Lobelia: Supreme Vampire
Leni: Supreme Werewolf
Coquelicot: a cub in Leni's pack
Maria: Alpha female of Leni's pack
Kanna: new wolf
Sumire: wolf in the pack
Glycine: Lobelia's second
Ichirou: Lobelia's human servant
Erica: a human servant
Orihime: a sultry Italian vampire
Hanabi: a vampire
Sakura: a werewolf
Iris: a werewolf cub
Kouran: a werewolf

A Supernatural Sakura Taisen Story

Chapter 3


Hanabi opened the door for the little human. "You weren't long," she said quietly. "I think Lobelia sama expected you to be quite a bit longer. But I'll take you to her. Follow me."

The Supreme Vampire turned upon the entrance of the two, her face registering surprise. "Erica? You have returned already?"

The girl took the time to bow appropriately. "Yes, Mistress, I dared not stay a moment longer. I was surrounded by werewolves - I'm not altogether sure they weren't suspicious of me. However," she looked up, "I found out why they had a power increase. There is a new wolf - an _enormous_ wolf. I don't know her name, but she has red fur. She has speed and strength, and appears to be mated to one of the higher ranked she-wolves, if I'm not mistaken."

"I see." The vampire drummed her long nails on the window sill. "I have not heard of an unusually large _red_ wolf among their ranks before, so she must surely be the source of their new power." She nodded. "All right, now we know what to do. We must kill that wolf, or at the very least, change her to a vampwolf, so that her loyalties are divided. Use whatever means you must - steal her mate, threaten the cubs - anything. Hanabi, alert Orihime. Her powers of seduction might do us well in this case."

Ichirou sneered at Erica. "Mistress, do you wish me to try to gain access anyway? Perhaps I might do better than Erica." Ichirou did not want to go, but realized that for him mistress to win, someone had to gain for her the upper hand. Erica didn't, so perhaps he had to. And he knew he could.
He watched Hanabi bow, and walk away, then looked back up at his beautiful mistress.

The Supreme Vampire nodded slowly. "Yes, Ichirou. I had hoped to spare you this assignment, but it seems I need your help. You and Orihime can work together."

Ichirou got to his feet. "I think I'll work alone," he told his mistress. "I'd like to go in as a supplicant, not a vampire pet. I'll take a day before I go, as well. I'm sure that werewolves could smell you on me."
He looked at her sadly. "Thank you for all you've done for me, mistress. I'll never forget you."

"And I will not forget your sacrifice," Lobelia said seriously, touching his cheek. "I wish with all my heart that you will not only survive this assignment but be well."


Ichirou walked up the long driveway, to the house of the werewolves. It wasn't a fine castle, like Lobelia's, but it was a nice place, with sloping lawns and lots of trees to... ahem... water.
He had been staying in the city for the last 3 days, soaking up the stink, bathing daily, and generally getting rid of the vampire smell from his flesh. New clothes, straight from a 2nd hand store gave him clothes that didn't smell vampish.
He knew his life was going to come to an end soon. The vampires _would_ win this war, he'd make sure of it. He was staking his life on it! He couldn't die for naught.
He knocked on the door, feeling a bit disgusted with the lack of security.

The blonde Alpha-female opened the door and regarded the newcomer in more ways than one. First glance told her he was both handsome and human. First scent brought neither that of werewolf or vampire around him. "May I help you?" she asked.

For a moment, he stood and stared at the beautiful werewolf. For some reason, he always assumed that they stood hunched over, no clothes, and a layer of fur even in human form. This was nothing like that.
Finally, he closed his mouth with an audible snap. "Uhhh... Well, I heard there were werewolves here..." Maybe she was a human servant....

"Do not tell me - you are a writer for a school paper and wish to interview the werewolves for an article on werewolf-human relations?" Maria said in amusement. "You humans need a new line."

Stupid Erica, he sthought, annoyed. "Huh?" he made himself look confused. It was easy to do. "School? I haven't been in school for a few years. No, I wanted to talk to someone about what it would take to become a werewolf."
He made himself look sad. "I hate vampires. But as a human I can't take out any vengence on them. As a werewolf, I'd be strong, and with the war looming, I'd have a chance."

The large werewolf came up behind Maria and was startled to see the handsome young human man at the door. "Uh, did you need any help, Maria?"

"Yes, Kanna," the blonde wolf replied. "This young man has expressed interest in joining us, but before he can come in, I would like you to search him." She gave the man a look that could have been apologetic. "We can take no chances - we have cubs on the premises."

Stepping forward, the large woman began to pat the man down, searching for weapons of any kind. "He's clean," she said.

Maria stepped aside. "You may enter. We'll take you to our Supreme Werewolf."

Ichirou looked around, as they took him down the hall. The hardwood floor was a bit scratched up, but then, he figured with all the clawed paws that came up and down, that there's be a little wear and tear...

Leni was coming out of her office, when she smelled a human. She watched her two strongest wolves bring a human towards her.
"What is this?" She looked at Maria.

The blonde woman bowed slightly. "This is a newcomer to our midst - he says he wishes to become a werewolf to help us fight the vampires."

The big she-wolf grinned. "Familiar story, huh? You should put out recruitment posters."

"Why do you want to be a werewolf?" Leni asked. She could feel strong sprit energy emenating from him, which really puzzled her, because men didn't have strong spirit energy.

"A friend of mine was eaten by vampires," Ichirou looked determined. "I don't want to end up like that. I also wish a touch of revenge, I'm afraid to say. But there's a war brewing. Even us humans notice it. I don't want the vampires to win. I think that I can help effectively as a werewolf."

Leni nodded. "Maria, please come into my office a moment," she said, walking into her office. "Kanna, keep an eye on our guest."

"Sure thing!" Kanna saluted and watched Maria follow Leni. She turned to Ichirou with a friendly grin. "You want something to eat? We've got human food."

"Sure," Ichirou grinned. "What do werewolves usually eat, anyway? Surely not Kibbles n Bits? I'll have to admit I'm a bit scared about this," he told her truthfully. "It's a bit different from going to the dentist, or a doctor. This is going to change my life."

"Hey, if anyone knows what you're going through, it's me. I'm brand-new here myself." She brought him into the kitchen and handed him an apple, taking one herself. "You want to know something, though? You won't regret it. When I came here, I had no family. Now I've got a BIG family, and a beautiful mate besides, plus a purpose in life. Everything makes sense now."

"Wow, a mate, too? Can I take the blonde?" he smiled. "She was a bombshell."


"Maria's alpha female - I'm not sure if that means she belongs to Leni or not," Kanna said with a puzzled frown as she took a bite of her apple and chewed it. "I haven't learned everything about werewolf politics yet. But if she's available, I guess you'd have as good a shot at her as anyone."

"Yeah, I guess the Supreme Werewolf would need a mate." Ichirou talked while trying not to think that very soon he'd be a creature that he abhored.

Leni brought Maria into her office. "Did you feel it?" She asked her right away.

"I did," she admitted. "How unusual for a _man_ to have such a high level of spirit energy. What could it mean?"

"It means that he would be a good man to have on our side." She nibbled a fingernail. "I am going to change him, despite what he is."

The Alpha-female nodded. "I will be present lest anything go wrong," she insisted. In truth, she had an ulterior motive. The man _was_ very handsome, and she was as yet, unmated. A man with such strong spirit energy ... he just might be the one she was waiting for. But he would have to fight for the honour.

"I smell Lobelia on him," Leni confessed. "Very faint, barely there. But my nose is better than any other. He was much more intelligent than the other girl. He waited in the city for a few days. But she's on his skin. I want you to see if you can charm him, Maria. Make him want you, no matter how you feel for him. If you're to mate that will be best, but that's instinct, not charm. Make him forget the vampires and make him want to stay here with the werewolves.
"He doesn't know anything, so make him think he loves you. He won't know any better about werewolf mating. He's going to be strong enough to be alpha male in this pack. You'll have to deal with him anyway," Leni mused.
"Yes, lead him on slightly. Enough to get his attention. Make him work to get you. The more he works, the less he'll think of why he's here."

The blonde Russian she-wolf was shocked to hear Leni's words. Lobelia? The scent of the Supreme Vampire was on the man? She had not detected it herself, but then that was why Leni was Supreme Werewolf and not she.
Much of her interest in the newcomer waned at hearing he was there to betray them. However, she would do her duty as Alpha Female and continue with her plan to ultimately win him - the only difference was that now she must do so whether she found him suitable or not.
"I will do as you instruct," Maria said firmly.

I know you will do well. He was impressed by you. It will not take much to fan his interest into flames of passion. You will make him forget the vampire. As well as his new instincts will. I think he and Lobelia both have misjudged those instincs, and because of this Lobelia will lose her toy, and we will gain a valuable wolf. One, that in his own way, may be stronger than me. Please, Maria, go and get him."

Pausing long enough to lick Leni's hand in sign of respect, Maria left to find Ichirou. She caught his scent immediately - none of the other males in the pack drew her like this one had the potential to. It would take considerable effort to remember her assignment and not allow base instinct to take over.

The big redhead looked up and sniffed the air. "I think Maria's coming," she said to Ichirou, and was glad to see that she was correct. Only here a short time and she was already able to differentiate some of the wolves' scents! Of course, Maria was special. "Hello, Maria," she said.

"Kanna," Maria returned the greeting, then addressed Ichirou. "You are to come with me, please," she said, her gaze lingering on his a moment longer than it had to before she began leading him from the room.

Ichirou murmured a thank you to Kanna, before following Maria. For some reason, the term 'like a bitch in heat' came to him. She was incredible. It would be hard to remember his assignment with her around.
"Are you and Leni mated?"

"No, we are not," Maria replied. "Leni is the Supreme Werewolf, and as such, has my complete loyalty, but I am mated to no wolf as of yet." She glanced at him over her shoulder. "None have been worthy in my eyes."

"Oh. She seems so... frail somehow. But she's so strong. She has high spirit energy. So do you and Kanna for that matter."

Until they were more sure of him, Maria hoped he wouldn't come across either of the small cubs, Iris and Coquelicot, who also possessed that spirit energy. "Looks can be deceiving," she said. "Leni is very capable as Supreme Werewolf, or she would not be so." She stopped by a door and knocked. "He is here," she said, and opened it.

"Come in," Leni called.

Ichirou went into Leni's office, and looked around. It was rather plain looking, actually. He half turned when he felt himself pushed down, and a tearing pain in his shoulder. Yelping in pain and shock, he struggled against the pain, before a wave of weariness overtook him, and he crumpled to the floor.
She bit me, he thought to himself muzzily. He vaguely felt her licking the wound, and realized what had happened. Feeling ashamed of himself for acting without thinking, he sighed slightly. "Sorry," he murmured, before sleep overtook him.

The beautiful Alpha female stepped forward to study the unconscious man. She could already smell the changes taking place within him - the ones that were making him one of them.
"He is powerful," she murmured, feeling an unfamiliar and inexplicable thrill.

"Yes," said Leni, approvingly. "He will be a very powerful wolf. Two alphas in one week, even if one has been given to us by Lobelia. She has plotted her own downfall, for I believe this man has a strong sense of responsibility. Any spell he was under at the vampire's will be broken, as well."

Ichirou came to consciousness feeling as if he were swimming up from the bottom of the ocean. Smells... He could smell a lot of things. Something wonderful near him. Something familiar. He opened his eyes, and moaned slightly. He could hear two people breathing. A wolf near him. Young, strong, female. Another powerful wolf. Which was the wonderful smell he smelled. "Oh, man," he murmured, putting a hand to his head.

Further down the hall, Kanna sniffed the air and rubbed her arms, frowning. "What's that strange feeling? Another's power?"

Maria smiled in satisfaction as she looked down at Ichirou. She could already feel his strength. Not bruth strength like Kanna's, but something more elusive. She licked her lips in a predatory fashion and crouched beside him. "All is well," she murmured. "You have come through the change successfully and are now one of us." She gave his cheek a quick swipe with her tongue, making sure he got a good whiff of her scent in the process.

That was the smell. It was perfect. And it was his. The place where she had licked his cheek tingled.
He pushed his nose up into her hair and breathed deeply. "Smell good," he said huskily. This was so strange. But it felt right. He grabbed her around the waist, and pulled her down to the floor, pushing her under him.

The thrill that had simply been hinted at before now hit Maria full-force. Yes, fight me! Fight _for_ me! But I will not make it easy for you! She gave him a sharp bite on the arm and pushed him off of her, then sprinted out the door. She changed to full wolf form in mid-gait, and glanced back to see if he was in pursuit, the long tuft of white fur between her pointed ears sliding down to cover her left green eye.

Ichirou looked shocked-- for about one tenth of a second. Without missing a beat, he shifted into a glossy black wolf, that badly needed its fur combed. He took off after the white wolf, powerful legs running at full speed.
He ran down the hall after her, the thrill of the chase rushing through his veins. You want me to fight? I'll fight! I'll take you and make you mine!
He leapt towards her, crashing into her hindquarters. Pushing her down, he bit her on the back of the neck with some force.

He had her!
The pressure of the jaws on her neck made his intent and demand clear, and she had only two choices - to continue to fight and surely be injured or to surrender and accept him as her dominant mate. At that moment, it no longer mattered to her that he came from Lobelia - his behaviour was already fully werewolf. Leni was right, he _was_ theirs now, and would remain so. And she would be by his side and bear his cubs.
She lay perfectly still to show him her compliance.

Yes! I won! He thought this to himself triumphantly. She is mine. You are mine.
He released her neck, and began to lick where his teeth had bitten her. Mine mine mine mine mine. He licked her ear playfully, happily. She was his.
He had never felt this kind of emotion before. It was the best thing in the world. In fact, at the moment, he had totally forgotten about Lobelia and his mission. All he could think of was the scent of HER. The feel of her beneath him. The taste of her fur. He took these sensations and rolled in them. She was perfect. She was his.

Curious as to what was going on, Kanna came out and saw the sleek black wolf claim the white wolf she knew was Maria. She immediately shifted to wolf form and bounded over to introduce herself to the newcomer.

An intruder! Another Alpha female after her mate! Maria turned savagely on the huge red wolf and snarled a definite warning, her fangs bared. She snapped at the she-wolf, not wanting her a step closer to her male.

"Maria, she's already mated," Leni told the white wolf quietly. he had come down the hall to see if Ichirou had managed to capture Maria. It had worked out better than she had believed possible. Not only was Ichirou an alpha male, he was probably the strongest pack member other than she, Maria and Kanna. And mated to her alpha female. There was no way he would ever betray them now.

Of course Kanna was mated, how stupid of her. Maria licked Kanna's nose by way of apology, then turned back to Ichirou and nuzzled his neck.


That evening Glycine glided into Lobelia's sitting room. "Lobelia-sama, there has been reports of a new surge in strength at the werewolves. Do you think they accepted Ichirou? It's a very strong surge," Glycine looked a touch worried.

The Supreme Vampire put down her brush and sat back, studying her perfect reflection in the mirror of silver

(because of course, glass would not reflect her.)
"Yes," she said slowly, her tone icy. "I do believe they've not only accepted him, but that he has accepted them as well. Our plan has backfired once again." She stood up. "It is time for drastic measures. We will target the easy prey, their cubs. They are most protective of their young, and once we are in possession of at least one of them, they will gladly surrender that strong she-wolf that Erica spoke of in exchange."

Glycine gasped. "We have lost Ichirou? But he was your human servant! How could he be lost? And if so, won't he be protecting the cubs as well?"

"The lure of the werewolves must be stronger than I anticipated," Lobelia growled, extremely annoyed with the way things were going. "He will protect the cubs, yes, _if_ he is around at the time. However, a vampire still has a couple of advantages that no werewolf can guard against, including flight. If any cubs venture out into the yard, guarded or not, they can be carried off." She looked at the blonde vampire. "See to it, Glycine. Take Orihime with you if you wish - she may be able to cause a distraction. However, make no mistake - the two of you are NOT to come back empty-handed."

To be continued...

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