For just today
Can I hold you in my arms
And count every finger and toe

For just today
Can I smell your sweet hair
And kiss your little forehead

For just today
Can I sing you a lullaby
And feel you sleep in my arms

Just for today
Can I tell you that
Today you were born

For just today
Can God take back
that one day you became an angel

For just today
Can I forget the pain of that one day
And have you here with me.


The mention of my child's name may bring tears to my eyes,
But it never fails to bring music to my ears.
If you are really my friend,
let me hear the music of his name!
It soothes my broken heart and sings to my soul!

~Author Unknown ~

Stephanie is loved and missed by
Parents, Mitch and Cheri, brothers, Aaron and Tyler
Grandparents, Vicki, George and Fran, and Barb,
Great Grandma Gladys, several Aunts, Uncles, Cousins,
many special friends, teachers and therapists

Stephanie was born March 16,1997. She had clubbed feet and jaundice, but otherwise was a healthy and happy baby girl. Stephanie made our family complete!

In July 97, she had 2 surgeries to correct her clubbed feet.

In Nov. 97, she began having seizures. She was hospitalized several times over the years because of her epilepsy.

In April 1998, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

In 1999, she had tendon release surgery for both hips.

In 2001, she had surgery to implant a vagus nerve stimulator for seizure control and another surgery to extract some teeth and do a muscle biopsy.

In February 2003, she had 2 hip surgeries to put the ball joints in the sockets, it was very painful surgery cutting thru bone and placing pins to hold them in place.

In March 2004, she had surgery to remove pins from her hips. She was casted with legs spread very wide, so her hipbones & muscles would begin growing in the correct place. She was to stay casted like this for 2+months.

Stephanie was completely dependant and could not walk or talk, but she had a wonderful personality, sweet smile, and cute giggles! She went to school at Ida Sue School and really enjoyed her classmates, teachers, & therapists!! Stephanie's nickname was "Bubba", given to her by big brother, Tyler, before she was born. She liked going to the movies, watching nascar with Daddy & her brothers, music, and shopping with Mommy. Stephanie enjoyed being included in conversations, or just watching people. She was in fact a bit nosy, stretching her neck around to see what was going on. When she got mad, she would purse her little lips up and give you a nasty little glare. Stephi loved kisses! Sometimes she had fun teasing people, pretending she was going to give you a kiss and at the last minute turning away! And, of course, like any lady, she loved chocolate, and whipped cream really topped it off!

Throughout her short life, Stephanie brought us in contact with many wonderful people - other parents & children, medical personnel, teachers, therapists, etc. Stephanie taught us all about compassion, love, patience, hope, and more!

On the morning of May 2, 2004, when we went in to get her up for breakfast & her meds, she wasn't breathing and didnt have a heartbeat. We tried CPR, called 911, and were rushed to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead. Her neuro believes cause of death was SUDEP (Sudden Unexplained Death in Epileptic Patients).

She is now safe & whole in Heaven with Jesus, her Grandpa John Spratt, Great Grandparents, and all God's Angels.

Just a week before her death, Stephanie was chosen to be the poster child for the local crippled children & adults organization.

Stephanie, honey we miss you and love you! Thank you for being a part of my life. I cherish each moment I had with you.


Stephanie's heart valves and corneas were donated. Two people are now able to see again because of her cornea donation!

Stephanie is my angel now.
She does not feel any pain.
Her arms are wings that now glide in my sky.
Her smile is a bright ray of sun light that will never fade.
She moves like a ballerina with steps that flow.
You will always feel her presence in the gentle breeze.
She is at home in heaven.
Stephanie is my angel now.
Your loving Heavenly Father

By Miss Janice

This RingSurf Net Ring
is owned by Cheri & Mitch.
~ My Parents Are Survivors ~
~ Keeping our children's memories alive ~

Midi Selection: I Will Always Love You

Web site created by: Memorials By Judi

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