Our Earth 2000...Our Forests
        To many of us, seeing a tree cut down is a distressing thing. To see a whole section of a forest completely destroyed through clear cutting is devastating.. Unlike farmers who harvest their crops yet protect their land through rotation, fertilization and irrigation, many logging companies and governments see  a forest as simply a means to richess. But our trees and forests are a lot more than that..
        They protect a viarity of wildlife, flora and fauna  and are a thing of beauty in our land. They offer us a treasure of pleasures such as camping, hunting and hiking. They offer us solitude and peaceful walks and silence. But, most important thay are vital to our existance. Through more than 3 billion years they have carried out photosynthesis and,  have laid down the fossil fuels that have
Our Earth 2000
Our Oceans Alive
fired our industrial society and throughout their long history have supplied sufficient oxygen to the atmosphere to support the evolution of higher life forms. Today, our forests  modify earth climates and hold down soil preventing erosion that would end in mass areas of inhabitable  land.
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     On the other hand we need to harvest our forests for homes, furniture, books
and newspapers as well as thousands of
other products that we need daily.  Can
Earth Page
the world's forests endure and survive todays demands? Will there indeed be enough of our forests left for our children to enjoy? The answer is yes if we exercise responsible management. Wood is a remarkable renewable resource. It is the responsiblity of all governments and citizens of the world to take action
to see that our earth resources are not endangered to a point that will deprive future generations of  their heritage. The clearing of the rainforests by fire to accomodate economic growth, the "clear cutting" of timber from the great
forests of America by irresponsible contracters who exercise their cutting rights without due responsibility and the governments who turn a blind eye should all be made aware of more sustainable practices.  Certainly they must not ignore the dangers of overcutting and the need to protect wilderness areas. Their future children and all future generations depend on it.
   Slash Burning in Brazil                          Fire Caused by Carelessness in Ontario                                   Where next?
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Ontario Provincial Parks
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