The Camping Trip
Shoujo Kakumei Utena: The Hidden Chapters

Chapter 3


This is our first attempt at an Utena fic.  
We haven't even done ones on our own :)

Our disclaimer:  We've only seen to episode
29, so don't bug us.
We don't own the characters (Though we wish
We did... Utena locked in our basement in 
Chains... heh heh) Saito Chiho and the 
Be-PaPas own them, though.
This is fanfiction and may not follow the 
'Ways of the Ohtori World'.  If things are
a little different, just remember: It's just
fanfiction.  Not the end of the world.

I made a funny.  (And didn't mean to.)

Wanna add more, Ruka?

Nah, you've pretty much summed it up.  Oh, 
wait a minute, yeah, one thing.  Like usual, 
we don't want this fic posted anywhere else,
okay?  Thanks.


In Order of appearance..
Characters ..  Played by
Anthy .......  Michiru
Utena .......  Haruka
Juri ........  Michiru
Touga .......  Michiru
Saionji .....  Haruka
Miki ........  Haruka

Other appearances by:
Guidance Councilor .... Michiru
Kozue.................. Michiru

Guest Appearances
Sumire.......  Michiru
Kanna........  Haruka
Kouran.......  Haruka
Iris.........  Michiru
Orihime......  Haruka



        "Thank you, Utena sama," Anthy said as she plugged the hole of
the air-mattress.  "The air mattress is ready, too," she smiled, spreading
the blanket over it.  It was big enough to take up all but a foot of space
in the tent.  "We'll be comfortable tonight."


        His magnificence clicked the 'on' button to his portable,
battery operated heater.  With a sigh of general relief, he warmed his hands
on it before setting the camping toaster on top of it, and putting 4 slices of
thick, home-made bread into it.  At least HE would eat.

[[Note from Sumire: How did these bumpkins get into OUR story area, anyway?
[[Note from Utena:  Who the heck are you?!]]


        Bouncing lightly onto the air mattress, Utena flopped back, her hair
splaying out around her.  "This is _really_ comfy!" she said.  "You
thought of everything!  And I thought _I_ was going to be the
experienced camper on this trip!"  She rolled onto her side and took
Anthy's hand in hers.  "I don't say it often enough, but I'm really glad
we met, Anthy."

[[Note from Saionji:  *gag*]]
[[Note from Kanna:  *SNIFF*  Shaddup, whoever you are - this part's
sweet!  Psst, Sumire, I dunno how they got our idea, but since they did,
we might as well enjoy the story, huh?]]
[[Note from Sumire: I suppose, but they SHOULD give us credit for the
[[Note from Touga:  Mmmm, butter and strawberry jam on toast. *crunch*]]


        Anthy laid on her side, facing Utena sama, and smiled softly.
"Thank you, Utena sama.  I'm glad to have met you, as well.  You've been
wonderful to me, and I appreciate it."


        "You _deserve_ to be treated well, Anthy.  I wish you'd realize that." 
She rubbed her thumb over the back of the other girl's hand.  "But until
you do, I'll be here to make sure that's what happens."

[[Note from Miki:  That toast sounds good ....]]
[[Note from Saionji:  Hey, Touga, I thought we were friends!  How about
some toast?]]
[[Note from Utena:  What kind of man eats and lets girls go hungry? 


        "Thank you, Utena sama," Anthy smiled, holding Utena's hand up to
her cheek.  She sighed happily.

[[Note from Touga:  It's my bread.  My cook made it for me this morning before I
left.  The jam is home-made too, and the butter is whipped and light.  Mmmmm.]]
[[Note from Juri: Ugly Butt-face.]]


        A couple of hours later, the rain finally stopped, and Utena left the
tent and looked down at their sodden firepit that now looked more like a
wading pool.  "Great," she sighed.


        "I don't think I can do anything about this, Utena sama," she
frowned, moving some mud around with her toe. "And the wood and things are
wet now.
        "Luckily, I brought chips and lunch meat!" She smiled
cheerfully.  "Hotdogs can be eaten without cooking them, too.  And I brought
some bottles of water, so we don't have to worry about boiling it."


        Although Ugly Tomboy was there, Saionji decided to go look at the
firepit himself.  It was rather pathetic.  He heard Anthy mention a
stash of food.
        "You'll be sharing with all of us, won't you?" he said expectantly.


       Anthy looked at him for a moment.  "I'm sorry, all I brought was
enough for us two.  Didn't you bring any food at all?"  She sounded mildly
surprised, but was actually rather annoyed.  He had no right to think she'd
ever share with anyone other than Utena sama.  If she had still been his
bride, he'd hit her for even mentioning sharing.


        "Hmmph!  As a matter of fact, I did!  Just see if I share any of it
after yours runs out, either!"  Saionji stomped off into the woods to
cool off.  He _had_ brought food, but unfortunately most of it required
at least heating up.  It would be miserable fare without a fire.


        "Oh, dear, that wasn't very nice, was it, Utena sama?"

[[Note from Juri: serves him right.  Can I have a hot dog?]]
[[Note from Utena:  I guess Dumbass doesn't understand about
Hammerspace in the anime world where you can carry unlimited amounts of
stuff.  Forget the hot dog, Juri, have a banana split! :) ]]


        The pink-haired girl sniffed.  "When is he ever nice?"


        The stopwatch clicked.  Miki came out of the tent, saw the sad state of
the firepit, and sighed.  "Perhaps we should see if the woods offers
anything that need not be cooked, like fruit or vegetables."

[[Note from Juri: It's melted.  Oh well.]]


        Juri followed Miki out of the tent, munching on a cracker.  "Good
Thing I'm addicted to these things," she muttered.  "But Miki's right.  We 
can't fill ourselves with things like crackers, and we're almost out anyway.
        "Let's head into the woods.  Make sure you take your compass, and,
if possible, something to mark your path with."


        "Good idea," Touga said, munching the last of his toast.


        "Where did you get TOAST?"


        "I made it on my camp heater," he shrugged.  "I can't cook food on
it, but I can do toast."


        "Grab the compass, Anthy," Utena suggested.  "Let's meet back here in
half an hour, everyone - that way we'll make sure no one has gotten


        "Saionji is already gone?"  Miki looked around.  "If anyone sees him,
tell him what we're doing."  He clicked his stopwatch and headed off.


        Juri went into the woods at a different angle the others were
going.  She decided to go down the hill, and before long, could see water 
lapping at the shore of a big, silvery lake.
        This is good, she thought.  Water edibles.


        Anthy grabbed the compass and dutifully followed Utena sama into
the woods. "What do you hope we'll find, Utena sama?"


        "I don't know exactly," Utena admitted.  "I mean, I know _how_ we can
get some food if we have to, but I'd rather not do it.  I like Miki's
idea about finding fruits or veggies - maybe we can find some edible
mushrooms or roots or something."  She didn't want to think of how Anthy
would react if they were reduced to eating a rabbit or any other animal

[[Note from Miki:  Technically, hot dogs are made from animals]]
[[Note from Utena:  Ssh!  I told Anthy they were made from old shoes.]]
[[Note from Anthy:  They're not!?  Ohhhhhhhhh, Uteeeeenaaaaa saaamaaa, how
COULD you betray me so!!!!!!! ;_; ]]


        "Finding edible mushrooms might be hard.  But maybe wild
blueberries or apples.  It's just the right season for them."

[[Note from Miki:  *CLICK*  And the award for the best over-acting goes
to Anthy Himemiya!  *crowd cheers as Miki hands Anthy the trophy.* 
Congratulations, Himemiya-san! :D ]]


        "Or RASPBERRIES!" Utena cried suddenly and darted forward, falling on
her knees in front of a bush.  "Look, Anthy, they're beautiful!  And
there are loads of them!"

[[Note from Anthy:  Oh, thank you! *sniff* Thank you so much!  This wouldn't
have been possible without the help of my wonderful friend Miki, and the
incomparable Utena sama!]]


        "Raspberries," Anthy's eyes lit up, and she fell on her knees next
to Utena.  "Did I ever tell you that I LOVE raspberries?"  She picked a
handful and inelegantly shoved them into her mouth.  "Mmmmmmm."


        Giggling at the spectacle Anthy made of herself, Utena popped another
raspberry into her own mouth.  "Mmm, they're good," she said.  "We
should pick as much as we can and bring them back to camp."  She
hesitated, looking around.  They hadn't brought anything to carry a lot
of small berries in.  "Uh oh."


        The handsome, green-haired young man had been walking for a long time,
finally pausing to lean back against a tree.  What a fiasco this trip
was already.  And how utterly unfair it was of Ugly Tomboy to keep Anthy
all to herself.  He would have to punish her for that, he thought.  But
how ...?

[[Note from Utena:  You could tie me to a chair with nothing to look at
but a picture of you - can't think of anything worse than that, unless
it was you actually touching me ... ewwwww! *shudder*]]
[[Note from Saionji:  I concur.  *shudder*]]


        Wiping the sweat off his brow, Miki resumed filling the bag he'd
brought with fiddleheads.  He'd never had them raw, and didn't know if
they would be palatable that way, but maybe they'd be able to get a fire
going again and could boil them.  There was a lot of other growth around
them that mostly got in the way, but he cleared it as best he could in
order to get at the unexpected food source.


        Juri finished picking all the chestnuts that her undershirt could
hold.  She had realized she'd forgotten to bring a container, so had decided her
undershirt would work.  Tying the holes closed, she climbed the tree and filled
it up.
        Finally, climbing down, she carefully put her weight on all the
branches as she descended.  Midway down, she heard a sharp crack.
        "Uh oh."
        Her world fell out from under her as she dropped 10 feet and into
the lake.


        "Mmph ermm mmmm nnn mmm," Anthy mmphed, as she ate raspberries. 
They were definitely the best she'd ever have.  "Rrrrmmph!"  She cried 
happily, smiling redly at Utena sama.


        Touga finished eating the sour choke-cherries he had found, and
headed back to camp.  They had tasted bad, but the were better than nothing.  
And better yet, he had gotten some for the others.  "Now they can't say I 
never did anything for them," he nodded.

[[Note from Anthy:  MMmmmmph!!! *hug*]]


        The stopwatch clicked.  Miki had gathered enough fiddleheads to last
the weekend now, so he got to his feet.  The back of his hand itched, so
he scratched it idly.  Then his other arm itched.  Then his forehead.
        "What on Earth?!"  He realized in horror that an angry red rash was
covering both his arms.  It looked suspiciously like ....
        An image from inside a book on plants floated in front of his vision
and he realized now why the ones surrounding the fiddleheads had looked
        "Poison ivy?!" he cried as his body became one big itch all at once.


        Juri swam to shore, holding to the nuts for dear life.  If nobody
else found anything, it would be their only food supply for the week-end.  
She headed up one shore, cursing the water for ruining her hair.
        Heading into camp, she saw Touga with a pile of large berries.
        "You didn't eat those, did you?"


        "I had my fill of them, yes.  Oh, good.  Nuts."


        "You're an idiot, Touga.  Those are pokeberries.  They're


        Touga turned green.  "Pokeberries?  Never heard of them."


        "If I were you I'd go vomit," she walked past him.


        "What's that black thing on your neck?"  He asked, heading for the
edge of the camp.  Poisoned...


        "Huh?  She touched her neck.  She looked down her shirt.


        "What was that scream, Utena sama?  It sounded like Juri..."


        "And she's in trouble!  Hurry!"  Running as fast as she could with her
load of raspberries, Utena followed the sound of the scream.


        Scratching every step of the way, Miki ran through the woods in an
effort to reach Juri before she was eaten by whatever threatened her. 
He accidentally ran headlong into Touga and bounced off onto the ground,
dropping his bag of fiddleheads.
        "OOF!" he exhaled, then noticed Juri.  "Are you all right, Juri? 
What's wrong?  AUUUGH!"  He started scratching madly again, trying to
reach all the itchy spots at once and failing miserably.


        Juri pulled off her jacket, leaving her just in her bra.  There were
leeches all over her.  Whimpering desperately she looked over her torso.  
Her eye could see about 12.  She pulled off her pants, unmindful of the males 
in the vicinity.  They were all over her legs. She screamed again.
        "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!  Get them off!


        Anthy stood in mute shock, watching Juri run around in circles,
covered in leeches.  It was rather yucky.  "Does anybody have any salt?"


        Seeing the usually-calm Juri this freaked out was scaring Utena. 
"Touga, you must have salt, right?  It's the only way we'll get those
things off her!"  She caught Juri's shoulders and fought down her own
revulsion at being so close to the leeches.  "Juri, relax!  Running
around like a chicken with its head cut off won't help!"

[[Note from Saionji:  No, but it's funny!  Heh heh!]]


        Miki _wanted_ to help with Juri's problem, but he was too busy writhing
on the ground being ignored by everyone as he tried to rip his
rash-covered skin off with his fingernails.

[[Note from Miki:  Yes, that was sarcasm.]]


        "They're all overrrr meeee!"  Juri cried, trying not to burst 
into panicky tears.  There were men there.  She might be able to get 
past the humiliation if it was just Utena and the Rose Bride, but Touga 
and Saionji were there....


        "Here's salt, Utena sama!!" Anthy cried, bringing a little tub of
salt over to her.


        Touga stared, seeing the cold Juri freaking out.  It was rather

[[Note from Juri: I hate you.]]


        "And here's calamine for Miki!"  She brought a big tube of calamine
to Miki and started to apply it liberally.  "Don't scratch.  You're spreading 
it, Miki."


        "No, you shouldn't touch me!  You'll get it, too!"  Mike took the
calamine and began applying it to himself as he watched Utena throw salt
at Juri as if she were a vampire she wanted to scare off.


        "Juri, will you stop wiggling around all over the place and lay down or
something?!  The salt's just falling off you this way!"


        Juri slowed down, and closed her eyes tightly.  "Get it over with,"
she gritted her teeth.  "Please, get them off.  Yech!"  She shuddered.


        Now that Juri wasn't moving around so much, Utena found she could take
care with the application of the salt, and one by one the leeches began
to drop off her skin, leaving pin-prick holes with dots of blood. 
"Yecch, these things are gross," she commented.


        "So is this rash," Miki said mournfully.  How awful that Anthy should
see him in such a state.  "I wonder what Kozue will say when I get back
and she sees this."


        "I don't know, Miki, but do us all a favour, and tell her none of US
did it to you, okay?"

[[Note from Saionji:  THAT'S for sure *shudder*]]
[[Note from Kozue:  You know, I AM reading this...]]


        "Ohhhhhh, eewwwwwwwww...." she whined.  "I hate bugs and I hate
things that drink my blood and I hate icky, slimy things!"


        Anthy looked over in surprise.  "You hate Saionji sempai, Juri?"

[[Note from Saionji:  Har har, very funny.  Ugly Tomboy put you up to
that, didn't she?]]
[[Note from Utena:  You wish.]]


        "Anthy!" Utena said suddenly, eyes wide.  "I've never heard you speak
about anyone like that!  I'm so shocked!"


        "I've misjudged you," Miki added, then looked around, wondering where
the Twilight Zone music was coming from.

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