
11/21/2005 6:06:45 PM
Thank you to everyone who came to see the NA of AMNA at the con! AMNA will be trying to appear the the MD con in Febuary, along with the release of 'Our Heaven'. Should the release date change, the notification of such will be posted here. Until then, Amna is going to be working her ass off to prepare. I'm going to keep you posted and offer up new art as much as possible. Na-"Oh! I've been waiting for this!" ^_^

11/16/2005 10:08:32 AM
Hi everybody!! I now have in my possetion an inker/colorist! That's right, full colored posters will adorn this page along with not one but 3 seires in comic and not so clasical book form. The web page will also be the recipient of regular updates (with a listing of locations and shows I shall be attending) and will recieve a nice revamping from it's own NEW Web Master.
ATTENTION: The Artist "NA" will be appearing at the ANIME USA CON this weekend, and will be located at a table in the ARTIST'S ALLEY. (Look for the blond in the red dress with penciels in her hair ^_^ )
'Na': This weekend I will be appearing at the Anime USA con, where full paged, COLORED fan art will be availible for bidding. I will also be at a table in the ARTIST'S AllY. Stop by and pick-up some black and white prints as well as a FREE panphlite promoting the our heaven story which is almost finished!! (with the help of my inker that should take little time for the books to becoming out FULL SEIRES completed and ready to buy!) The panphlet will include some art that isn't availible on this page yet, and black and white prints which you wont find anywhere else... even here! I will be accepting commissions from the table so please stop by and say 'hi'! If you refer to this web page you might get something nice as a bonus ^_^

Commision Me...?

I am accepting commisions at this time, if that ever changes, I'll just post that here and then, well, you'll know ^_^ I would prefer to draw my own characters, however, I would be willing to do some published characters. This will exclude all people who would like me to draw their OWN ORIGINAL CHARACTERS!! Either my own, or well recognized characters. This rule will not waiver for anyone, well, unless you're my friend and I know that I'm not going to sue you and you aren't going to sue me ^_^ Contact me at [email protected] and we'll set this up!

Copyrights & Credits

Okay, so all things on this page, all arts, all stories, all bla bla bla, are MINE and as I have no intention to share with anyone we are working with a 'hands off my stuff' policy right now. Things like fan art will be credited to their respective artist. The only other thing on here that I didn't make (besides the fan art) is this pretty pretty layout featuring Ayumi Hamasaki, one of my favorite J-POP singers. This was by Midnight Designs. If you would like to see there web page, just follow the link at the bottem of the page! ^_^

Layout By Midnight Designs

My Art/Manga

[Our Heaven]
[Fan Art]
[Yami no Kodomo]

[Fan Art]
[Other Art Works]

Odds & Ends




Layout By MD

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