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; There are now more than six billion of us humans on this small and wondrous planet called Earth. We share it with over a million species of animals and more than three hundred and fifty thousand different species of plants that we have identified. The human family is unique for we are both spectators and participants of this enormous variety of living things.As spectators we have learned about the tremendous unity and how each species is related to the overall picture. As participants we have exploited our earth's resources unmercifully to the point where many species are now extinct and others endangered.
The fact that some animals prey on others is not an indication that there is discord in nature but is simply a part of an intricate balancing of nature itself. It is how the natural world maintains itself and keeps its balance.
Humans,on the other hand are different. Through strip mining, clear cutting, slash burning, over fishing and hunting and industrial pollution amongst others, we are depleting our natural resources to a dangerous level. The purpose of this site is to give an awareness to people from all walks of life of the need for human restraint, conservation and balance. We are for sustainable development, conservation as in wise use and the survival of endangered species while harvesting earth's most bountiful resources.
Spencer Coles
Our Earth 2000
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Our Oceans Alive
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This site last updated: Sept.1, 2002
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