Our Home
Last updated on 10/16/02
Welcome to our little page about our new home that we have decided to build.  It is small but it will be cozy.  It will only be Jean and Roger so it is not like we need a whole lot of room.  Pictures may be added on a weekly basis so check back if you are interested in watching the house grow.
Click the blue numbers to view the picture pages or the black numbers to view the diary pages.
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Closing Date
Click to go to Picture Page 1
Click to go to Picture Page 2
Click to view diary page 1
Click to veiw August diary page
Click to view September diary pages
Click to go to Picture Page 3
Click to go to Picture Page 4
Click to view October 1-16 diary pages
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Click to go to Picture Page 5
Front of house on October 11, 2002
Back of house
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