New! Our joint efforts section

Hi! Welcome to the newest edition of Haruka and Michiru's fanfics! Michiru can be a very fickle person, and needs to change things from time to time, thus this page is undergoing some renovations.

We'd like to keep our fics exclusively on our page. We do not want ANY them re-posted ANYWHERE for any reason and we would prefer no one link to this page. Please don't ask. If we start finding our fics on the net anywhere but here, we will make this a private page for only our closest friends, with a password protection.

These fics are mainly yaoi or yuri. For those who don't know what this is, yaoi is sexual content between two males, and yuri is between two females. Very few male/female relationships interest us, so you can expect the fic content to reflect that.

If you're not of legal age, please don't read these. Some are fairly tame, but some are very graphic and/or violent. If this kind of thing bothers you, do not read further. Some fics here are unfinished - those are marked either (cont.) for the ones currently being updated, or (hold) for those that may or may not be picked up again later.

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