Exploring Colorado
Most of Western Colorado experienced volcanic activity millions of years ago.  Here is a view from the top.
For our first Colorado hike, Ryan and I joined another group and hiked the 1.5 mile Duncun Trail.  This steep hike with shale flooring leads you to the breathtaking canyons carved by the Gunnison River.
Our next trip was to the Grand Mesa.  The Grand Mesa is one of the largest flat-top mountains in the world.  This mesa is home to over 100 natural lakes.
We stopped to have lunch on the cliffs of Land O' Lakes.  Elevation is approximately 11,000 ft.
With the exception of mesquitos being the national bird, Grand Mesa was stunning.
On top of the Grand Mesa there are hiking trails and camp sites.  We hiked Crag Crest trail and experienced all walks of like, including a porcupine.  Unfortunately we were too mesmerized to take a picture.

We also stumbled upon a few waterfalls.
Both of these pictures of Tasha were taken on Crag Crest on June 16.  There were lush landscapes with wild daisies, and there were pine trees covered in snow.  All within a 100 yard radius.
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