<BGSOUND SRC="Westlife_Angel.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Our Family has had many babies who have past away each one is loved and so much missed and was very much wanted. Although we would love to remember every baye in our family thats passed away there just is not a lot of room on this web site to do so. So we are remembering five babys who mean the world to us and is now with Jesus Christ .

Baby boys Daniel and Jonathan, baby girls Jessica, Cheyenne and Kylee May. They all rest in the loving arms of Christ forever. To enter this web site just click on the Enter site and it will Take you to the site map .

Please sign our Guest book to let us know you have visted the babies pages here, thanks
love April Marie (Owner)

Oct. Is Infant Loss Awareness Month  Please right click and save the above Ribbon to your own hard drives and display it on your web sites also remember to pray and light a candle for all those families who has lost babys  Thank you .
Page made by April Marie ( cousin / Sister of the Baby Angels . June 2004 .
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