This is where they found me, Bali Hai Resort in Florida.
That was 1996 and I was about 6-8 months old.  It
is a good story and it now I am soooo happy!

Mama would tell you I am glued to her but not really.  I just love to hang around in case I get a pet or she will pay me special attention.
I just love my mama.  My papa is fun too cause he let's me sit in his lap and keeps the dogs away!
Mama says I am a prowler cat.  It's cause I always
walk like that.  I am really very, very careful about
where I go.  I check everything out.  Believe me
with this new thing she calls a "dog" in the house
I have to be careful!  I do NOT like that thing at all
and I slap her all the time.  You would think she would
get the message wouldn't you?
Now this is ridiculous!!!
I just don't WHO Misty thinks she is!  She just lounges around like the Miss Fat Cat
USA.......Now me?  I ALWAYS sit nice and pretty like mama taught me!

Update:  gosh, Misty went to the bridge and she was only 3 years old.  I will see her again then.  Meantime I have to take care and snuggle with Mama.
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