Although both our individual fics often come from shared ideas that happened in 
our personal real-life RPGs, this is the first public joint story that we've done.

We have our own private ML, just for goofy exchanges and role-playing between 
the two of us, and that's where this came about.  It's us role-playing the Sakura 
Taisen characters as _they_ tell a fairy tale with themselves as the stars!

In the fic:

Haruka writes the lines by Maria, Kanna, Kouran, Orihime, Lobelia, Erica, and Coquelicot.

Michiru writes the lines by Ichirou, Sumire, Leni, Sakura, Iris, Hanabi, and Glycine.

Now you know a bit more of how our twisted minds work. :)

Haruka and Michiru

[sheep_ball] A Little Sakura Taisen Fairy Tale


Maria:Beautiful Young Queen
Sumire:Beautiful Wicked Queen next Kingdom over
Kanna the Brave:  Maria's faithful Knight
Ichirou:  Magical Construct of Wicked Queen Sumire's
Coquelicot:  Kanna the Brave's Squire
Kouran:  Queen Maria's Court Magician
Orihime:  More cultured and beautiful younger sister of Queen Maria
Sakura:  Queen Maria's clumbsy handmaiden
Leni:  Queen Maria's faithful Major-Domo & Advisor
Iris: The Adorable, Queen Maria's baby sister
Jean-Paul: The Magical Bear, Iris's friend
Glycine:  beautiful cousin of Queen Maria
Lobelia:  Lobelia the Thief, a sexy woman
Hanabi:  Baron and secret Assasin
Erica:  Physician


Once Upon a Time, there was a beautiful young Queen named Maria who
lived in a palace without a King.  Her parents had died unexpectedly and
had failed to ensure her future with a marriage contract to another
kingdom, so she was expected to choose a mate for herself.  She was
lonely, but also shy.  Things did not look good.



        In the next kingdom over, there was a very beautiful, but wicked
Queen, named Sumire, who had had a husband. She had poisoned him, however so
that she would inherit his kingdom.  She taxed her peasants into serf-dom,
and had a throne carved from jade and gold to accent her beautiful red hair.
She was very bad indeed.
        She saw that the new and beautiful Queen Maria was without a King,
and hatched a devilish plot to send her a handsome man.
        She created a handsome, kind young man from magic, and named him
Ichirou.  He was too be called her brother, and was sent to the young Queen
as a diplomat.



        Queen Maria's faithful Knight, Kanna the Brave, heard of the arrival of
the envoy from Queen Sumire's kingdom and rode out on her strong white
steed to meet Prince Ichirou.
        "Hark, who goes there?" she called out as she heard someone approach.

             Ichirou, in his ebony carriage, with gold vines inlaid throughout,
pulled by 6 black stallions, peeked out past black velvet curtains.  He opened
the door, and stood on the step.  Amazed at the height of the Knight on her steed,
he decided to stay on the step, where he seemed taller.
            "I am Prince Ichirou of your neighboring Kingdom.  I am the younger
brother of Her Magnificence, Queen Sumire, come in peace in a diplomatic
mission,"he said.


        Kanna the Brave's squire, Coquelicot the Cute, who had been running
alongside her master's mighty steed all the way (and was pretty tired
I'll tell you) panted and peered curiously around the huge white horse
at the handsome young man.
        "Oh, he's very good-looking!" she breathed, then frowned and tugged on
her master's pant leg.  "But Master, I didn't think Queen Sumire _had_ a


        "Don't call me Master, I'm a woman!" Kanna the Brave hissed to her
squire as she dismounted and approached the Prince.  She bowed.  "It
will be my honour to escort you to the palace, Prince Ichirou."


            Ichirou thanked Knight Kanna, and got back into his carriage.
            He went still again, not using any excess energy up.  As a magical
construct his thoughts were only on what his creator had programmed him for.  
He was to make a peace treaty with the new Queen, as the old treaty had been 
with her parents, and therefore was now void in their deaths.
            He was to have the young Queen fall in love with him, and have him
included in the treaty as a mate.  He was to then have Queen Maria destroyed 
in a way that looked like an accident, and to die himself, thereby allowing his 
Magnificent Mistress have the kingdom for herself.



        Back in Queen Maria's throne room, Kouran, the court Magician, showed
her Queen the image of Prince Ichirou through means of an elaborate
Seeing spell.  His handsome face was superimposed in the centre of the
        "There he is, my Queen," Kouran said.  "Kanna the Brave has met him and
is escorting him back here."


        Maria was still trying to get her breath back, her fair skin showing a
modest blush.
        "He is ... very handsome," she whispered.


        The Queen's more attractive and cultured younger sister, Princess
Orihime, studied the image of the young man with great interest.  "Oooo,
now _why_ can't he be coming here to meet _me_?"


            Queen Maria's personal handmaiden looked at the image.  "Ooooo, he
IS a dream!
Oops!!!"  She tripped over the hem of her long skirt, and fell into the 
spell, and on to the ground with a 'thud'.  Her skirts over her head, she moaned 
softly.  Grateful that she wore shorts under her skirt so people couldn't see her 
undies, she pulled the skirt down, showing that her skin and hair had changed 
to a grass green colour.  Her cheeks burned greener at the laughter of the court.


            "...... I suppose he is handsome," Leni, Maria's faithful Major-Domo and 
advisor said quietly.  "However, I don't remember Queen Sumire having a brother."


        "Nevertheless, he is on his way here and we must be prepared to welcome
him properly."  She clapped her hands sharply.  "A fine banquet must be
made ready - alert the cooks!"  She looked down at her handmaiden. 
"Quickly, Sakura!  I must change so that I will be presentable to our
distinguished guest."  She swept out of the throne room.


        Kouran took pity on the handmaiden and magically de-greened her before
she could follow the Queen.


        Princess Orihime skipped over to her sister's advisor and gave her a
curious look.  "Leni, do you really think this man could be an
imposter?" she asked, wide-eyed.


            Leni looked very concerned.  "There is a good chance he is an
imposter.  Queen Sumire does not have any family.  She is a bad Queen, 
and has killed all her family. 
"However, he comes in the Royal Coach of her kingdom.  Perhaps 
she decided she needed an heir and adopted him as a brother."


        "How very odd," Orihime said.  "I think I shall go down to the gate and
await their arrival!"  She picked up her skirts and hurried from the
throne room.



            Glycine, the very beautiful cousin of the Queen, watched at the
carriage drew near, Knight Kanna escorting him, and Coquelicot huffing 
beside her.
            She watched with interest as the nice looking man got out of the
rich carriage, and wondered who he might be.


        The sexy woman known simply as Lobelia the Thief called to the Queen's
fairly beautiful (but not quite as beautiful as she thought) cousin from
where she had been wrongly locked in the stocks for a crime she could
not have committed or she would not have been caught as she was too good
for that.
        "Lady Glycine," she hissed, "if you release me from these stocks I will
tell you how you can have that Prince for yourself!"


            The beautiful lady, who was much more beautiful than the thief
could understand, looked over at the woman in the stocks.
            "How?" She answered.  "If you satisfy me, I will let you out."


        The thief, who was even more beautiful than the dillusional Lady, eyed
her in a crafty way.  "I learn many things in my wanderings, great Lady
- many would pay much for my information.  All I ask of you is my
release, and you will not regret it."


            The lady, who was considered by most to be the most beautiful woman
in the world, and had won many awards since she was a baby, shook her finger 
at the not-quite-as-beautiful thief.  "You are not in the position to bargain.  As 
the cousin of the Queen (who was almost as beautiful as the Lady, but not quite, 
and a bit more beautiful than the thief), I have the power to have your pretty little 
head lopped off!"


        The thief swallowed, liking her most-beautiful-face-in-the-galaxy to
remain on a head that was attached to her shoulders.
        "Very well, my Lady," she said.  "The secret is that the young man is
almost certainly a dupe, sent by the scheming Queen Sumire.  If you
offer to help him, with your knowledge of the court and your cousin's
habits, you will most certainly be rewarded when Queen Sumire takes over
- she will give you the young man as a reward, plus a more prominent
position than that which you have now."


            That sounded like a good idea.  Perhaps that would happen.
But this was the most famous thief in the kingdom, and to let her go
 would be treason, so.... 
"I do not like your idea," she lied, her beautiful lips, on the most
beautifully beautiful face in the entire universe, pouted so beautifully
a nearby bird swooned in wonder.
            She began to walk away to where the envoy from the wicked
queen was being led away by the Brave Knight.


        "Wait!" the thief called after her desperately.  "If you let me go, I
will give you a love potion that I stole from the Queen's magician!"


            The fair lady stopped, and looked over at Lobelia the Thief.  She
walked over.  "Alright.  I will let you out of the stocks," Glycine told the
thief.  "For the love potion and you serving me for a month."


        "Serving y--?!" the Thief stuttered, her insanely, unbelievably
gorgeous countenance a picture of horror at the very idea.  However, the
Lady had her over a barrel.  Besides, she thought craftily, being the
Lady's servant would gain her free access to the palace.  "Very well,"
she agreed, bowing her head as much as she could in the stocks.  "I will
give you the potion and I will be your most humble servant."


            The unbelievable, utterly beautiful lady called a guard over, who at
first sputtered in having such a noble and ravishingly beautiful Lady talk to
him.  After several minutes, he finally was able to think enough to listen to
 her ask  him to unlock the thief.
            He protested at first, before the simple, awe inspiring presence of
the Lady won over his better judgment, and he unlocked the thief, whom 
he thought was beautiful, but didn't inspire the same trembling reverence
 that the Lady did.



            Iris the Adorable bounced into Queen Maria's bedroom.  Being the
beautiful Queen's baby sister, this was allowed.  She carried Jean-Paul, the
 magical bear, with her.  He went everywhere with her.
            "Big sister, big sister!  Are you here?  Is it not exciting?"


        The Queen turned to gaze upon her lovely little sister who was the
apple of her eye.  "Yes, dear sister, it is very exciting!  Sakura has
been getting me ready to greet the Prince - do you think I look all
right?"  She turned fully around in a slow circle, her floor-length,
velvet gown with the real gold thread shimmering in the light.


            "Iris thinks Big Sister looks beautiful! Iris hopes that she'll be
as beautiful when she's big.  Iris thinks that this prince will fall in love with 
Big Sister," Iris laughed, clapping her hands in glee.  Jean-Paul the Magical 
Bear danced in the air around Iris's head.


        Entering her sister's bedchamber, Orihime couldn't help but think how
beautiful Maria was, and that only increased her concern.  "Maria," she
said, "I think you should heed your advisor's caution regarding this
man.  Treachery is everywhere."


        The Queen gave her lovely dark-haired sister a patient look.  "I am
aware of that, Orihime, but a royal cannot shut herself off from the
world in fear of treachery.  She is there for the people above all
else.  Besides, I do not want to live my life in constant fear, and that
young man looks very kind.  Perhaps he will be the one I have been
looking for.  If it makes you and Leni feel better, I will try not to
lose my heart too quickly.  Now let us go!



Ichirou looked around him, recording every little thing in his
memory.  The palace here was much more warm and inviting, but being 
a magical construct, he really didn't notice that much.



The Baroness Hanabi, who was secretly an assassin of the
Queen's, watched the Prince warily.  However, her smile never faulted.  
She would have to talk to Leni about him, Leni being only one of two 
people that knew what she really was.  He was handsome, yes, but he 
moved strangely.



        Kanna the Brave escorted Prince Ichirou into the throne room and got
down on one knee as Queen Maria entered the room, looking as beautiful
as an angel come to Earth.
        "My Queen," she said, her eyes downcast as a servant's should be, "May
I present, his royal Highness, Prince Ichirou of the Kanzaki Kingdom!"


        Queen Maria caught her breath at her first in-person view of the
handsome young Prince.  She looked into his eyes and felt an instant
kinship with him.  "Your Highness," she said demurely, extending her
hand to him.


Ichirou looked up at the Beautiful young Queen, and felt
something strange in his chest.  It was tight, and he caught his breath.  
He wasn't supposed to feel anything, so he was confused.
He took her slender white hand in his own, and bowing, raised
it to his lips.    The touch of her skin made him tingle inside, and this also, 
was confusing.
     She was so beautiful!
"You Majesty," he said automatically, "New of your grace and
beauty reached the court of my sister, but I'm afraid it did not do you justice."
"Your beauty," he added, this part not programmed into him,
"eclipses even that of my sister, Queen Sumire."  He looked into her beautiful
 green eye(s) and felt warmth through his entire body.


        The young Queen blushed at his compliment.  His voice was as pleasant
to hear as his face was to look upon.
        "From what I hear of Queen Sumire, you honour me greatly with your
words," she said, then swept a hand toward the tables laden with a
sumptuous banquet.  "Please, let us feast, and you can tell me all about
your Kingdom and what brings you to us."


            The fake Prince went and sat beside the young Queen.  The feast
before him had a marvellous array of delicasies from all over.  "Truly," he said, 
"You did not need to go to so much trouble for me!"


        Queen Maria blushed again.  "It is nothing, really, but I am glad you
like it."


        The Princess Orihime leaned over to whisper to her youngest sister.  "I
have not seen our sister blush so much since court magician Kouran's
spell went wrong and all of the court were suddenly without clothing!"


            "And she was naked too!" Iris the Adorable crowed loudly. "Oops."


            Ichirou looked over at the young princess, eyes wide in shock. 
"Naked?" He questioned, turning crimson red.  What were these strange feelings?


        The ravishing thief, whose beauty and talent was sung of in minstrals'
ballads across the land, and who now had been relegated to servant of
the Queen's attractive cousin (watch out for those Shelbyville people),
saw her mistress at the banquet and approached her in silence.
        "My Lady," she whispered, pressing something into her hand under the
table.  "Here is the love potion I promised you.  Mind, you must be the
first person he sees after he drinks it or he will fall in love with


            The exquisite lady, who was so much more beautiful than the thief
that it staggered the imagination, took the potion in her hand.  She slipped it into
the belt of her gown.
            "Yes," the lovely lady smiled prettily.  "I will make sure of that."



        Time passed, as time does, and in the days that followed while Prince
Ichirou was a guest of the Tachibana Kingdom, Queen Maria grew to enjoy
his company more and more.  He was always courteous and gallant, and she
never grew tired of looking into his kind eyes and handsome
countenance.  When they danced together in the ballroom, she felt as
though her feet had wings.


        Princess Orihime feared her sister was falling in love with the
handsome Prince and she didn't know what to do.  Maria was usually so
level-headed, but she was still a young Queen, and lonely for the
company of a mate.  Ichirou seemed to be sincere, and everyone thought
they looked wonderful together - but Leni's words nagged at her and she
knew not what to do.


            Leni also could not help worrying about the young Queen.  She was
spending a great amount of time with the handsome Prince.
            Leni spent a lot of time looking through books and old announcements
for news of the birth of this Prince, or any other record of him.  Yet she could
find nothing!  It was a puzzling, and frightening problem.
            She decided to take action.
            After several days, she finally managed to see the young Queen
without the Prince.
            "Your Majesty, I must speak with you about this Prince."


        The young Queen, remembering the ball from the previous night, was
swirling and dancing around her chambers as if in a dream.  She spotted
Leni in the mirror and realized her advisor has spoken to her.  She
turned to look at her curiously.  "Yes, Leni, what is it?"


            "Your Majesty," Leni began, carefully trying to think how to say
this.  "I have been searching for mention of this young Prince for a very long time.
However, no matter how hard I search, I cannot find mention of him in any
missives from his country, or in our annals."


        "But what does this mean?" Queen Maria frowned.  "Surely he does
exist.  Perhaps his family were trying to keep him a secret to protect
him from assassins?"


            "I believe he is not whom he says he is.  Except for the
fact that he bears a royal scrit that says he _is_ who he says he
is.  It is very perplexing.
           "Why would a family keep a younger son secret?  He is
not the heir of the throne.  Queen Sumire is a very wicked Queen
and she may be up to something, Your Majesty.  I beg you to be
careful with this!"


        The young Queen's heart was made heavy by Leni's warning.  She did not
want to believe that Prince Ichirou was anything other than what he
claimed to be, but she trusted her advisors, and her sister, Orihime,
whom she knew was also in doubt.
        "All right, I will heed your words," she said sadly.  "Is there a way
we might test him?  So that we might be sure once and for all?"


            "I will think apon it, Your Majesty," Leni said, grateful that
the young Queen would listen to reason.  I will talk with Kouran so
that we can come up with such a test."  Leni bowed to her Queen.



            The lady Glycine was at a loss.  The month in which she had
the thief as a servant was almost up, but she did not want to release
the girl.  She was very good at picking up information, and if some of
the court, her rivals, seemed to be missing some jewels, she was not,
and that was all that mattered.
            Then came the sticky problem of the Prince.  She could not
get near him!  She loved her cousin, but was starting to want to do
something, such as strangle her!  The young Queen was always with
the Prince.
            Perhaps if she invited him to a small brunch.  Just her and him,
her servant in attendance.
            She wrote a note in her best handwriting on her best paper,
and sealed it with her royal seal.  He would not be able to ignore it!
            "Lobelia!" she called.


        "You called, my Lady?" Lobelia the Thief spoke patiently, but inside,
she was anxious.  Soon, very soon, she would be released from this
bondage and would take her ill-gotten gains from the court and live the
remainder of her days a free, wealthy (and gorgeous) woman.


            "Yes," the even more gorgeous Lady said.  "I wish you to
take this note to Prince Ichirou right away, while I prepare the tea.
I know he is not with Her Majesty, so he will be free to come, and
this is a Summons Royale."



            Ichirou opened the Magic Mirror that his Most Magnificent
Mistress had given him, and spoke the Magic Word.


            "Yes, my Pawn?" Her Magnificence replied.


            "I have the young Queen in the position you wish her, my liege.
I believe she is in love with me.  What do you wish of me?"


            "I wish for you to keep with the plan, dear Pawn.  You will
marry the young Queen and then destroy both of you."


            The Pawn looked uncomfortable.  "Must we kill her, My Liege?
Is there not another way to neutralize her?"


            "Are you becoming soft??!!!  KILL HER!!!"


            "Yes, My Liege," he bowed, looking unhappy.  He was beginning
to believe in this 'love' thing, and that he was in it with the young Queen.



        The sultry, sexy, exotic (and beautiful) thief quickly drew back around
the corner, her heart pounding in her chest.  She had overheard the
young man's conversation with the evil Queen Sumire as she had been
about to deliver her Mistress' message.  He was not a Prince!  She was
not even certain he was human!  Her Queen's very life was in danger with
this man!
        Her mind began weighing the options of her next move.  She had very
valuable information - the question was - which side would pay more
dearly for it?  Queen Maria would reward her richly for saving her life,
she was sure - IF she could be made to believe her.  Alas, she had no
proof, and as a famous thief, the Queen would never take her word over
Ichirou's.  Queen Sumire would pay her well for her silence - and then
would likely have her killed the moment her back was turned.
        She could let the Lady Glycine go on with her plan to make Ichirou fall
in love with _her_ - then she would save Queen Maria from his treachery
and he and the Lady Glycine (who likely deserved each other) could live
strangely ever after.
        She shook her head.  None of these ideas would work.
        However, there was one that yet might.  She did not think she had
mistaken that look of sadness on Ichirou's face - perhaps he could be
made to betray Queen Sumire - with her help.
        She entered the room and walked right up to him without bowing.  "I
know what you are," she lied.  "For I am a great thief and am skilled at
being stealthy.  I heard what you said to Queen Sumire in the Mirror." 
She tightened her grip on the chain she held behind her back - prepared
to defend herself.


            Ichirou looked over at the lovely young thief in surprise.  He had
seen her around, but thought she a serving wench of the Princess
            What was he to do?  He was just a simple construct, with no
real emotion, consciousness or thought.  He was supposed to kill any
who caught him with the little magic that Her Magnificence gave him.
            He just couldn't!
            Killing was... it was wrong!
            He stared at the woman, knowing that he looked sort of dumb,
but not being able to help it.
            What was he to do?
            Kill her?
            Kill Maria??
            Beautiful Maria?!?!
            He turned away from the woman in a crouch, hands over his head,
howling like a lost soul.  A white light enveloped him, and burst from him
in a display like fireworks.
            The spirit energy flooded the palace, strong enough that any with
even the least sensitivity could feel it.
            And the world went black.....



        Maria screamed as the spirit energy burst over the area, and she heard
echoing screams from her sisters and others in the vicinity who
possessed energy equal to her own.  What had happened?!
        "Kanna!" she cried out to the Knight, who had her hands over her ears,
having been affected by the release of energy herself.  "Investigate
quickly!  Find the source of that energy!  I fear something terrible has
        Ichirou, she thought fearfully.  Is he all right?



        The thief who was too beautiful to be true cautiously took her hands
away from her ears and opened her eyes.  She had been point-blank in the
energy blast, and her own spirit energy had nearly shattered her from
the inside out in response.  Her vision cleared gradually, though, and
she saw Ichirou had passed out on the ground.
        She took a step toward him, whether to check on his condition or search
his pockets, she wasn't sure, but she never made it.


        "HALT!" commanded Kanna the Brave.  "Guards, arrest this wench!"  She
strode over to Ichirou and bent down, touching his shoulder, then called
over her shoulder to her men, "And send for the court physician!"


        "No, wait!" the thief, who looked even more beautiful when frightened,
struggled as the guards put her in chains.  "I did nothing to him!  He
was an imposter!  He was going to kill the Queen ...!"  Her protests
fell on deaf ears as she was dragged from the room.



        Later, in the Prince's room, Erica the court physician turned away from
the bed with a sigh and looked at the worried visage of Queen Maria.
        "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but he does not awaken.  I'm not sure of the
cause.  It could be the same overload of spirit energy that affected us
all, or it might be an evil spell."


        "Whatever shall we do?" the young Queen wrung her hands.


        "If it is a spell, Your Majesty," the court magician said, "perhaps a
kiss from the woman he loves will awaken him."


        "Really?" the Queen said hopefully.  "I would do anything to save
him!"  She moved to Ichirou's side and bent down to gently kiss his


            Ichirou felt cold inside.
            He would rather die then to ever kill Maria!  She was the most
beautiful, loving woman in the world!
            Something felt different inside him.  Something felt free and
more happy.  He was no longer a magical construct.  He had broken
free of that, and became a real person.
            He could make a choice.  He could choose to die.
            This way he _couldn't_ hurt her.
            Suddenly, he felt a warm touch to his lips.  The warmth went
through his entire body.  His brown eyes opened, and looked into
Maria's green eye(s).
            "Maria," he breathed softly.


            "He is awake," Leni said, unnecessarily.  She was still reeling
from the shock of the spiritual attack.  And she could feel energy
pulsing off of him, like he was gifted as well.
            "How could you have spirit energy, she asked.  "You're a man."


            "Your Majesty, you must stay away from me!"  Ichirou sat up
and moved away from her.  "If you come close, you shall surely die!
For I was made to temp you into loving me, marrying me, and then I
was to destroy both of us in a fire, so my sister would inherit your
throne through me," Ichirou said bitterly.  "But she did not know that
I would fall in love with you!  And therefore breaking her hate-filled
enchantment, I have become real, and I can now choose of my own
free will!
            "You must destroy me, Your Majesty, as I came here only
intending harm!"


        Queen Maria touched his cheek softly and smiled, tears in her eyes.
        "But do you not see, Ichirou?" she said.  "You said it yourself - you
are now free to choose.  And by choosing to protect me, you have proven
your love."  She took his hand.  "I love you, too, and I want to marry


            "But I'm not worthy!"  Ichirou cried, eyes widening.  "I am not
truly a prince!"


            "By Queen Sumire's proclamation to us, you are.  She wrote it in a
Royal Document.  You are her brother, and therefore her heir."


        Stepping forward and falling to one knee, Kanna the Brave, begged her
Queen, "Your Majesty, allow me to lead a battalion into the Kanzaki
Kingdom to overthrow Queen Sumire as punishment for her attempted
assassination!  We can put Prince Ichirou on the throne and the two of
may marry and merge your kingdoms for the benefit of all!"


        "Let it be so!" Queen Maria proclaimed and smiled at Ichirou.  "You
_are_ a Prince, and you shall be a King."


        The Princess Orihime whispered to Princess Iris, "Unless Magician
Kouran accidentally turns him into a frog!"


            Ichirou's head was reeling.  He couldn't handle this.  There was
too much at once.  However...
            "What happened to the young servant that was there?" he asked,
looking worried.  "She was there when I went crazy.  Did she get hurt?"


        "That thief was thrown in chains.  We found her standing over you when
you were unconscious."


            "But wasn't she the Princess Glycine's person servant?" Ichirou
asked, confused.


        "Lady Glycine is not a Princess, your Highness," Kanna the Brave
corrected (and you know she HAD to be brave to remind Glycine of that
fact).  "She is a cousin to the Queen, not sister.  And yes, that wench
was her servant, but before she was her servant, she was prisoner in the
stocks - I placed her there myself when she stole my jeweled dagger and
tried to use it on me!"


            "Oh," he said eloquently.  "I guess if she's wanted, I can't do
anything about it.  But is she all right?  Was she hurt?"


        At that moment, the breathtakingly beautiful and obviously very
resourceful thief ran past the doorway, shackles trailing from her
wrists and the entire Tachibanian guard in pursuit.


        "She's fine," the Knight said with a flat-eyed look.


            "That's a relief," Ichirou smiled in relief.





            The Heavenly Beauteous Lady sat at her table waiting for the
Prince.  She had felt the energy blast earlier, but had attributed to the
gawky, and inept Magician.
            Her other servant had put the tea supplies out, including the
love potion that she'd administer.
            She was about to start her second cup of tea.  It was a bit
bitter, but hey, it was only lukewarm.  She wished Lobelia would get
Prince there before the potion lost its effect, sitting on the bottom of
the Prince's cup.
            She glanced over at the Prince's cup and frowned.  The cup
was empty.  There should have been liquid in it already....


        The Ultimate Beauty, otherwise known as Lobelia the Thief, came tearing
into the room, her stunning pale blue eyes wide with panic.
        "My Lady!" she cried.  "The guards are after me, but I have done
nothing!  I meant only to give your invitation but the Prince has turned
out to be an imposter and ... why are you looking at me like that?"


            "I never realized..."  Glycine got to her feet, eyes shining. 
"You...   You...."
            She reached up, took Lobelia's face in her hands, and kissed her
full on the lips.  "You're so beautiful!  So wonderful!  We will be married this


        "W-What?!"  The thief staggered backwards ....


        ... right into the strong grip of Kanna the Brave.  "All right, wench,
it's back to the dungeon for you!"


        "No, wait!" Lobelia the thief said and pointed at Glycine.  "The Lady
Glycine has issued me a pardon and we are to be wed!"


        The Brave Knight was going to ask if this wild story was true, but one
look at the hearts in Lady Glycine's eyes and she knew.  She released
the thief.


        "Aw, forget it," she muttered, stalking out of the room.  "I have a
Kingdom to conquer."


            "Let's go get married NOW!"  Glycine crowed, pulling Lobelia
along.  "Manacles and chains... how romantic!"  Glycine dragged the
thief away to the minister.



            The Prince sat in a chair, gazing into the eye(s) of the young
Queen.  "I can't believe I'm so lucky.  You're so beautiful.  But... I
need to know how you could love a man without a past."


        "By concentrating on the future"  Queen Maria smiled.  "I have been
surrounded by loyal subjects my whole life, but I never knew if any
young nobles were interested in me because of me or because I was
Queen.  You are risking everything to love me, and I can do no less." 
She heard the sound of the army trumpet and knew Kanna the Brave was
leading her troops out to conquer the Kanzaki Kingdom.



            The beautiful Wicked Queen knew something was wrong.  Her link
to her construct was gone.   And now... NOW!  Now there were thousands
of soldiers at her front gate....


        Kanna the Brave fought valiantly, working her way up through the
Kanzaki Kingdom's defenses until they had not only broken through the
gate, they had bridged the entrance.
        "Queen Sumire!" her thunderous voice roared throughout the castle. 
"You shall pay for attempting to kill Queen Maria!"


        The brave Knight's squire thrust her fist in the air.  "Yeah!  What she


            Sumire looked calmly at the red headed giant. "And you might be?"
she asked contemptuously.


        "I might be Joan of Arc, but I'm not," said the Brave (and obviously
witty) Knight.  She drew her sword and pointed the tip at Queen Sumire's
lovely throat.  "I am Kanna the Brave - Sworn Knight and Commander of
Queen Maria's army!  You are under arrest and will be brought back to
the Tachibana Kingdom for judgement!"


            The graceful, flower like Queen looked impressed at the rather good
looking Brave, impressed with her looks and muscles (but not her rather
not-there wit).  She ignored the sword at her throat.
            "You have no authority to arrest me in my own palace.  Of COURSE
I tried to have her killed.  Did you think I would not try, when she is so young
and untried?"  She slipped around the sword, and caressed Kanna the Brave's
            "However, with the right incentive, I might be willing to forget
all of what has happened...."


        "Methinks you do not understand the situation, Your Majesty," Kanna the
Brave said, trying to ignore the softness of Queen Sumire's caress. 
"Your army has been conquered and you _are_ at our mercy now.  Come with
us without incident and your passage will be safe."


            "I," she said loftily, "am never conquered.  Won perhaps...." she
added with a seductive smile.  "I am a sorceress.  I am not an ordinary
woman."  She ran her slender hand up and down the strong woman's arm.


        Kanna the Brave frowned.  "In that case, I shall have to kill you on
the spot lest you cast an evil spell on our Queen."  She drew back her


            "If you marry me, you do not have to kill me.  And I will leave
your young Queen alone, and allow Ichirou to marry her.  If you try to
a spell will destroy you for the attempt, and I will make your Queen my
willing sex slave."
            "You choose..."


        The little squire jumped up and down in anger.  "No way!  We can't
trust your word!  You have to abdicate the throne first, so Ichirou will
be King.  THEN you can marry my Master!"


        "Mistress!" Kanna the Brave corrected.  "And wait a darned minute ...!"


            "No, I will remain Queen here, and your Mistress will be King here.
Ichirou will be King of Queen Maria's kingdom."
            "Kanna, please decide."


        Kanna the Brave considered this.  If she were King here, she could
remain loyal to Queen Maria by ensuring her that her neighboring kingdom
would never invade or otherwise try to destroy she and Ichirou's
        And besides, the evil sorceress was pretty darned cute.
        "Okay."  She grinned.


        "I quit," Coquelicot the Disgusted, formerly Coquelicot the Cute,
walked out and started a Squire Union so that no squires would ever
again have to work for big dumb Knights who acted on their hormones at
the drop of a hat.



            And thus two great weddings were celebrated.  Maria and Ichirou
became great rulers of their country, with fine heirs, and rarely arguing,
were happy always.
            Kanna the Brave became Kanna the Great King, and reigned the
wicked Queen in.  They fought like cats and dogs, even in front of their
court, and they were happy always.
            One of their children married one of Maria and Ichirou's as well!

            And Glycine and Lobelia?  Their marriage was tumultuous at best,
but since the royal family were not allowed to divorce, they were sort of
stuck with each other.
            But I think they were happy...

~The End~

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