 133rd St., Manhattan, NY
34. FDNY Engine 67, 518 W. 170th St., Manhattan, NY
35. FDNY Engine 69/Ladder 28, 248 W. 143rd St., Manhattan, NY
36. FDNY Engine 74, 120 W. 83rd St., Manhattan, NY
37. FDNY Engine 76/Ladder 22, 145 W. 100th St., Manhattan, NY
38. FDNY Engine 80/Ladder 23, 503 W. 139th St., Manhattan, NY
39. FDNY Engine 84/Ladder 34, 513 W. 161st St., Manhattan, NY
40. FDNY Engine 91, 244 W. 111th St., Manhattan, NY
41. FDNY Engine 93/Ladder 45, 515 W. 181st St., Manhattan, NY
42. FDNY Engine 95/Ladder 36, 229 Vermilyea Ave., Manhattan, NY
43. FDNY Ladder 8, 14 N. Moore St., Manhattan, NY
44. FDNY Ladder 20, 251 Lafayette St., Manhattan, NY
45. FDNY Ladder 25, 205 W. 77th St., Manhattan, NY

Cards for the Families of the fallen firefighters
1. Cards for the families of Firefighters Andrew Brunn (28), Louis Arena, Thomas Hannafin, John Santore, and Lieutenant Michael Warchola, may be sent to: FDNY Ladder 5, 227 Ave of Americas, Manhattan, NY
2. Send cards for the family of Firefighter Martin McWilliams to FDNY Engine 22, 159 E. 85th St., Manhattan, NY
3. Send Cards for the families of Firefighter Michael Weinberg and Lieutenant Andrew Desperito (30) to FDNY Engine 1, 142 W. 31 St., Manhattan, NY
4. Cards for the families of Firefighter William Henry and Lieutenant Dennis Mojica, can be sent to FDNY Rescue 1, 530 W. 43rd St., Manhattan, NY
5. For the family of Firefighter Sean Hanley, send cards to FDNY Ladder 20, 251 Lafayette St., Manhattan, NY
6. Cards for the family of Firefighter Robert Curatolo may be sent to FDNY Ladder 16, 157 E. 67th St., Manhattan, NY

(Cards for the entire NY Fire Department, as well as money donations can be sent to the following Associations)
1. FDNY, C/O National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, P.O. Drawer 498, Emmitsburg, MD, 21727
2. To the Widows & Children of NY Firefighters, C/O Uniforned Firefighters Assoc. 204 E 23rd Street, NY, NY, 10010 (or call 212-683-4832)
3. Fire Chiefs Association, Fire Dept, City of New York P.O, Box 253 Riverdale Station, Bronx, NY, 10471-0253 (or call 914-225-0086)
4. International Firefighters Association, P.O. Box 65858, Washington DC, 20035- 5858 (or call 202-737-8484)

Cards for Victims and Medical Staff
1. William Randolph Hearst Burn Center, 525 E. 68th St., NY, NY, 10021 Physicians at the William Randolph Hearst Burn Center are caring for the worst burn victims from the World Trade Center
2. NewYork Presbyterian Hospital, 525 East 68th St., NY, NY, 10021
3. New York University Medical Hospital, 550 First Ave, NY, NY, 10016

Cards for VICTIMS-Flight 77
1. Leslie Whittington, Ph.D., was an economist and associate professor with Georgetown University's Public Policy Institute. She, her husband and their daughters, Zoe (8) and Dana (3), boarded American Airlines Flight 77 on Tuesday at the start of her sabbatical. Cards for the family of Leslie may be sent to: Family of Leslie Whittington, Ph.D., C/O Georgetown University, 37th and O Street, NW Washington, DC 20057

VICTIMS-Flight 11, Boston to Los Angeles
1. Edmund Glazer (41) was the CFO of MRV Communications, Inc. He is survived by his wife, Candy and son, Nathan. Cards for his family may be sent to: Family of CFO,Edmund Glazer, C/O MRV Communications, INC. Corporate Center, 20415 Nordhoff St., Chatsworth, CA, 91311
2. Danny Lewin (31), co-founder, Chief Technology Officer, and board member of Akamai Technologies. He is survived by his wife and two sons. Condolences for his family may be sent to Family of Danny Lewin, Akamai Technologies, 500 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139

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In Memory Of All Our Lost Heroes

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