Trimester 1

Trimester 2

Trimester 3

dad's news



my doc


baby shower

bub # 1's site





18 July 2004

She's Here!!!!!!!!!!!!       EMILY JADE      Born 08-Jul-04



Emily Jade

1 hour old


5 days old


My precious little Angel Girl. 7 lbs 12 oz, 50cm long, with her Mother's eyes and nose. From the moment she popped into this world, she was a peaceful little soul. After the birth, she laid quietly in her warmer, not making a peep. In fact, she must have sensed how completely exhausted I was after the c-section and no sleep, because she was an absolute dream baby and didn't really cry for the first 24 hours. In fact, she was so quiet that I actually woke her up to have a cuddle and slept peacefully with my little sunshine on my chest, waking now and then (from pain!!!) to give her a kiss and and smell her fuzzy, soft, dark brown hair. 

Words can't describe the joy I felt (and still feel) the day my daughter was born and added to the bliss that already was my family of Hubby and gorgeous little son. How lucky was I? How happy was one person allowed to be? 

She is now 3 months old, sleeping through the night and I am back to 66kg with 6kg left to go......


24 June 2004

36 weeks 4 days - Not long now....

82 kg



 I took this photo of myself at home as a memento of just how BIG I got during this pregnancy (remember, Big Is Beautiful!). I am looking forward to reclaiming my body and having my little one to hold in my arms. 

Yesterday we went to our pre-admission clinic and were given the low-down on what to expect on the 8th. We have to be at the hospital at 6:30am and I need to fast for 8 hours before. Not having breakfast will be torture for me! The actual operation, though quite scary and rather unpleasant (apart from the obvious joy of meeting our baby), is familiar to me so I'm not too concerned about the procedure.

This Saturday is my baby shower and I can't wait. 

Only 1 week and 6 days left now!

I have put on heaps of weight and I do have one faint stretch mark now on the underside of my belly (not an angry purple or red, but a faint brown line - nothing to stress about). Carpal Tunnel syndrome is annoying me mainly at night, but nothing compared to last time.

The next entry in here just might be a birth announcement!! 


2 June 2004

33 weeks 2 days - We have a date!!!!!!!!

78 kg


8th July 2004

We are all booked in for a C-Section at 8:00am on July 8th! It all seems very convenient, having the date and time booked in advance. I have decided not to think any further about the whole VBAC/ Caesar option and just accept that this is the way my body gives birth and be happy with that. I mean, my abdomen is already 'damaged' after being sliced open twice, and the nerves and muscles still haven't fully recovered. Why go and damage another part of my body? I know that most women come out of a natural birth unscathed, but there is still that risk. Better the devil you know, as they say :)

Apparently we will get to hold the little one straight after delivery, but then he/she will be whisked away to a humidicrib to be observed for 45 minutes (standard procedure at this hospital). I am not at all happy about that, because as soon as I have him/ her in my arms, I will NOT want to let go. But they say it is best for the baby, and I have no choice.

Not looking forward to the recovery and I will need a lot of help afterwards. I think it'll be tough on Bub#1, seeing me laid up in a strange bed, unable to give him his much-loved 'stand-up cuddles'. But hubby is going to word him up on what to expect, and we will arrange for him to give the baby a special present and vice versa, to make the introduction more appealing.

So, with 5 weeks to go, I think I have everything just about ready. I have bought new sheets and bunny rugs, some newborn nappies and also a few new bottles in case the breastfeeding doesn't work out. Hubby has installed a dimmer switch in the nursery and all I have left to do is hang some curtains in the room.

I haven't packed a hospital bag yet, as I am wearing stuff that will go into the bag. It'll probably be a last-minute thing. The hospital supplies all baby clothes, which is quite convenient. However I am going to sneak in one newborn nightie for the Bub to wear as it's first clothes, because I don't like the idea of my brand-new angel in second-hand clothes.

I am now working from home 2 days a week and into the office on Mondays only. I am officially finishing work on 1st July, and 'coming back' (working from home on call) starting August - I have my doubts about how that will work out, so I will just play it by ear.

AND - still no stretch marks!!!! Carpal Tunnel Syndrome rears it's ugly head in a minor way sometimes at night in bed, but nothing like last time, when I couldn't type or open doors after about 30 weeks. And I don't have any fluid retention yet either :)

Anyway, I think Dr. Phil is starting on TV soon, so I'd best be off....


28 April 2004

28 weeks 2 days - Trimester Three at last.....

73 kg

Trimester Three is here! Now things will move really quickly. Only 11 weeks to go (C-sections are performed about a week in advance, to reduce the risk of going into labour). The little one is jumping around like mad. My doctors appointments are very 2 weeks now, and at the next on we will re-confirm the sex - then I can start decorating the nursery with a bit more confidence!!!

I am working from home today (and taking a break to update this!), which is a nice change. Still haven't given them the word on when I'll stop working. I am hoping to 'work' from home on call right up until the birth.

Look at our lovely feature wall - I finally got my Thai Buddha and we just love it.


20 April 2004

27 weeks 1 day - To work or not to work.....

72 kg

Work work work. It seems to be all I ever do! Work both at home and at the office is now becoming a drag.  I am exhausted and the nesting thing makes me want to be at home and, well... nest!

On that note, the lounge room is looking lovely. The burgundy suede effects feature wall looks great with the Indonesian furniture we just bought - sideboard, entertainment unit and two side tables. I bought some Thai orchids and put them in a huge hurricane lamp vase with river pebbles in the bottom and it looks beautiful. Next I want to get some colourful cushions, a Buddha or two and some candles - getting ready for those cozy winter nights at home with the family - and a the largest glass of red you've ever seen!

I will have to start thinking about when I want to start maternity leave. Last time I took 8 weeks or so off before the birth, but I was on a super-ridiculous salary and was still getting paid half pay for 6 months, so financially it didn't really impact us. This time I want to work as long as I can! But then some days I just can't be bothered.......

No Carpel Tunnel Syndrome yet - It gave me hell last time and I'm hoping I'll miss out on it this time. Also, I don't have that 'linear niagara' (sic) thing yet (dark line from belly button down to you-know-where). 

I had the diabetes blood test today - the nurse was nice but she was a 'jabber' and it hurt. Will get the results on Thursday......


14 April 2004

26 weeks 2 days - Snorkeling.....

70 kg

We were ecstatic when the weather picked up on Easter Sunday and we were able to go boating at last. The little man (Bub #1) came with us for his maiden voyage and behaved himself very nicely. He cried when I started the engine but then fell asleep on my lap for the trip to Bribie. We played on the beach and had a great time.

On Monday, Hubby and I took off to Tangalooma. Bub #2 got his/her first taste of snorkeling as we anchored behind the wrecks and took a dip. The fish were amazing. It was just like being at the Great Barrier Reef with fish of all colours, shapes and sizes and crystal clear blue water. I must have looked funny, bobbing along like a blown-up puffer fish. Hubby, being his usual chivalrous self and being the only one wearing flippers, held my hand and pulled me along in the water. It was quite romantic! Schools of fish came right up to us, looking for something to eat. It was beautiful and I decided I didn't want to go fishing after that. Luckily I managed to climb up the ladder back onto the boat when we had finished - very slowly!. I think that may have been  my last venture into the water until after Bub #2 is born. He/she is going to grow up with boating, so we hope the rocking of the boat won't bother him/her too much - it scares Bub #1 a bit, but he will get used to it in time.

No Carpel Tunnel Syndrome yet! No stretch marks either! Just one really wide, gelatinous bum!

And have I mentioned that the nesting instinct has set in? I have had Hubby paint a chocolate-burgundy feature wall in the lounge and I have a nasty feeling I'm about to spend a few grand on new furniture. Somebody stop meeeee!!!!!!!!!!


09 April 2004

25 weeks 5 days - Getting bigger by the day.....

70 kg

Well, would you check out that weight gain!! I am right on track to gain 23kgs again, just like I did with Bub #1. Oh well, at least I know I can lose it all again pretty easily. I still don't have a single stretch mark either, so that makes me happy. Last time, I got Carpel Tunnel Syndrome really badly. It started at around 28 weeks, so I am hoping that won't happen this time but I *think* I can already feel a vague tingling in my fingers. 

Today is Good Friday and we had planned to go out boating for Easter but we have all been really sick! Hubby and Bub #1 have had a tummy bug and I have had a bad cold. The weather has been rather crap anyway. Very windy. I think Sunday looks better though. Because I am (obviously) pregnant, I am in charge of maneuvering the boat into and out of the marina, and Hubby jumps around on the deck tying the boat on etc - there's no way I could do that safely in my current condition! I'd rather drive - and I haven't run into any other boats yet....... I said yet!

Bub #2 is an acrobat. I think he/she is already tired of being cooped up in there and is fighting to get out. Perhaps practicing for his/her future karate lessons??? I sometimes worry that I am squishing him/her up when I carry Bub #1 around (he usually DEMANDS I stand up to cuddle him - and that just isn't going to be feasible soon - he weighs 15 kgs). Sometimes I forget how big I am until I see a profile view of myself. I think when you have been pregnant before it feels more natural and you just don't feel as big as you did the first time. 

We have pretty much decided on a C-section. As a good friend of ours, who has had two C-sections, said: "I don't need to push a baby out of my ***** to prove that I am a woman!" And to be honest, that would have been the one and only reason I would have considered trying a natural birth - a selfish desire to go through that 'right' of womanhood. And at what cost?? A one in two hundred chance of losing (quote from my doc) "the baby, your uterus or your life". Those are pretty frightening odds. Book me in for my C-section thank you very much :)

It is 10:50pm - WAY past my bed time. Must be off to get some rest for Junior's, and my own, sake.


04 March 2004

20 weeks 4 days - Half Way.....

65 kg

Half way! And a bit. I am feeling great, if not just a little vague (especially at work). I have to keep my desk plastered with post-it notes to remind me of everything. Bub #1 moved into a 'big' bed this week and so far is doing remarkably well and hasn't fallen out once.   Although, last night I was awoken at 2am by a little monkey who had made his way to my bedside in the dark. He fell asleep straight away and I put him back in his bed and didn't see him again until 6am this morning. No need for alarm clocks in this household.

We got him the most gorgeous bright blue rocket ships and stars doona cover and Nanna B  got him his own bedside lamp. It is a blue  'desk style' lamp that has a switch on the base which is very easy to turn on and off, and is far away from the bulb itself, so it is safe for little fingers.

So now all the baby furniture is in the nursery and I just couldn't help myself..... I have already set the cot up with all the cute baby manchester etc, even though I know it will need to be stripped off again and washed in soap flakes before Bub #2 makes his/her entrance into our lives in a few month's time.


26 Feb 2004

19 weeks 5 days - Philosophizing about Newborns.....

65 kg

If you haven't already figured out, Bub #2 is due in July. The 17th of July to be exact. And if we go Caesarean it will probably be a bit before that. I think things will be much easier second time around....

When I say that, I mean the 'looking after baby' part, not the 'having the baby' part. As a first-timer, ALL of my focus was on the birth itself. It became an obsession. But what 'they' didn't tell me (or at least what went in one ear and out the other) was the amount of care and attention a newborn (and up to the age of about 25, I'm led to believe) actually needs. Now, this may seem fairly obvious, but I'm afraid I just didn't envisage having to sit on the couch all day everyday with my newborn, in what seemed to be endless rounds of feeding, burping, chucking and changing. I don't know what I was thinking..... I guess I just thought the baby would sleep all day in it's bouncer, looking cute in it's brand new clothes, waking occasionally for a quick feed..... The phrase 'Incredibly Naive' springs to mind!

I think this time it will be different because at least I know what to expect. Also, Bub #1 will still be demanding attention, so I won't have the luxury of sitting there all day with my newborn, just gazing at him/her with wonder (in between feeding, burping, chucking, changing). I think this will make me more relaxed (fingers crossed!) as I won't have time to focus on or worry about every little whimper or snuffle, as I did with Bub #1.

Anyway, time will tell..... I'll probably be a worn-out wreck, just like last time!

Woke up this morning with the beginnings of a cold. Just what I need! Gargled with Listerine to soothe my throat and swallowed half a mouthful by accident and nearly hurled! I have enlisted the help of Mum for tonight as Hubby is away on business and I am feeling so. damn. tired....

Now, for those of you who have told me they just CAN'T figure out the ultrasound photo of Bub#2 saying 'cheese!' to the camera, I have put an overlay on the picture to help you out.... :)

Can you see it now???


16 Feb 2004

18 weeks 2 days - We know the sex!

64 kg

Well, we had the 18 week ultrasound today at Diagnostic Imaging for Women in Brisbane. It all went very smoothly and s/he is as happy and healthy as can be. We saw a little face, legs, arms, fingers, nose, heart etc etc, AND we found out the sex of our little one! But we are keeping it a big secret until July. All of the measurements and tests were spot-on for 18 weeks, so we are happy.

Check out the great photos we got from the ultrasound....

Head/ face  - rubbing his/her eye with tiny fingers!


Say cheese! Yes, that's two little eyes peeping out at the world.


12 Feb 2004

17 weeks 3 days - The first little kicks....

63 kg

There s/he goes! I can finally feel the little one moving about in there and I love it. It must be one of the best parts about being pregnant - to feel a life growing and moving inside you. When Bub #1 was sitting on my lap tonight, reading  a story, I could feel him breathing against me and Bub #2 moving about against my tummy. Two little angels that we created connecting through my belly - how wonderful!


02 Feb 2004

16 weeks - Telling the Boss....

62.5 kg

Finally broke the news at work today. I felt so bad as I have only been there for about 6 months. I even had a tear in my eye (pathetic, I know!). I was pleasantly surprised because they took it really well and are very open-minded about working from home on a very part-time basis for a while. Although I did some sums on having two children in daycare three days a week on my current salary and I think I come home with about $50 a week!!! Will have to re-consider my options as time goes by......

Went out to dinner with the girls for Dom' birthday tonight - Geez it was good to get out on my own!


26 Jan 2004

15 weeks - The 'Dum-dum' disappears

62 kg

A great thing happened today - the scungy, chewed-up piece of rubber (which we have been loosely referring to as Bub #1's dummy) finally broke! I was absolutely dumbfounded when he showed me and, after I explained that it was broken, he trotted over and stuffed it in the bin. He didn't even blink! I was fairly dubious about his ability to fall asleep without it tonight, but all he did was whinge a couple of times. I explained again that it was broken and 'in the bin' (which, as far as he is concerned, is a black hole-like vacuum from whence nothing ever returns) and he rolled over and fell asleep. I like watching him sleep without it stuck on his face because I can see his little angel mouth as he breathes....

At last we are free! What a good boy - we are so proud of him :)


19 Jan 2004

14 weeks - Second Trimester begins!

62 kg

Feeling really good. Still working an enjoying it. Hubby is still traveling a lot for work, but helping out heaps when he is here.

So Trimester two starts today, and we can relax a bit more about the well-being of Bub #2. I can actually eat dinners now (just watch me!) that consist of meat and veges on the same plate.


09 Jan 2004

11 weeks 6 days - 12 Week Ultrasound

61.5 kg

Today was our 12 week ultrasound to check the nuchal fold measurement - a test for detecting Down's Syndrome. The result came back as 1 in 4000 chance, being 'low risk' for my age (31). It is pretty scary to think that with Bub #1, when I was 29, the risk was calculated at 1 in 36,000. In only a couple of years the risk has increased that much! The ultrasound was very quick and impersonal - not impressed - so we will be going to a different place next time so we can have a better look around in there and *maybe* find out what sex the little one is. Hubby still hasn't decided if he wants to know, or to leave it as a surprise. As a woman, my need to shop for cute stuff and plan nursery themes means that my decision was easy - tell me ASAP!!!!



25 Dec 2003

11 weeks - Christmas

61.5 kg

We headed down to Melbourne for Christmas which was the usual madness and mayhem of family, food and fun to be had by all - all of those who were drinking, that is!! No, actually I had a very good time, despite not being able to have a few drinks, and even got to finish a couple of books while Nanna and Poppy looked after Bub #1. It was quite a holiday for me actually. And the PRESENTS!!! I can't even begin to explain........ :)


12 Dec 2003

8  weeks 6 days - 8 Week Ultrasound

61 kg

We had our first scan today, just to confirm the pregnancy and to check there was only one in there! I could see the little heart pumping furiously - very reassuring. Bub #1 came with me and was such a good boy - very quiet and still. Not bad for a 2 year old!

I have found an Ob/Gyn who makes me laugh, allows a glass of wine every now and then and even tells me I can dye my hair if I want to! Jackpot! (I am still not going to dye my hair though - all those fumes can't be good for either of us). His name is Dr. Price.

I have been feeling a bit nauseous in the mornings and got really sick last week with a vomiting flu of some sort - I am sure it wasn't morning sickness.

I am using Palmers Cocoa Butter formula for stretch marks again and hopefully I won't get any this time 'round either. I was lucky last time, but did put on 23 kg!! I will try to control the weight a bit better this time...




8 week ultrasound


22 Nov 2003

6 weeks - The Doctor gives us the nod.

61 kg

We went to doctor Fitzgerald today and he formally pronounced us PREGNANT! As the doctor ordered, I have started pumping my body full of folate and iron (Megafol 0.5 and Fefol). Feeling OK - a little bit queasy but nothing to complain about really. The timing of this little one is perfect: Bub #1 will be 2.5 years when this one is born, and - hopefully - out of nappies!!??


15 Nov 2003

5 weeks - First Trimester - Surprise!

61 kg

See what can happen after a weekend of skinny dipping!? A miracle! We're  pregnant again with our next little angel. It is still really early days, so we are trying not to get too excited. Will go to the doc to get it all confirmed next week. I just 'knew' that I was pregnant, despite the following amazing set of factors indicating the opposite:

Last week I went to the ob/gyn to have an ultrasound to check up on that ovary of mine that keeps playing up. I'd had my suspicions about being UTD (up the duff) so had taken a blood test. He informed me that (a) The result was negative and (b) That we would probably have trouble conceiving next time because of the damage done to my ovary during the cystectomy. As these words of wisdom were pouring forth, I was already pregnant!

So , on my way to Mum's yesterday evening for dinner while hubby was away on business, I had the urge to buy a home pregnancy test. Well blow me down if it didn't come back positive! I kind of expected it but it was still a wonderful surprise. I went to bed at Mum's last night feeling extremely contented and smug about my big secret :)

How much more perfect could life get??




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