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Minako Haripriya

Anouncing the birth of...

Minako Haripriya

*meaning of her name*

Minako's first picture taken within minutes of her birth

Birth Date: May 1st, 2002

Time: 1pm on the dot

Place: Beth Israel Hospital - New York City

Sex: Girl

Weight: 7 Pounds 8 Ounces

Height: 20 Inches

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

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Visit my Mama Speaks weblog of my daily adventures as a new mom.

Updated June 3, 2003 [10:18am]

Updates on Minako's pictures will be delayed for another two weeks because I am now switching this website to another server because of lack of room. It will be up soon.

Click links below for more pictures

Minako makes her first steps! Read all about it... News

Eleven Months Old - April 2003

Ten Months Old - March 2003

Seven to Nine Months Old - November to February 2003

Five Months Old - October2002

Four Months Old - September 2002

Three Months Old - August 2002

Lotsa Napping

Splish Splash Bathtime

May 3rd 2002... Minako comes home

Friends and Family

May 1st 2002... Minako's first day out in the world

Before Baby
Here are a few pictures of David and I before the baby came along.
February - April 2002

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